Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
What a windbag!
^ I j
Alasdaif McKay, art exchange student from Scotland pipes away in celebration c.f Intomatn >/ ai
Student Week McKay has been playing the bagpipes since he was 13
Weary hopefuls
have final debate
jASUO Executive candidates answer
questions about drug use and televi
sion viewing habits
By Dar.ilyn Trappe
■ it ■ - '
Although everything from 11 It >;.t I drug use In llif I«• l -
ise.ion .Imss Hn;ln\,n lo tlr.non t ume up-.il Tuesijay
night s 111'11.111* among ASt () 11ri- --1*ii■ m11.11 i .tuaia.i11•
must ul time was spent driving home points alreads
l-cir till’ (11I time ill llif ! 11fft■ ilfli.lies that h.ivt’ taken
11l,ii i' ix'lntf today s t'lft lions, all lour hi ki ts urn*
jirt'si'iil Uni llif ti'ilioiisness ul repeating platform
statements anti tin- grind ul campaigning ssas apparnnl
as nearly all ai let) a lul wears anil lest sparks lieu
( hr is I’liar is ami I Kina Id Morgan p r. tv■ tiled I lie i .mm
relief is usual 1‘liaris showed up iri a rnlte and
shower lap and tiles asked 1 lie must popular t|ues
turn ot the night
The i undulate to < anditlate i|uestluns i oultl only g<>
from one 111 kit to another and Morgan wanted to
know wlio had used illegal drugs 1 tall 1‘ulju oifered to
answer. h:.t Mmgan said lie ,dreads kness ss h.il l'ul|u s
answer Would lie so he pit kud Ituhhs l.ee and Karmen
l ore to answer
lore said she had taken something nine in her
younger sears hut didn’t knosv evaitls svhal it was
l.ee said he had smoked pot ont e while plavtllg basket
hall, ss hit ll seeinetl to impress I'tiaris
I've smoked put and plasetl h.iskethall. I’ll.ire.
said, hut never at the same time
I’haris and Morgan then asked I'ulju it In had ever
vs all hi d ///g'/ivs a V lit f/r.nrii I’ulju said he had
In"! to DEBATE P.uju fi
ASA president
says diversity
still a problem
j Immigration rules discour
age potential African stu
dents from studying here
By Mandy Baucum
Emerald Reporfor
mips 'ii'\g
Lifnngo VVtmdr,
>i Ph 11 student from
Cameroon, s.i\-. Ins
experience .it the
University fi.i> brim
.1 good oni: overall,
I)ii I tic docs set;
areas inai cuuiu neueui iroiu i naiige
Vetinde is president of the African
Student Assoi lalkm ami lias spent four
years as a graduate tear fling follow in
romance languages (Although he grew
up surrounded by 2.ri() native African
languages, hi- teac hes French because
Turn to AFRICA P.eje 4
Hidden ATM fees can blind side students
j Customers using another
bank's teller machines can
be charged anywhere from
50 cents to $1.50
By Lisa MiHegan
Emerald Associate Editor
When senior Megan Harnhard needs
money last, slit,1 sometimes uses In;r li
Lane-() automated teller card at the li
Hank mat lime in front of the KMU
Although she knows she will he
charged for using another hank s mu
chine, Harnhard was not sure until re
< ently if the fee was 7 5 of 75 cents
’I never really checked it out." she
Senior Tricia lanoru. who has an ar
c ount ,it key Hank, said she often uses
other banks' mac hines because cd the
convenience; Hut she was surprised
when sin* learned lh.it her Isink c barges
her SI everv time she does that
The two students are not alone Ai
though hanks arc' required tiy taw to in
form i iistomers ol iill i harges, hank
i ,inl foes blind sol'- mam 1 uiiversity
students tno .i . •<■ Ihrv don't take tin'
tune to ir.irn whiit tin' fees are
liven lower student* realize how
widely ATM Ices wiry from bank to
None of tin1 banks in this story
charges customers for using their
trunk's A I'M ( .iriis .it Ilnur bunk (til
though 1 Lani; O does charge u S I a
visit lii- for the (uni), flic similarities
between them onil then'
ATM costs range from as little as SO
cents per transaction to as much as
SI 50 for using out-of-slate ATMs with
a l S Bank i arii West One Hank
charges 50 runts per ATM use but lim
its monthly transaction fees to $2
l-'or example, even il a West One i us
turner used another out rif stale hank's
ATM ft) times, he or she would he
charged only SI! A OS Bank customer
would he ( hargeil S 1 r>
First Interstate will soon have the
highest AI M card fee ol any of the
hanks examined in this story Starling
Photo bf Sot
EMU teller machines are convenient, but
many students don't realize there are
lees tor using another bank '* ATM
June 1. the bank will (h.ir^r i ustoilii is
SI 50 per tr.ms.K nun made at any other
turn to CARO. Page 3
A trip up to Dead Moun
tain may be easier than
the 2,100 feet of climb
ing might suggest
See DEAD, Page 7
The University Foundation, an indepen
dent fund-raising organization, is drawing
criticism for having a luncheon at a Port
land club known for its exclusive policies
See CLUB, Page 5
The Crash Test Dum
mies of Canada will
play tonight at the
Downtown Mall
See DUMMIES, Page 12