Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Ducks take their time in softball sweep of Clan
By Jayson Jacoby
It '■ •• live ! • ■ ,n
Hiivv' ! inn had fong-snur mi
but thr OfrgiHi soap,ill tram t
nails ( nnipH>lt!(i a n iti *m,!r
... 1 IlipS
Oregon .senior shortstop Kin;
Manning's tw i nut tdo ip'single
it if .. ml tin- I lottom
of the ninth ,lining si I.vnn
is ini ini.in at. : ind th, .ks n.
<i I-2 g.mieJvso win
Kin in* 1 ii* Tavior threw i iis r
hitler far iif! filth shutout (if
the season to lead-Oregon to a
2 0 win in live first game
rive i)ui ks improved their
overall rt’i ord to SM 2i i n in
tin1 i’.H lili Hi ( ,Ul(iTi'lill’ ’’lit'
(Jan dropped to In, 12
Oregon head < o.u ii i a in i
Brow n was reliesed .to’get tl.iv*
two vs ins over Simon I r iser an
N A 1 A si. Ii ii ill I o (. a t r d 111
nnrnabv. British ( olumtiia
(Simon Kraser) plavcd up ':•<
nii r lev i■ i Brown su id f
though! vvi■ played pretts i <m
sistent \\ ■ held our heads pret
tv vs ■ ■ ii .irul p. iveii pretr. ---
ThovTr a good N.MA team
! hev're .i vurv soli t Ituin
Oregon jumped >»n the (dun
right uWliV IIS till' Ills! game
Manning led c>!l vs ith .■ d ,i
.single to left and promptly stub
second base
N!, 11: i a Mil . i.. vs h • hr v
a boor m her left h.rnd 111 tilt
firs! piinn ol the Ifni ks doublr
header Sunday against 1(1. N
followed with an infield sin
g!,\ arid Manning m • -e■ -ii a
Simon Fraser error
The (.lull loaded the buses
with just one out in the fourth
before Taylor retired Jennifer
(Irrgg and I e dev Mi I'hers. • :
end the threat
fvjur? SaM
Oregon shortstop Kim Manning waits lor trie throw as a Simon f razor runner slides solely during the
Ducks doubleheader sweep Monday
In!.' u .is si: ■ r if.; in !!:• 11;: :;
three innings, allowing n.i Inis
inti *•: *. I !wii (sis. run:. (): ■
gun rah her ! r.u ev S sinmns
added st >inc ununin: . n '!
bottom i I llie \u ■■..■nils
!o Sill’ fig!:! enter th-id lent e
that sen red I n ra S-: h rn h! I '
si'-: : i . ' > 1 .s
V i\ i 1
(of Oregon in the !i:‘( game
with line run .red
Simon Iraser pounced on Or
egon piit her Amv (lodwin in
the firs: inning of tin- second
cans' and !■.-•>. a ... > ■ : !
on Julie Harries Kill singe
The Ducks tied tin st ore
\s lilt a run in the fourth on ten
ruler Piper s tw;i on: 'Si do ,
hie tint Simon i-raser respond
ed with i run ot its ow : m tin
} rvia
Niiln h.i Dunn.
,11 I'd
.• and
hr . - I • <\v \ had
, \!r., k nnaman Lad n d
:: « ■,% ilk : I.i-v ih,; •••
cmd Dll a Wild |nl( I: AftiT Host1
linhriiiiio was vx ,iSk• • <i intention
ally to set up (hr ion c al third
ha 1 ,' a' v ! :,
out and i ’all V I’y i<-, few ml I In
Hklii fit id
Mam; a; ttlia had hit 111'
' . ‘ ' I S K\ i ! -
Ii I ani ha t |,;i • • i: d hi Ion
1 i. ■ U !«’ (I
.! ' . : ■ .! ' • ’ v\ -' : i ill*
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Iju! ! km a
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m »: i;; i •.i ! I>uug h'
iiti! i ‘ j . j: lull luiiov. *ifnl it's
pri’llv mm; IP. r .i 11111 I \.ss
If.upp’i !*■»! in ii»l hrl • ‘ill
shr <1 U .*ii dm .n>: lh tuiil .is.
,\\\ Brown s.nd Sh»- i I *
•> , j . Pal ! ;• m * I i». 111 * * f wli.il
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^ paper. ^
HKSA Support Lee and Fore
Dear Students,
As an international student organization under ASl O,
Hong Kong Student Association would iilse to give our sup
port to Bobby Lee and Karmen lore in tlieir ASl O presi
dency election campaign. We believe tlieir concerns ot edit
ration, safety, multiculturalism and, ASl O restructuriration
will help UO students in obtaining a quality education at
minimal cost. Bobby and K.innen are currently ASl O
Affirmative Action l oordinator and Student l niversitv
Relations C ouncil President, lives are familiar with ASl O
structure and have experience in organizing student uctivi
ties. We believe they arc the most suitable candidates for
the ASI’O president and vise president positions
1 long Kong Student As so*. i.ition
11 m
Korean & Japanese Special*
Si w>
S'i oii Si i<j
S* sxj
* l liiclani C urry
IVittUun (C IticUrit. IktI
# Su»hi lr*> (Sumlwy niilv).
I 1 miia J'lundnj Sjk-cimI I Snncr
tray will, HHfe) kill) St v\»
t .1 pint 4 XS V2
Korran & Jipancar Rctliartnt t.. J..
l *m}>ua
Oscar the Freshman
Neal Skorpen
Weasel’s World
Kraig Norris
I M< ’ 8Ui<*. "H
: -itfi »
HLCU* * Cl*: 1 ■
s»:l vir -• •
V>1 £ *•*£' ^
V.' C*
.>.v. .
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nfcAt r.,DC«ffj OlMSELVE . '
j> am 'ra.'«:
Hi. I'M 0*0. LiOfUMR.
»HL Mi 15 K" HJNW'.'. I
majl.m* neas!