Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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Tour de France vet wins criterium
By Pat Maiach
• " ! M i’ -I i ' J 1.! 1 >'
(tall il luring m the right pint e *iI the right tune,
or mil it a benefit of aggressive riding Alex
St led .1, tlir winner of the Sunday s sixth ••tagt '
the Willamette Stage Ka( e, (alls It tm»111
What started out for Sliedu as a day to trv and
propel (toors Light team matt! Sditl Ml 111.Mger in',
the overall rate lead turned Into an opportun tv
to i arve another noli h in his own stage vs in In It
Sondav's ■ ntcrnim around the t hiiver .ily f aw
pus Was the last event of the five das iV stag'
I'l'l.’ Willamette Stage Kale I he late ! . g i:
Wednesday with the j’rologu. line It a, ‘
i ontimied Thursday and iridav ss ith du sin ’/ a
( Ireek and hill Hill toad I ai ' S
Thursday saw the riders fa( e a tough !. .' with
the I .o- ! ('.reek KrJ.ul K.U e and the h:g I id I ( re. e
Time Trial that took plan- pist hours apart The
rai ers times lor each day's event are compiled
lor a cumulative time to deride the overall vs in
Her of the stage race
I lie i titer mm event 1. a the Mens ! ITucale
gors covered a ’5 mile i iiur- e around the I,Ml
(or VI minutes plus ’> laps
The (.’ours Light Team set the puce on the first
lap of the final event vs ith an attempt to get
Mnnlnger in a break group so he ouId gain line
ori overall race leader Herbert Niederberg.-r of
learn Spago Itefore Sundas s stage Mi.ninger
trailed NtederU-rger tiv jtislfil set .aids
When that attempt lail.d, Studa vslm in Tilth
bet ante lie first North Amerit an to wear the .
loss jer-ev m tie lour de I rani e ;o|ia d I’a...
Dahlke of Olytlipit Sports and Niol! Termer . !
the Salufii team in a three person break that
would eventually produce the stage s top tlirei
Dahlke l orlner and Slu-tia worked ssell togeth
er vs ith l-ortner taking a monster share o( the
pulls at the front The group bull! leads of as
mtit h as .Ml *. • ends hut never less than III
Nile,I,. dill : : all IV went With I ill ! U • * t •
tails, i ; u ! lie i vs as iugfi enough in oveiun stand
lugs |o | .. . p..ssi!111- threat to V u.t , • : ■ s.
ond pi.I. • iusing, ill (lie Stage r.e • Sie da ; .ve t
the team o.le and vsas marking Tortn. r s in ve
i vs e. stirprn • ti'the |field I d idn t bring ns m.
Sill'd.I Mini '! go*
.ithiiil Hi minutes in
.it i. si.iv aW .iv, -uni
they iiist ke; a . V\ ill.
go. I ri’uli/i d wt- ioiiifi prob
... s think *ti
lot tin' most port tin- park i f riders seemed
( |intent to lot tin , apees kei p ti .-.t sn .ill lead
in!,!. ! Karl Mason of S.r lis }• 11.i ti . I• ■ several
.. • , (.ndg,. : tin- if,id gr< up ' w einlv
.it,in to i lose to within Hi seconds' e.u h tune in
,r i ! ,i■ ng sw ,i! I ■ iw .•,! u p t >v t! a ■ p.i. s
In tin- meantime Stieda w,e due-to nmio up
with -I winning •-rr.>r■ gv to <k. •: ■ -,prmt .where
If |- , rtncr snip! i>V it-i! ■>' !!:|! oflf for !
i io’ • 1 2 i finish
I think Ik,tii tii -f guvs .in r< strong, stfiuiy
niiff St no fa N.nd init ni'Hlicr ot-'thnm have .i
rt*.i11\ f ist spun’, so I h.id .1 !ff a i g I mnId lw.it
them in tii* sprint ! ,.st made sum I didn't pull
too hard the Inst * nipif of laps and tlnlt 1 dldfl l
t.ikf .i pull right before the sprint
"I think i’.ml (D.ihlkf) Ini it out Si ott (Fortner)
and ! waited waded. wailed. and I f writ around
on tin left, I w> nt around on the right and I »,is
able to hold Fortner off at the end probably by a
wheel length
American, t v i img superstar Davis I’hiniifV
know n to tans as tfie k ing of (..r: o-riurns, won
the field sprint and finished in filth pi a' e heinnil
the three break.iwav rulers and ( . .as light team
mate (dins Holier
Phinnev who has two stage wan-, in the lour
lie I rante to his credit, said ire lias been using
this stage rare as training for the a DuPont on
the hast ('.oast later in Ma\
Wt tried a lew things to get " *•' miliger
out awav from Nude rherger and i! dido ! work,
he salt! No then \les tsas out fro'.' end w ■ ed
went for tin' stage w in And that w.e. fun
Stleda thinks ii>o wav tilings turned out ire
fine, loo
; hats genera I i V the wav tlilligs Work .'!
the long run anvw.iv lie said If v< a re :..sl rid
mg aggressivelv then v a 're putt i r.... v .•Use!! it. i
winning jn.situ>n
Hill.mrtlr M««r II,. r
( Hrt dll Kr*ull*
Mftt < *1 > I'm
Injuries vex men while
women’s tennis shines
By Doug Carter
tnwiiid Coo.trtoutQf__
The Oregon men's tennis
team w,,tcbod its hopes of
upsetting Washington this
weekend vanish with the
nrrxession i>1 Dm ks iv iding
for moditail attention and the
disabled list
Oregon was fort ed to dc
fault eight mall hes on the
iast two davs of the three
day I'atifit It) Northern I)i
vision Championships, hut
the Dili ks managed to finish
m (he middle of the pat k for
tie* tournament field at the
< ampus courts
Washington runaway with
the Northern Division Chain
p i o ri s li i (> lor 1 h e 1 t> I li
straight season, winning *H
matt lies lo Oregon's 14 and
W ashington Slate's eight
Oregon senior Cliris
Cladweil was playing well
and in the middle ol a set
point when his already torn
knee gave out on a running
forehand Olodwoll's fail
was punctuated by a horrific
burst of verbal anguish that
drew everybody s attention
to the injured player
'I thought I broke rnv leg
in hall. Clad well said "I
didn't vs-ant to look at it
l‘he unfortunate in< ith-nt
fort ed Cladweil to retire
right when he vs as playing
some id tils tn-sl tennis nt tile
Chris Gladwell
Chris u .is pl.t villi’ I lit)
best I c c seen him play,
rvitr Duck i ouch Bu/./.
Summers stiirJ 'll (tin; in
jury] it 1 stt Imtke the eoncen
Irutinn of some of our other
players "
One Duck who admitted
to tieing distracted w.ts Lee
Ktmer who Wits leading .10
when he heard il happen
an if went on to lose his
111 addition to diadwell's
misfortunes, the Due ks su!
lered .1 Nos more key inju
ties and wen! without the
services of four players, in
i hiding idiristiun Oelke. up
Turn to INJURIES Parje 12
Author of:
Feminism and Theatre
Author of :
Coming Out Under Fire
The History of Gay Men and Women
in World War Two
Friday, April 24
4-5 pm
Winner ! t\% • > t ainhd.i
Ki'iiii; -\vs.ir\is Hotl t\
\ritt: -i. .i;i.. i 1» s!
I «->Kin Anthi %\ •! " >
I’jperbaik Si 4.^5
Co-editor of :
Hidden From History
Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian
A pion»vnnp
work onpin.il .inti
wflUi.n umwitt\i
\rt, >.*» •■*r'
Paperback SIO.^S
13th & Kincaid • 346-4331 • M-Sat
^ ur.jvjih tntr■■Hiih tn >r
iv. j • t-r\ i‘ .v ? ’•!
tk1 tho f. >! tmin'i'-tu
»ui th«* th‘ »!ri
i’ap.-tbjv k S l
umvfmrrr or cwfoom
961 E 18th Ave
. . ty Artist Serit ■
Mon . April 20 8 p m.
$5 Acmssen
S3 Students Seniors
ID Enserb'e
, Tues . April 21 8 p.m.
$4 General Admission
$2 Students Seniors
/X Student soloists performing
wth the UO Symphony
Wed., April 22 8 p.m.
$4 General Admission
$2 Students / Seniors
For more information, call:
346-3761 (Music School)