Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Former students making ‘dough’
j Pair finds employment
using an old family reci
pe to make environmen
tally correct pasta
F3y Hope Ne.i son
N1.1 k irr.iv i .i ' !.i:i;:
the Hindu i hniiSt’hnld
The d.iv licli in- ! hr,.>!i:i.l■.
nit r l' n i v f r s 11 v si,, •! i■:11 n ,:
(liudir i .tnd his l.nlHtr vvfiuld shir!
ul fi ,i in tinl wink iiititm
in.it. ng • ••nmgh r.n .t .: !i;r tin; v- u
W< i put :. • i!ii 1 'lit i h i I
11*n !, i t j -1 ■ r... .i ■: 1 1: .' ; its! .s
(hud . i s.i id UV u 11: k»■.i
hugf i.ihic with Ilnur rwrvwiinr
and lull it out
Tlic :r ..lit. .;. : a nnt lurn
wht'n (hud ic i s par turi. Judf hi ms
JjlTSU.idi-d 1 inf 1 ( 1. l.tl i i It : : 1 it.
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'' a ! : i ';• ■ \ " ( . .,'vf v, a:,;
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: :: .. : ' ‘ r t •, :
i j i i Ui*'V iif‘\ hlrii I, ■,*; 1 Hit £ 1 iuiSJ
!i - : ; 1 :. k. ny !Ii*
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1 111 ■ ! ■ i 1 s i I i< * s n <“vuivtij onr Nir|) .it
.1 !. •, with thr Uvu 1 >t thrin lirst
uhi.nnm^ .1 loan, >;» • tt i ng In rns«‘d,
.1; ! . r! 1 n ^ h n ,i, ri.it uf ai lnt»d
st«;rt:s it» i *irr\ thru [in>du< f
i hr t . a p ! i- v% 1 mj id g 1 v r slort*
W fir f ' :' i r s : ! ihrir f.lVloll. illoMg
'.; •••! projms.ii ot
v/..1 'f'.r-V i;ul l heir m.iiik*
' - . ' : pn >))«>s,i I ip
w;;. ■ .1 i.in t h.ivi
[ h i ping or ■
: .In.vv mg
. ;•:; , > • ! A e til}ve.r As .1 re
;: ■ ?■; ■: •.., ;t i t the i oufp.irn A
!_ : M-KUi: A tl.llss.IMl !• (if I Ill
's' . • • i vv is left
i hr sii.irc iHViii-r I (iimurtili-il on
tuns .,| prt |ir..i!c the name «»f the
r,iv mil a.is (Jut- In tlir r.iviuli's
I ffst elli-nlooll sll.lpi fir s.mi
After he.irmg lh.il. they derided
to keep the typo .mil shorten the
lullin' to Rising Mis'll K.ivloll
(hud it i soul it took i w In ie to get
the business going. .llili .it first It
li.1' RAVIOLI F\ujo !
f*V#o I f >' f -Ay
University studont and entrepreneur Jade l Ims puts
the slutting in Rising Moon Ravioli
' * >’ t)y W • r ..
Wetlands in the Wost Eugene area are currently under scrutiny m an ottort to protect and rostore the property
Plan would protect wetlands
jAs Eugene considers restoration
proposal, landowners unite in opposi
By Tim Nett
Emerasd Associate Editor___
Bm und (land lishor still live on what's loll of the
old family homestead
The l ishor family settled in the area more than 100
years ago on a 1.000-ar re plot.
The state purchased much of that land in the early
1 Mils fur construction of the Kern Ridge Reservoir arid
Highway 1 Today. ■« nearby butte >nd the road run
nmg alongside tlu-ir property Irear tin- family name, Iml
only SH u( res still belong to the fishers
II Hugene adopts .1 plan to protet t and restore wet
lands in West hugene. Oregon may once again be inter
esteii in the lusher homestead
Under the West hugene Wetlands Specual Area Study
plan, the Bureau of Land Management uould offer to
purchase the f ishers property and protect it as wet
lands areas valuer! for their wildlife hafrital and abili
ty to purify storm water The hugene (aty (arum d and
Lam- County Board of Commissioners are considering
the plan for approval
■ yVETLANDS •' ey. 12
Beanery rejects
gay publication
j Decision reverses agreement be
tween coffee house owner, Queer Na
By Tim Nell
l rTHJJ.lk) i 1 ' j
All-inn Hm-, ( iilli'i- ( ii li.in ili l llicti in keep I hr l.ill
mJrr \rtimrk .1 j;.iv oricntmi m.c'.i/mr. nil ncvvspiipcr
r,M k,s il ils stores, rcvcisnij* ,1 It-nt.ilivr .11 < oril rr.irhni
by (Jii-r! Nation .Hid Ihi! Ini .il notice outlet
Dunug m-^oU.iliiiiiN April I, repo scnt.ilives of CJtieet
ill,,11 .in i llii, Itc.merv Cnilee l li him*. vvliK 11 Is owned
tn, Allurui Him <11 ■< idcd to rolurti the m.igu/.inu in ills
trihuiion !,nk- I tic .ijprrmcnt n. • .I> <I .ipprnv.il from
MI.111 Urns tic,iili|u.irtcrs in (iurv.illis
Turn 10 BEANERY P.wjh i
ASUO Executive candidate profiles of
Chris Pharis/Donald Morgan and Dan
Pulju, and the last of the IFC candidate
interviews, round out election previews
The Duck softball
team swept a
doubleheader from
Simon Fraser
See SPORTS, Page 9
Oregon track coaches Bill Dellinger and
Tom Heinonen have one thing in com
mon ... winning