Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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None of the above
for ASUO Executive
Voters, grown apathetic to a process they feel is
corrupt and inadequate, are streaming away from the
polls in droves. The trend is at every political level —
municipal, county, state and federal, und yes, even
here at the University.
ASUO elections have traditionally poor turnouts.
Part of the reason is demographics. The tfl-25 age
group (encompassing most University students) is no
torious for not voting. Hut also, there is a growing sense
among students that the ASUO doesn't do anything,
and moreover, doesn't care.
Is that completely fair? No. but there is some truth
to it. The Emerald endorsement board was looking for
an ASUO Executive that could clearly state goals and
come up with concrete ways to tight student apathy.
The Don King/Holly Ferguson ticket didn't Nci
ther did Bobby Lee/Karmen Fore. Chris Pluiris and
Donald Morgan are just too weird. A fourth candidate.
Dan Pulju. did not attend the Emerald's endorsement
hearing. So for the 1992-9.1 ASUO executive race, the
Emerald endorses none of the above.
It wasn’t that the three tickets were completely
without merit Quite the contrary, the endorsement
panel was impressed with aspects of all the platforms,
hut when the final tails s\us c ailed, it wasn't enough.
Starting vsith king/IVrgusori. the /-.mera/d was en
couraged by the ticket's experience and past dedie ation
to University programs, but it was felt that King is just
too confrontational for the |oh The general tone of
their platform was sound, but few worthy specifics
were offered The two prided themselves on being
"outside" the ASIJO. but didn't adequately show a
know ledge for w hat the job entailed.
As fur l ee/Tore, the opposite was the r ase Both
have longtime student government experience, but the
i.'mrr.iltl was unimpressed with their ideas on how to
generate enthusiasm To be blunt, the Lee/fore ticket is
an old gift wrapped in different packaging Much was
said about "building bridges” between various groups,
the University administration and the ASUO fixer u
live, but again, there were few i oik rele ideas
I’haris/Morgan showed up to tiieir endorsement
hearing with a slightly neurotic: security agent, com
plete vsith a cheap oft the rac k suit and a Walkman
headphone stuck in one ear. While humorous,
I’ll,iris Morgan don't seem to have the commitment and
hat k ground to do the' ASUO fixer utive justice' If owes
er. tlu' tic ket did have an interesting idea for bringing
student politic s bar k down to a "human level," and
gave an ac curate appraisal of student voting patterns.
All ot the- tic kets bad good points, and any of the
three would probably do an adequate job in Suite 1
But the /.rncra/d saw little to gel exc ited about, and so.
there is no endorsement
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v5°f^W6 A^T Voter page
Fo°l AP°o^dP
Hom.iv 111r Don King unci
Holly I erguson' I'inully o poli
tical I iinillil.li V hits linin' some
thing .ilnnit skvrot keling slu
dent Ices instc.nl of just serving
up politic.il lip scrvii c
To the people who have writ
ten into the (HU., apparently
Without rt'se.iri lung tile issue
the initliilive will not devastate
Saferide or ( hild (are
The initiative is aimed at
wasteful spending h\ Its sup
ported organi/ations sin h as
the athletic department and the
l Mi Other wasteful spending
will also he sought out and ad
student organizations cannot
expei ! to live entirely oil of stu
dent fees It s about time they
lagan to raise some ol their
own funds King and I erguson
plan to assist groups in every
way possible to find alternative
Ihe bottom line Is that stu
dents are nr d just as tax pay
its are tired, of carrying the
system on their I a ks
I tn S id per student s a v I'd bv
the i ills m.iv mil sound like .1
whole lot In He it it > \ Lit ,imi Ills
followers but ! i iiulii suru um‘
ll It might lust HU .in .'Hi- test
bonk, nr imr (rip In the grin er\
store It's hard < innij^il lu make
ends meet .is 1! is (.very little
tilt helps
Stuiirnl pohtii Ians have Iiitii
promising lu lower has shut 1
lust came In tins (urnpu.s. but
king und l-'ergus. ui have biiiilly
taken .it:11011 1'hiit's exactly
vs li.it VVI' run'I I 111 student y»t)S
eminent less talk imirt' action
Chris Ribelro
Not a cut
1 reientlv had tin' opporturvi
tv In review ttie li t s distribu
tion of (units to 1 hr studrnt"
groups liert* on campus As 1
looked over tbe list id student
groups, ! realized lti.it reducing
student tees can hurt some very
usetti 1 and important groups
and organizations Looking fur
tlier I found that there are in
l.n ! some questionable uses ol
our monev ti\ other no! so im
portant groups
Uo you know w ho these
groups are and what they do
with your money’ I suggest to
all students that they locate and
review tin’ III' budget Book to
see who docs net your money
.uni vv h.it ihrv ifn with i!
You would be very surprised,
i veil shot ked I even hlld a
hard lime figuring out just what
some of the groups at tuallv do
Supporting King and Fergu
son's proposal to lower inci
dental fees does not have to be
i orisulered a ( ul in the funding
to the groups that are impor
tant A retiut lion in fees, along
with a reasonable re allot .ition
of lit funds, would benefit
both students and student
It only takes a few minutes to
rev lew tin information at the
\SI ;'(> and the lit I offlc es need
ed to base your yottng dm
Minis Let's not he hasty in
making sueh important thoiies
W ithout the net ess.if y mfonil.l
lion Don't vote blindly
Vote with tails and informa
tion I'm sure the !!•'(,' will he
happy to answer any questions
you have I know King and l-'er
guson are willing and able to
lio so as welI jlist ask
David Vanderiip
William 1‘eubody [01)1.. April
H) gives us a purled example
ol tin t.u lics t ii.it we wish to
rui student government of His
( laim that 1 said ! will stall the
AS1 () Kxecutive entirely w ith
greeks IS not true
i have never spoken to i’ea
bodv. nor have 1 ever told anv
Olie that being a greek would tie
a prerequisite to Itemg a mem
ber of mi administration. What
I have done is simply entour
age the greeks to actively pur
sue involvement in their gov
ernment, whether that involve
ment lie through elected, vol
unteer or appointed positions
We did tills in the hopes of
convincing not only the greeks,
but all students, that honest
student government conies
only from active student in
I must admit that the flyer
has had the desired effect
Whether greek members of the
ASI C), or greek members who
.ire fed up with the ASIJO, the
flyer has stirred emotion and
interest in what was becoming
just another political election
It has caused the greeks to
stand up and ask questions
both about the wav they have
been treated by the current
ASl'O as well as how a [titlin'
ASl () promises to treat them
It has given them reason to
get involved and realize that as
students, the power to bring
better government to the ASl ()
is onlv their vote nw.iv
Quite simply, it has given
them reason to vote, and we
don't apologize lor this As a
matter of lad, we milt wish we
could be so lor kv with ever\
student on this t amptis
Don King
ASUO Executive candidate
The incidental Ifwas ere
at*f«i by students In fund pro
grams deemed benefit :ial to the
campus community This en
sured ,i student voice in the en
hani omen! of ac ademii life
This year, there are two hal
lot measures aimed to silent e
tfiat voice One is Don King's
mandatory It) pen out dot reuse
ill the incidental fee, and the
other would eliminate the fee
These ballot measures mhei
enllv tnlrmge on the nglits ol
students The incidental fee is
the only means of students con
trolling the variety and diversi
ty of the educational experi
Itv limiting that right we are
only limiting ourselves !
wholeheartedly support a re
duction. or at least a stabiliza
tion, of student costs Inflated
student costs are not found in
the incidental fee, but rather
rest in the surcharges increas
ing tuition due to Measure f>
That's where we, as students,
should he focusing our atten
tion The effort to control stu
dent costs is admirable, but the
overt restriction of student
groups and student services is
Dorak Top
OSPIRG state board chairman
The story about the Knight
Library expansion on page
one of Monday’s Emerald.
should have stated that the
LdNet Distance Learning
studio will he about 1,300
square feet when completed
The Emerald regrets this