FOREIGN STUDENTS: Don’t go back home until you read this ad. Wb*r\ you room b*c> Jo you* horn® country ChanciM ar® yOull naed appUane®® that *orfc or ??0 vofi rj0 cyci® currant A/xJ >f you want to g®< fh® boat quality th® b®*J *®*®ct>on and th® twfti pnc® tr*m you *ho*id buy th*rn rw^ht h®f® r\ th® US at An*. Export Company W® hav® ®»®*y1*>,rM3 you li rt#®d >nclud*ng r®tr»y®/Atofs *aihiKS dry®fl TVr». V .Ms *.t®r®oc. m*crowiv®» and a fufl l«r»® g< smaii appt»ar>c®?» d*f®«ct from k*acjmg manufactur®*** I*® G i Aman® Maytag Sony Akai San&ui Sharp. Am a Hoov®f I’MtJ* Hlachi arrj more Aho avatabto U0?20 vo* rrnib system TV's VCRs a/*J stereos that can be used m ttn# U S and overseas This is idea) lor those cW you who will N» here lot a short lm arvd raid something if«t you can use tnw« and he aMe to take home wfh you when you re ready to iea.'e We Carry a Full Line of Transformers Crating and Shipping Services Worldwide ARIS EXPORT CO., INC. 1501 Vermont Street (At Army) SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94107 (415) 550-8605 ASUO EXECUTIVE RACE Chris Pharis Donald Morgan By Dara1 yrs Trapp*.* f rf-tr'a n Ar.v. 1' l i i : • - (hris Phan's and Donald Mi in;,m, ■ In: AS! () pi' mOi ni .1 nd viif pros idun t. s.iy linn imturi ,t tin- r.u r to m.iki ,i runmni; t .mmcnl.irv on tin- stall ol studonl govern merit. t>iit tinswouldn't bo dis appointor! if linn v. nil \V, ri no! in it to win Morgan said Wi want to rotsi tho .miminl of poliliial ,iw,in m ss in the: studont U/d\ 1‘ Si a r is s,i id U i' 'n not against winning hut wo foul is inning is not vu tors Vu Donald Morgan and Chris Phans !.»r> 11>r us is raising uvjn nr" bringing our message to the people bn vs hut ex.u tly is iiirv sage' Remember i’haris .in.i M ,ire the candidates who vs,nit to ( Hunter the effet ts i.f V, i- ire r> hv building .1 roll er . ■ -aster in Willamette Mall .1 ■_ ! ! 1,1 rging .1 Mx’ditvrranean Tour • (-*■: 11, . ■''nif jr(« ^ :r* r * * T jCt/(Z.O -K> J :•»*.»• .. .-. «“J '•»♦ ■■ .My 28 •* »u 3 >9V2 ".Cull 343 781V1 cx 3J2 4617. * Weekend Special s48.00 250 FREE MILES Friday afternoon to Monday Morning A-WAV RENT A CAR 683-0874 110 W. 6th (By the Hult Center) Some Restrictions • »ir H *•»«»*' '! 1 M»nr I M,* ■* I H V.V « S^iJI f*.i C • ■5*^ f*-’ GO AHEADt MAKE YOUR DAY. \**w Hi** Far Suit* .i> f > .ir as \t *ur {mts trial roinputt'r Tli n v nclit V>u \m.: a! a. • ::■ * . . ■ ,r % r.-fi and vi\ * a .la; .>f liclUlTitia Mfaa!!.’. frnii lhr nurd ■>( i ian l.arvi* \\!....* i.iurt* at it ■ at. *: .. ii.av *. iru ami prn ’ ■ d \* -.r • M, T □ □ T3 □ 4ti m lu'il ,;>•1, " > •!.r> t i • wi - ?. month "r the whole sear \tm i an pa..' :i re. s.rr n-.; e'.e! N . ! I SSe*'k!\ k .S’ . ,v. . •! rii\ kni' Set auilio aiarrto to keep fro!!! ! •’ . tl \e,i r! i 'si'sfe .! jiiena.ij er.e •>! animated«har.i. vm that make ratuio'' appeura: nni! sour screen S’ ss: .it do s.'S,:! •*.>• iiass !n>n: isuss svhei _s<>t; ra' "! .. artoitiis ’ >:!’' v ius' Me i refs:: and C* ' reads to LiUi’h and '.Tati h. s ss as thr ’.Sit a' (her sear amaze* it* t Mat po S Wmdo** - >'■; »"'■. - ••■. 4 l 4 *4 i TV K.»r .''id*-1 -iiiiputi-r r.iif! >Li! •> .i. i .!1 .•• U Hi. !’ ' w,i.' .i: : • rV. 7w : i,' ' .■ f s' V*