STREETWISE QUESTION: What do you do to help the environment? ’I don't drive at all That's about all I do The knowledge (of how to help the environment) is out there, but I don't think a lot ot it is implemented " -Joshua Ksho« junior. English/chemistry “Our household recycles We reuse a lot of items that are reusable I ride my bike, so I don't contribute to air polution I think there's an awareness, which contributes to people doing something about it " -Elizabeth Novak senior, English "I recycle aluminum bottles cans and paper I take paper to the EMU to recycle it there There are a lot of receptacles around town which kind of encourages it " -Sara Hirschfald freshman, undeclared 'I'm a wo rk - study student at the Out door Pro gram I try to recycle as much as possible and buy things with less packaging I think a tot of the environmen tal consciousness is perhaps overrated " -David Smith f re sir man, pro-journalism 'I don t do a whole lot I usually cirive a little less than I can I like to recycle a little witti cans and stuff like that tt seems like a kit of things are going on lately that are earth conscious ’ -David Crofut junior, pre-business "I fin yt !«• I use rex yded paper I i Jon! let the water run while I brush my teeth It S just Wlthui ttie I.ISt two or three ye,ns I ve noticed more pet 'pie becom ing uw.ire of the pr- >t>lem with the envin >nment —Shalom Ruth senior anthropology ASUO EXECUTIVE RA Dan Pulju By Daralyn Trappe Emofatd Associate f. ditor I).m Pulju. candidate lor AM O president. has Iwu main goals d elected implement .1 pto posed ballot measure would eliminate stu dent incidental fees and restructure the role ol president so it is primarily an administrative po sition The post h.H 1 alaureate philos. •• i;or de st rihes hunselt is an aiuri hist vs t repelled by government " He said that once 11. oIRte. he would 1 arry out his plans and then ■ .,;n Ptlijll said he is not running with .1 vice presi dential candidate Ikm ause he file-! 1st before the deadline and del ui : have tins* ti n-l a running male Pulju said he would appoint eie-one OIK e in office Pulju has not attended either o! tin- tvso AStJO candidate dehates 1 DUS'- .iron l mo {H‘Oj)!r i v. Hi! It'.nii, n* villi i»i l!n- nrM debate, sponsor-d i)\ the greek system I hete s no v\.iy Ini mi ’ hange tin ir nil',is Ui'iiiiti-s ,irt- attended In p- j '' ;!• with tin- ASt O Thf candidate said he believes ,i voluntary fee system, r.ither the current Slot mandatory tee, is the only i.iir w,iv Id run tiling-- .uni would help keep penple 111 school w ho i annul illloti! tie tuition tncre.ises Students will vote on the ballot measure. propused by student I re '. H.ip’ii m-xt week during the general eieetiuns l’utju agrees with Hagen's assessment lie l.Mt could possihlv privatize and he self sup porting and that student groups could fund raise more and accept voluntary fees All those people who dropped out this ve .i, the fad that they are gone is blamed on Measure 5, l’ulju said "You liel they would be buck if they had an extra Slot) a term I’ulju also wants to remove some of the power Dan Pulju I (it V>1 ( ! |lt : !• t.u I'll!' IV,tv i! IS I w Sill' pnrstcien! is the rei ug lll/tii Illicit! ci! ill; !>!'.: titltlv. ill s, 111 I U r i 11 ’ : ■ 1 !. I i:.1 is! to to tie the \Si () president !*ul|ii s.nii [lit .lust- Hf> * 11 ■ c i till til tin ist ■ pr. iple tit in l voti', that’s not tf.iili representing fvcrvimt I’ulju s.nd Tin tint ,Mi11h alt ng dlsbund mg i(n• ,\s 1'() ! just to render tin- government hint hulls im potent In Pulju's new .ind improved ASl.'O. the presi lien! would .iilininisti'r the student programs I don't to run the A SI <) i’uiju s.nd I to go mti1 i dfit.e w dll Hagen . m• .i . irt .nic) III.ike S.ile it iji'ts 1! 11 j I! c mented 1 . 'of.- tiling c .in lie done over till- summer in s.nd Al ter thill V lee system is m pl.U e. then ; resign ' |Jlll;.i s slit I ess : .is [Ul-Sldellt .,d i'. p !(■■ powers tie 1 i W t . . .dll 1 ■ ■ ► i d It,'ll not mi my ug■ i : . yet I'm not trying to sc rew tilings up. I’ulju s.nd "1 just to get it set uji mini' dtutely, then leave PHARIS Continued from Page 4 to the Pentagon itself," Morgan, "wo could rtrslructure the entire campus so that every summer we would 1)*) able to give students and professors plane tickets that would be free of charge and send them any where in the world they want to go to." As for their staff. Pharis said they plan to "hire ail our friends; turn i! .ill around I lu up side of that is that it basic a I ly hapjirtis with every minimis tration. That's vshy you havr tins sort of inbred political system, where students within govern ment aren't really speaking tor the student body." Phans said ii\ doing that ourselves, lull transferring it to the actual stu dent level, we ll begin the pro cess of running student govern ment from the perspective ol students." I ih.tlly I'ti.iris ,uui Morgan said although iluv don't think lobbying for tux reform or r> placement ri'Viinur will ifo much good , thcv is ouId b< willing to spend .1 little time with (lev Roberts "I like to travel, so 1 could go up to Salem and h.ittg out vs ith Barbara Roberts," I'll.iris s.ud "We could go out lor drinks or something I don't know any of the bars in Salem, but she prob «niv km»w» nil t|u> hnt spots " MEN'S ONLY HAIRCUTS Sc V* M.i ' *« •y v -I ▼ M V’Wr'H '* M sa* ♦. J DUCK TRILS SALON U»> • My { MU Hoc ( «r<«f j TOP - ADAPFMY AWARD WINN HR! wvuiiu- KAVE IVfM-nts: I tie silence o( Ihe lambs : I . limn. Yt •.. W mv. I'» . W.aI , 4S Sun J 00, ♦ 1 S. Cv SO A , \ ■ . . A - ■*. \ ■ • » • . . M .... • . , t ‘«*»> < S -t. * »' f» C f t > . rI ti llw McKtfnae Theatre O 10 SHm Sc. 7 ♦; hvcw TUESDAY s p A G H E T T I W'i ■ ALL YOU CAN EAT EVERY TUES! inriuctes CkUt* Bnvtd 11 30 am 10 pm pizza V£T£-£ ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette 484 09% I Foot long Sub V • FREE DELIVERY • SUBSHOP' 1225 ALDER 345-2434 -I I I J Engine Service KXX) S Kfrtrls. li K.l *s . | ugfitf ( >U *>7402 ( >ii .■ t» I < > t Is north ol \\ 11 III • Sol .in I ml I'l.i/ a Specializing in German Autos for 34 Years * Mercedes • [)MW • Volkswaqen * 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts -I Minor Tune-up | $19.95! I l Mag c _I I-1 | Major Tune-up | I $39.95! I ! (Mo) I I_I 1340 Willamette 687-0288 H---- - -- FREE TOPPING WITH k LARGE r *• cup YOGURT J N' >« **! wnli 1 . flrt» I xpiffi 4 30 ** 2 I I “TCBV” : I fit Lounlry\ Kiyji//*» MU Wf»t 11 tK M.iikft|)Ln r Writ ^ l.'Vri Hanklm IMvii. itnitklu)