Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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    X (’ovum VIM ltuk\kl VS'I £
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/. \prr\\o <( htstnn
omi-lkiti-s m .501
A / hlotk mfil 0/ rd«fm *•*
This Week's
Luncheon Specials
Baung Baung (hit ken Noodles
( hicken, Vrflrtabln and Peanu! Saute
Rne vs/ Terryaki Chicken
$3.65 '
13th • Upstairs, Next to
r> our dinner',, too'
UO Bookstore ■
New and l sed Cameras
Photo Supplies
llu\ • Si*ll • Trade
France Photo
1350 Willamette • 343-2816
Steve Hargin
Sieve Margin. < andidate fur .1
two year Incidental I Com
miller position Is 1 sophomore
pre-journalism major
< )I)f 1)( yo!, I.ivur .K ross
the-hoard t uts .is .1 inr.ms of
ki rping fi es low . and if so.
how much’
Margin: ! don 1 i.ivur :.u ross
the hoard 1 uts l» 1 aii'.e I think
there, are some groups tft.it are
more important than others,
hut ill the same tittle if anyone
hem-fits Inin a group. I think
its amp! it taril that thev ret five
funding I think • rt !. group s
budget shoald refill t the per
1 en:age of 1 merest cif the stu
deni body
01)1 I tow ..would v a ensurt
that every group gets a fair
fa .ring and a fair budget'
Margin I ! ■ re *'■ ■ ild t«- morr
involvement before itie tiearing
h- : .V ■ -eh the list atul the group
that are ret eiving funding i
think tin!I t should go Ijiti! :!
more 'prepared for e«u h tiearing
so that they run mote 1 Hu lent
01)1 Do you ! it lie Vi it's :;
propriatu to hold current group
directors accountable for mis
management by former direr
Margin No. nut hv turmnr di
rci ! urs ! don't think vou
should have trj pay the last di
rer tore inist.iio anii hopefully
m i uopiT.i!ion with the II C
you r an set it up so it s .dl<M at:
cd more fairly this time
()l)l \\ : \ i : i in ia\ r
oi l lilting large budgets to com
pensate fur increasing or main
taining tin- budgets of smaller
Margin think y a have to
taki e,e n group mdn id nail v I
don : i. s; to generalize with ..i
blanket statement I think
Safende js very important and I
think ,1 sh hi id .hr m reused
mi' i ill and the same wiMi
. I . ! i ar; 1 think the stud •n:
puhi it.at ions are also very mi
porta!!! ;
It s hard to cut something
,v l! . .! feeling that someole s
going to sutfer from it because
everyone benefits from a group
ODK win should students
vull' lor sou '
Margin: I think ins inexpe:;
nit e is ,i benefit because there
are no limitations on ms ideas
I lion ! have something already
slopping me from altempting to
set something up ■ I'm going at
it svilh fresh ideas
I se seen the lid! and it seems
s'i" v inefficient the svav it's run
vs I also think that there's a
ss .. sve could make the [All
: ae sell supporting
11 ■■ , -
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V\V, < * i*i H-. •• A
S>>n <!.»■] ■) H-ti 4 I iluiiifili • cop* Ivour ■*
Ur V. . : et ! a* ••
. % I ' l rt M ' t C 4' ' « •
Ml Ml \\M> -
fcjM irtji hfMlt£t<*r» ■ lm»i «
kr«»rn t
Inluftmlwn^l \% i-k I tint I • «11> «•! «
»: ? lO»n Room t so t -f
\ S I II P f r * tcf rn 11 * I
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A* Intr i iul 11 >it * I Muil tr*
' ! .|J f .it’- J>f ».«t t'tiiitv « \
(.(UtJujIf I Ulullllli V*l
( j" * i 1 unn ir»n an«.i 1’I a
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I'ufUamJ Hubin St hliuiv
<)p«n Sign I |» f • • »
Ar 4 :u I . *
\IM\ *
todmy ft t'lt' W .» m <5 *
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Go «t> Km Mr
th* i M
ii'iumr v* tiling v*oik*huj)
»UWlll< III* (III M»1
. .. • : 4i.
- . r ujhmtUa.fi hi Al\ l > ihv
. hMt Sun*.' *00 i% faK>n
i*>»• ; «» ■ /nihi/< a<im hi A!\ run ihr
jj* v • . • t tn/cM the vn*nf Ji** s
\ fi( |!» . »f » Mk / h I ! • til '
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i f'wnt* jmi vf- u /»*>tiuitni n*\in‘%:
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?7»«* : •• ‘i ifiprw’* r*s# i‘Pi hi t i fir.
ntrtit r\ fat ft!mat nn1 stylf
Continued from Page 5
vote* for you '
Suarez Ilii ansi I will led
very I Kid about spending their
miim v 1 ri .iiI v think that it
should In ran- that people
would Ik Ion ed to give mono)
to someone else
Them's a lot ol argument
aland how Hi1 need to support
various groups and the problem
is they think urn need to give
money in order to have a lot ol
student groups
There .ire a lot ol groups
around that get no money and
yet provide a lot ol service for
their members, and when they
want money they draw upon
their members or they have
some sort of fundraising activi
ty' It's hard for me to see why a
lot of these groups require the
funding they do, or why stu
dents should be forced to pay
1122 ALDER
VIS IA Volunteers share the
yision ot ,i better ti'niurrinv by
making a contribution in the
community today. Brighter
f utures take stupe when VIS IA
\dlunteers mobilize and de\ elop
community resource's ti' address
tin* many t.u es ot poy erty
After your college career is
completed VIS IA otters you the
opportunity to put your educa
tion to y\ork in realistic settings
VIS IA Volunteers learn lite skills
skills only a year ot unique
VISTA experience can pruy ide
VISTA Volunteers are
stant e abuse
in addition to acquiring valu
able and rewarding experience,
VISTA Volunteers ma\ receive
determent or partial cancellation
of certain student loans VISTA
Volunteers receive a living
allowance based on the econom
ic level ot the communities thev
sen. e
As vou liH'k toward gradua
tion, consider becoming a VISTA
Volunteer. VISTA otters you the
opportunity to shape a com
munity and share a vision of a
better tomorrow
assent'd to project sponsors
which ma\ tv private or public
ni'ii protit organizations Volunteer acti\i
ties mav include, hut art- not limited to,
organizing fix'd distribution efforts, creat
ing networks to support literacy projects,
or designing programs to combat sub
Meet \ 1STA recruiter Simon
Conner on April 21 and 22 at the
Campus Center from 9:00-4:00 pm.
Information sessions will be held on April
21 and 22 in the Campus Center from 7:00
8:30 pm If you are unable to attend, please
Call 206-553-4975 or 1 -800-424-8867.
Volunteer* in Serve* to Amerce
_ ,VISTA) is pert ot ACTION, ttie Federal Domestic
Volunteer Agency, Wash ngtor, D C ?05C5