Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Experience helps the
Ducks win track meet
By Dave Charbonneau
Emerat<1 Sports Reporter
Tin’ Oregon men s tr.ifk
learn rode the hacks of its
talented seniors to vu tors at
tlit' Pepsi Team Invitational
on Saturday at Havward
The Ducks went into the
meet as slight underdogs to
Nebraska, but experience
paid off in the end as Oregon
defeated the C.ornhuskors
l'H-17't in the four team
Washington finished third
with 171. and Northern Art
zona plat i'il a distant fourth
with 1 2r>
The highlight for the more
than it.000 fans tn alien
dance t ame courtesy ol se
nior Art Skipper Skipper
Oregon's standout javelin
thrower, set the tone ior the
afternoon bv launching his
final throw 251 H. breaking
ins own school record and
qualifying lor the N< AA
Skipper, who struggled
last year with an ankle in
jurv that prevented him
from ( ompetmg to his full
potential said tile throw was
a long time coming
All I ean su\ is that it's
about time," he said "I've
been throwing that disland!
in practice, and I've just
been w ailing it out
Skipper was ipilck In mid
lie's mil about In lie satisfied
I want hi throw farther,"
he said I’m never satis
At the beginning ol the
event, Skipper was just satis
fled to make a legal throw
After fouling on his first
two throws, Skipper was
forced to make a standing
throw of ltd) feet just to get
to the next round
”11 he would have fouled
on the third throw,” Oregon
coach It 111 Dellinger said,
"we would've lieen in Iron
Once Skipper set Ills
mark, tiie rest of the after
noon just seemed to fall into
plat e for the Dili ks
Senior Alan Foster ran his
lies! rai.e in over a year, tak
ing lirst in the 1,500 Foster
took over the lead with only
a few laps remaining and
held off ii ( barging Torn
Hanks from Nebraska tor the
"It was good to see Alan
back," Dellinger said "It
(taking over the lead) was a
real brave move on Ills part
I thought he made Ills move
ii little early. but i guess ti«
knew vs Ha! hr was lining "
(Irv^im wav unable lo cup
turn .1 vii lory in the sprint
rai l's, but junior Knnriio Har
ris gut nod valuable points
for tin’ Dm ks with a second
and third plat e m till' UK)
meter and 200 meter rat es.
r<'s|ii'i tivrly
Senior Shannon hem-ora
gave the Dm ks important
points with a yiotorv in I fir
HOI) meter rate, and so did
junior iason Walton, who
was ,t surprise firs! in the
high jump
Senior I've Van Si hoiai k
easily won the l.tHM) steeple
ch.ise fill t De 111 tiger was
more impressed with senior
Kick Mistier s gr tie ling
< barge to overtake Nehras
sa s Kevin Miller lor set otid
Mestler had a gutsy pet
formaline," Dellinger said
He's fieen sil k and missed
p r a i I i n e o n i u e s d a y .
Wednesday and Thursday
Then lie races today and
takes second
In one of the most antici
paled matchups of the day.
senior Bob ('.ray used a lute
surge to pass Nebraska’s Ste
phen (folding in the 1 it)
hurdles (folding got out oi
tile blocks last, hut (fray
gradually pulled up even
and heat Inm to the tape
"Stephen got out great,
hut I expei teil him to get
nut, dray said "1 knew tl I
stayed with him early, I
could win After the last
hurdle. I just outsprinted
him "
Senior Put Haller tm
proved Ins season best time
w ith a first - plain) 1-1 (i t tilt
during .in easy victory in the
There was no dei athalon
event at the meet, hut that
didn’t stop Oregon's two
del ulhaleles. seniors Pedro
daSilva and Muhammad () 11
ver, from contributing to the
Uut ks' cause
Oliver took third in the
long jump and 110 hurdles
and seventh In the high
jump daSilva was second in
the long jump, seventh in
the discus and eighth in the
shot put
Despite all these seniors,
some younger Dm ks also
had strung performances,
most notably sophomore
Heath llowmgton, who took
third m the disi us and shot
put and fifth in the hammer,
and Todd Itleakney. who
won the triple jump
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Ducks and Jones surprise meet
By Jake Berg
t riser aki Sox's Editor
One surprise w.is the high
light of .i surprising win lor tin
Oregon women's trat k team
Saturduv in Ihi' Pepsi Timiii In
vltationai .il Hayward 1'ield
l lii' Ihu ks 1Hj points won
the sixth annual event lor tin
sixth tilin', two points more
than favored Nebraska. tin* df
fund i ng Nl \ A d u a I ineet
champion's Washington was
third With llt>. and Northern
Arizona took fourth with 1 11
It was an upset," Oregon
couth loin lieinonen s.iid
"There s no question about
that Our kuis t ompnted math
Ant) none worked harder
than ( amara Jones
Jones gave Oregon its biggest
highlight of th. meet with a
brilliant wm in the 400 inetei
rai e Not only did the 1 Jill k
sophomore he a t I avtiri'd
Shanelle Porter ol Nebraska.
Jones did it in a school tin ord
111 '>7 'I. also all automat it
\i A A qualifying time
Jones' run e< lipsed the pre
\ unis Oregon rei ord of Vt I. set
by (.rrn e Hakuri in 1 l)H 1
I don't know how I did it.
hut ! did it," an out ol breath
Jones said I surprised my
sell "
"Didn’t surprise me." said
teammate Lisa ltedwell, who
finished third m the rai e
Mel none n w as t* I a t ed li v
Jones' day on the trat k
'In terms o I quality.''
Heinonen said, Lamaia was
our best
Jones and ltedwell were also
part of Oregon's 4X100 relay
team whit h ran a provision
al NO A A time and I fie
4X400 relay team that wrapped
up the meet win
When all events except for
the 4X400 relay were finished,
Oregon led Nebraska 170-171
and needed either a first or sis
tint I In the relay to win the
meet The Dm ks easily got see
ond for six points and the win
;,f *■> Uy
Duck sophomore Camera Jones wins the 400-motor race with a time
ot f>2 73, an automatic NCAA qualifying time and a new school
The? Oregon upset, though,
involved much more thiin thu
VVc re.illy performed us .1
team.' -s.1111 senior Nicole
Woodward. who won the I.(too
easily In .1 personal ris ord ol
u t.: ‘ol
Fellow distance runner Lucy
Nusralii also made it look easy,
cruising to a meet record and
Nt'A.A provisional Hi'JI till in
the ft .(MM)
Perhaps the most ironh twist
of events Saturday came In the
•100 hurdles and the discus,
where the (lornh 11 skers and
Dmks were counting on big
points, respei lively
At the same time that Nehras
ke's Susan Hendrick Kehrn
who hub the best time in the
■UHl hurdles fouled out. Ore
gun s |iilie Bee k failed to make
the finals in the dlsu us on the
other side ol the field
harhi'r, though. Hi k 11>>) win
thr shot put. >11111 tiiHiimatr
Molly Dublin was m i unit fur
()rt-mm m llii< uvrnt
l.nuri'l Unhorts also ovuri unii'
advorsitv fur points Altrr t.ik
mg mm (Hit) in tin- lung jump.
Knherts i h iiuil tin h>ir high
I'tiuugh fur third phii u In Iho
high jump, drspllr injuring .ill
iink.li' mi hur luiiil trv
Nu surprisw was Kim Hvulls
win in tin' javtdin I hu Oruguri
siMiiur was tin' i lass of Ihu lii'lii.
and she showod it
Hyatt hi-ttiTi'd hur previous
siiasun hi'st on four diffiTimt
throws Hur winning tuss of
1 72 (lit vvas gist 1 'i ini In's nil
thr N< A A aiilumalli {|iiahfymg
Orugun friishman Kuri Ustur
brook's I t'HIS was distantly nil
hiT li'ammati' s mark, hul il was
still gund I'nuugh lor ..ml
plat i- points lor tin- 1 )u< ks
Oscar the Freshman
Neal Skorpen
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