Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page i
was difficult lu get Muni' stores to take their v.n
lure seriously Kvenlually. they did got stores to
carry their product and they started producing
■the most exciting thing .it first was getting the
labels for the business." Cludici said it made
the thing real
Kims. ZZ. said neither of them knew a lot alxiiut
business but since her parents were self em
ployed she knew it could be done
Slowly but siirelv. business pii ked up They
sold Si? worth of ravioli if’.e firstWeek Last
week, the business grossed S tt)()
"The only people buying were people who
knew us." (dudit i said idle more exposure we
get, though, the more credibility "
The couple works together, with film's .concen
trating on tlm filling and (>iudi< '■> mastering 11n•
We pul on the music, anything trom classical
lo head-hanging." lie said The most important
part ts getting !h.f dough and the flour .*1! over our
bodies and just getting into it
i;,i. 1) ivivk thev make about HO pounds of till
ing that contains fresh spinach, garlu tofu, mus
tard and cheese They sell froth a spur ami mild
ravioli and make a red sauce that is sold in re
turnable jars
rite two dlY their.'Work t> V hit Vile be. a..se It s
cheaper. sfie said, and hotter for the environment
idler travel. SO to too miles a week on tlleir work
hikes carrvmg up to .100 pounds during their
store deliveries
Ihev also make weekly deliveries to the Am i
/on Housing < omplex
Pints said sortie of tile fronuses of owning a
business IS greater flexibility and knowing site is
tiomg a positive thing environmentally
I he wav we ye chosen to do this, we ve used
'organic ingredients .that tire really ipiahlv minded
with a low impa. ! oil the environment she said
It makes me more satisfied with doing bii.se
Continued from Page i ;
'\V«■ decided it would iic
against our bust interests lo i ar
r\ nnv magazine or periodic al
that bases its readership on the
distinction of sexual orienta
tion," said Kandy Bright, man
ager of the Beanery 152 W
f ifth Aye
Bright said the decision at
feels all group-oriented periodl
cals The Beanery will continue
to carry periodic als that t ater to
broad interests Midi as the
Xurthiii’si ( (imil News and
W'hutX Hafiponinf! ■
I'-fcjunto ii to equal ojiporni
nitv laws, Bright said \V>■
will mil ‘list rirnmate on tin- he
sis nl raie, sex. ige. color air
sexual orientation
Bright said the decision IS It
Queer Nation member )immv
lixher said the group is "lean
mg toward a boycott" of the
It just diiesri t seem like they
w.inl nur buslhesv fir said
Altu.hn |lros:''butitti«i'lhe Lav
**/:.In \i 'u. :» Imui ;!■. sttlrev
his! (H (ober ,ir».id i ustomer
eoniphimts iihmit the m.i^.i
.in ■ i ■ nit n! \t.’st -I J't'ii- ■ . mi
plaints i uni rriifi) ilir phone
m'\ ,id\ ert i .ivmi'nls ,ipp. .irmn
m !tlr publication
The agreement real fieri April
1 111 bright .itnl llsher would
have resumed distribution ul
the muga/ine with .1 printed
(list: I in mer about Its potenli ullv
Ollensive t nnteilt
Students for Diversity, Access
and Renewal in Education
An Agenda for Progressive Student I mpowerment
ASUO President/Vice-President
Bobby Karmen
IFC-Incidental Fee Committee on.-v.u mu t,>u,
lose Balderas• Barbara Rogers •( McNicholas *1 frem Mehretab• Teresa Naillon
IFC Twov.„ EMU Board_ ASPAC
Steve Masat'Zoe Pargot "Sue Dockstader* Alberto I ena* Kyan Deckert
Student Senate
Brian Hoop-Troy Shields* 1.isa Albrich• Sheli/a \1itha*Dick I
S«t2. AAA/|o«.m*lum S«l J, AAMournaliun S.jI 1 »lt*« s«i ». !m* Artv I nir,. s«i 7.1 A
Paid for by Students
for Diversity Access
and Renewal in
Diana Collins-Patricia Davcio* Matt Hasek •JoTrigilio
Sen « Six Sti/ScimcM S»ll 1, Soc S<liS»irm« S»j| 10, Sor Sri/Sttcncw Sot 17.(.wluinl
VOTE • Apr.22-23 • Apr.29-30 • V OTE
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High drama at the Arthropod Trade center