Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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    Evening Master's Degree
(family MtxtlB, psychotherapy, pr«mal simile** biblical studies brief
family therapy and system*, appnsit h t»> i« urv»eliny„ thnn al i »|x rwiHi*)
fir,lining of leaders for effectin' evangelism and dynamic t hur. li
development, using five latest n-souri i-s .iru] proven methods)
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Continued from Page 1
The lishrrfs in vit kni-w Ihes
wore living on wetlands Their
Kind Is extrenndv dr\ Wills
must l>e dug deep i<> find urn
water. .irid irrigation is impossi
According to a 1‘IH? Lane
(lounril. of (Jovi rnmcnts sur
vi s tile 1 ushers (ivcr on tils
lurix-d wetlands .in area once
p«rl ol I he wetlands hut filtered
iis natural or human distur
ban* es
The designation meant, that
(he III!re,hi of l and \!.iHuge
merit mas seek to pun base the
proports and restore 11 as sset
lands t'neasiness about the
possible tins out arid properly
rights restriction* prompted
people lisutg in the designated
ate,i I,, rgaru/.e tie West Mini
/.on Basin l.andoss tiers Assoc 1.1
lion in opposition to the sset
hinds study
; *full intent ol I he stud v
is mu li ar, (land 1 islier said
U u , o! s\ Oil ill I ike to lie in
the game, a tic! pfcitirc ! our
seises "
N; i,i ..(ill iatiiti s\ tiers lurneil
at ft-r an April H puhlic hear
mg oil the phut, suit ing strong
i oiu i ri.- and opposil ion
Win be content to run when von can l Iv?
( ) I. I (i« ll-'i \IM|[ • (MMIIHi.tr l< ' I (I f Mjn • **
I In n 11-. ,ili«i\i tli* m. \% tilt tin 11«-a* \2 I»ii Ifi\|
i Is* 11 \, i -i«.ii .’ i' It - *li m;’in 11 lii h i vtmi rim * i^ J
I M I'' .Dili \\ Mill.|\N ^ .it»«ill-** Ifnlll .1 *lll^l*
*V '•Inn Illl.tjMIlt *Ulltlflll\. Vt»ll fr 'MMflllM .11»«>\ •
tli* t hi n ill limit"* **( |»* « m.ujmHnit.' fr* •»• ni£
sun i«i i 11<mi~i .t|»|i|i« .tinmi* Inmii .ill ihr•••■ vs«»r hi*
I h.ii in»l .ill W illi ir m multit.i*km*:. iiii»* |»r«»
n 1 .III I • 1 * *<**11 I -I* >l» III It* lr.lt k' VS (lilt M Ml VMM k till
,iin.lh< r I h* v . hi ill In* 1111 .uni i mining .it tin
Nlllir (till* \ll«i ll iMH* .l|l|»i|l .llHMl Ltll*. * J .1111“
III.ill. .tllv |»|ntft I* .til ill* itllirr* Hll*. Vs 1111 il*
*i 11»«■ i it m iimiihm v m.iiia^fiu* til. h H *K i* no hui^'fi
.1 I».If II* I Nil i»f | |f | i t|»« f . 11111 *v *|i in !• M I Ilf l*s J
i .ill *M\f Vi Ml vs It.It I I'" J o < .III
\\ iih < ,Ss J * ^r.iplin .tl u*ff mit i Lit *■. unlaimli.ir
l|»|*ll* .it t« *11 f IIV II t Mllllf III* tff I 11 k • • *ft "Ini I Lit tl ft*
I l.i\t .uiv ijuf*tt*Mi*' I 11» < ,Ss J hf 11illiit■ 1**1* vimi « all
.tl ih* f\ti. 11 l». u^'f L»r tl.iv* \iitl Iniilt in uitfr
.it iiv* * tint .ilmii .uni a lii^li j»* r I.m iiliik *• til*
*\ *tf in .in< I i milling ran I mit I vimi hat k
< miif m 11m 1.1 v. anti Inh1 <miI huvs < 2 J **« an
hr* ak tlirtMifli hu vimi
t )>/2. Mr. .iknifi thrmiiih.
Microcomputer Support Center
202 Computing Center • M-F 9am - 5pm • 346-4402
Thai strong opposition has
jeopardi/'- i the study's full im
plementation. whit h has boon
nai: fi.i'iv united ,is ,i landmark
effort to bafant n local environ
mental and n immmi interests
Through the stud) L< (M. de
seioped a management strategy
lor ’ !!() acres of wetlands lo
i .iVd :n West 1 .gem- an area
originally intended lor business
The study is a (or al reaction
to the complex evolution of
federal ami state land conserva
tion aids', said Tim Bingham, an
t,( (K, assistant planner
The roots of this current con
troversy true e bar k to the feder
al ( .ieall \\ ater A< 1. passed in
1'I4H That at t provided for
management of the waters oi
the 1 'fitted ‘'lah- In t‘l?7, the
Supreme Court affirmed that
wetlands were mi hided iri tin
( lean Water ,\r t
That began a struggle be
tween private property rights
and government regulatory
polities Owners (if wetland
properties had to apply lor tie
yelopment permits under the
a< l. a cumbersome anti time
consuming task
On the local level, environ
iiiriiul natural ri sinm e proh c
lion in i ante ,i priorttv when
Oregon passed lIn* hand 1!mi
Planning Nil in lU7t. which
rmjuitril cities .1 nii counties to
prcparr c nmprehenstve land
use pi.ins
(Jin ol tin goals of the law
was lo provide' protection for
waterways, lakes and wetlands
The goal was not addressed un
til the earls lUHOs
A ltl»; natural resources in
seniors disc oS'ered 71/. .ic res ol
wetlands in West l.ugene In
I'lHO that figure pimped lo
1 -l 10 .arcs when four federal
agetu a •> c ame to a i oiisensus
on the definition of wetlands
IK then federal and slate reg
ulattnns had alre.idv ( aused se
rtuns headaches lor business
del I'li.pninnl m lingerie New
de\ehiptnenis on wetland areas
had to he i ompensaled for by
at quiring and restoring wet
lands m other areas a pro
cess called mitigation
The pietemeai. ( ase-hvcase
approach was expensive and
prui.ided little coordinated pro
let lion for wetlands. Bingham
i he we! lands sludl seeks to
soli e the problem hi setting
aside 100 wetland ai res for de
i elopmellt and 1.070 acres (or
prolec lion
The prolet ted .ire.i would he
situated on the floodplain along
the Am,won Diversion (Channel
i n U ■ si ! agene Tile 1ILM
would seek In purr base private
proper!! in the area to set up a
mitigation hails New husi
nesses could prt teed with de
velopment-bi puri basing mil
w.ilion < redin- from-the hank
I hi’ system would bypass the
inu( !i-bemoaned permit pro
.("■•> wii;.( providing lor uil
lands protei lion, Bingham said
ll Would .ill !ii liuni' at tin
; in ,d lev cl, I) i ngham s.nd
Wr would like to lie morn in
. ontri , i In ivv lln w i t hinds am
devrii.pi d
Hmu'ii'f, problems arose last
viair vvhi'n iht' study expanded
its si i.pi- to mi ludr properties
to the west ul bugenrs urban
growth boundary I’rior to that,
ju-opli' living in the mom rural
ora sui h as tin: Fishers, had
not hern im lulled as part til the
s!ud\ s ptibhi input process
IIinphalli admits that it was a
signifh an! m rrsighl
We're malh upset with our
selves that we didn't pay more
attention to informing the pen
|de 11ving there," he said
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Your free U. of O 1°°2
Summer Session Bulletin i" now
ready Drop by Oregon Hall to
pick one up And read all about it
University of Oregon
1992 Summer Session
June 22-August 14