ora cobipus ASUO EXECUTIVE RACE Bobby Lee Karmen Fore By Mandy Baucum lulitnr\ note I’rofiles of nil the i and Jutes far the ASI () l:\ei util e will run through Tuestlir) Bobby Let' anti Karimm I'dr»• lx• it-', e Ih.dv have thf right combination of \ S 1 t ) iXpiTUTK C .111(1 ItlfXpcril-IK I' (O n 1.1 ki■ them the ideal choice inr presi dent and vice president Lee believes ills three years in ilm ASl’O, including two as alhrmatti ■ ,u lion coordinator^ tpi.diiv hint for tfir po sition lore believes her lack ol AM () experieni c u til allow tier to < ome in with a now purspet tlvo. By: not being involved in the ASi'(). I can bring in fresh and unique ideas. s,ii(l l ore, who has spent four years working on the Student University Kela lions Council. Continual lobbying on the state and federal level is a top priority Lee and bore said they believe tfiis is the only way to combat Measure .Vs impact on the University They realize statewide t uts are being gradually inflicted on the University Bv getting students to lobby (or a spe r ial legislative session. Lee and Lore hope students r an join the push tor tax reform Part ol this session would tie to get the legislature to receive direct input from students and hear a proposal formulated by ASI (). yy ith the help of students We need to be consistent at the state level. Lee said You just can't stop no matter how bad the future looks By ap plying pressure to the Legislature we C-il them i.. .w devastating Measure a Is to us " On safety issues, Lee and fore said they are exi Bed about their Peace keep er program The Office of Public Safety would take an active role by training Karmen Fore and Bobby Lee student volunteers to patrol the i umpus rim program will help In i reate .1 sat or 0.1 mp'us', ihi1 pair say, ix’i ansi- there will In* linin' people patrolling tlm streets and identifying crime ' lint spots " Lee said lie v\ as outraged by tll’S s luek of efficiency .liter a rape winter term in lire resident e halls Mam students did nut feel comfort aide speaking to ()I*S and t 11V polii e ol fliers about the incident, lie said Lee personally spoke with students who felt unsafe in their living arrangements The ASUO niseis to take the India live to go out to the site, talk to the vit tons, talk to the police ullii ers. facilitate the worries arid the problems that exist at the time," he said "That's something I’ve been doing " They also have plans for restructuring the ASt () it elected Some of tile new positions they would create in the ASt () are state affairs ulfii er to handle University lobbying interests, a greek li aisoti to coordinate activities lietween the ASUO. the Inlerfraternltv Ununcll and I’anhellenic. a safety alfairs coord i nator and an environmental affairs nllt 1 er They said the (new positions! will nut create arn new expenses. i»-iausi- tin-y will only Is' combining old and new re sponsllillitles tutu one efficient position Lee and Lore also want to introduie younger students to the ASt () by main taining one intern for each stall posi tion interns will earn upper division credit through tile i S( Ai‘1. program MEN'S HAIRCUTS s New ¥ QNLY 5 DUCK THUS SALON >4*' L.lM. • By r Mi) M*u ******** nnnnnnnnnnnn** I ni Bar A i I m vNV.V/.s/O/,' \ - 1 <4 • • • ' Mif-ir \ ?.<•-•<■ # ***^^*****V¥¥ # JMWMMMMM 1 Your fret’ U of O 1992 Summer Session Bulletin is now ready. Drop by Oregon Hall to pick one up And read all about if University of Oregon 1992 Summer Session June 22-August 14 Don King Holly Ferguson By Wolff Don king and'.Holly Fergus.>n 1»«-111• vi> tho most important thing lh«n i oil'd do if llil’l trd A SI () ese. ally . - s is to t. Mini .ill students ■ Till' shot.: ! be a timrlimii'iil of, hy .llld fbl the students I rlgUSOH s.lld On. u.iv they ic pr to represent every student is by lull bringing any uieologi . d ■ I.!- 111! Ihr \sl () rht-v -ir, ~!11 ■; lo; :;i. . ,i.i--.- . .r id.'-'.i only K mg s.lld I... I f • cry student. yy In. h is som.-tluiig tin*v !»•:i. y e ill.- AS!'() ii.isn'l b.-i-n in tfw p.ist A. . . ssibilily In tin- sludi-nl govern iiiiinl is import.ml In us. Ferguson said ! 111• ir |>!.iri• in hh reuse accessibility m < hide the .teal-ion be lieve in the gre.-k system We are strong ly pro student We Ivelllive in students yvho aren't gre.-ks." lie said They do feel that gre.-ks are undiirrep resented in tin ASUO But king said they plan to solicit applications Iran every i orner of the student Imdv (-iiltur.il diversity is another aspei t id the University that king and Ferguson plan to work on They hope to strength en tin- I’rogrurns Council, which is a meeting of every II I rei ogni/ed gi up king and Ferguson yyould mak. this meeting mandatory in an effort to get the groups together and talking "That's how you nil tease diversity ,i.. i gii: , and tu king tbat .din e iw a . a corner You've got to get that group out into the pubic and meeting other people Iron, ditli-rent ha. kgrn.mds \s li : ( arnpus safety king and 1 rig.. ,d m ys. is with the Ofln ■ ot I'uti Don King and Holly Ferguson um the creation of safely corridors. Iff i‘ Ofi campus where night ( lasses v\ i hi III i >e it mi entr atml No pohlu i.m i .m stand Indore the . h nls ,uid say. We're going to solve all the safolv problems.' King said What Hollv and I want to do is emph.i M/e to the students that safety is atioui personal awareness and its alxuit edu cation and it's about knowing how to keep y ourself sale more than relying on the politicians who they elei 1 to keep them sale King and lerguson would also like to im orporale some non partisan ideas into their term of offii e such as putting the ih ad bai k ill Dead Week by elimi hating classes Thursday and I rid iv ol Dead Week King said tills Is possible bei ause when the t'niverslty swilihcd Iti phone registration, the three days normally reserved lor arena registration Wele added to the term lie said tile ad ministration is res|ionsiye to the Idea Another important Issue to the King la iguson campaign is combatting Measure S They pi in to at complish this by getting hot 11 students and parents in volved with lobbying Salem on a much larger scale than in the past r alsu hop. ! work more . !v with the administration in the battle ' Me.is .0 a 'The University administration is pisl , I, . , ;iI ,,| expertise and ideas and im at;. ' j . . miii.d M .sure . ind w■■ need to work together tow.mi lowering i [MONDAYS A TUESDAYS: All You C«n Eai Spocjlietti includes brertf< ond ialod 52'* rtll <y I1f)t»i Opt^i WEDNESDAYS: Minivea Crjlione breruf & srdml $3'* JUURSDAYSj Dinner F or Four $9'" one topincj piaarv sokui mui n bevernc/e Mor*irtbnrc/er And SUNDAYS: Fries Only $1*° with purchase of «ny bever«c/e nt rey price BRIW£ THIS AD TO RECEIVE THESE SPECIAL PRICES Guido'S 13 * and Alder Special I'Mn rtll 11 <■» t-*n 9 p>*i