m, mt DO YOU DREAM OF SLEEPING ON A CLOUD? FUTON 1122 ALDER 686-5069 I-1 I With tins coupon 1 you can inis a set of j GUITAR ! STRINGS 1 for I 1/2 our list price I (\>u|**n empires M;i\ 1. 1W2 i Music city ■ 210 E. 17th *t P©ml • Eugene S ( >jvn evenings til 6 \ I IJmltnl to stock I /jHillly trwnniJor H vrtJM TOP 5 ACADHMY AWARP WINN1-R! WS.Vllu- KAVF. Presents: Ihe silence oi ihe lambs ffi in fhe t • * r r i * V: f J t M • i. •! r . « l}mn Fn, M»»iv [ir, Wixl: 24* 1 S Sai tOO, S IS, 7: K>, ‘MS Sun: 2,00, 4:IS, r. (0 1 VJi P' >' ' * » % i ■»'(.>• • btriH) • in *g> ' • *■>,) \J*ri •(«’ • -• ► .It ,V S I . |1 iV P.k k f « a Unutrii ru|,*.*|frmriu <’ 'hr McKenzie Theatre (' 10 Matin St iw«l,ttn Sfwingf w Lai 74? «V4*> ■T^i* S2 •s IFC CAN on cm Kdltor's not*1 1 ’miHof a 11 !he dales running fur [Ktsduuts nn the iru idrn lal l ee ( omlnitlee will run through lues day Interviews with iheone Ve.sr ( undid.des will run firs! Chris Bauman (!hrjs fl.uim.in, < ami niatr I->r a on«* v» ,»r II( s* at. is a suphu mom majoring sn mt»-rn.ilioii.il business anti japant'sr Shf is a iiihiiIht of tlx1 K'-siiirni r Halls (iiivriiiiiiii »■ (' o u n < 11 .i n ii ASl*A( ()1)1 Do \. mi l.i vor .i! r: i*. . tin bouni ( tits .IS I HUMUS I.! k»'«pmg f»*i-s IO VS liauin.in 1 think :f vs < n gi> Ing to takr a lot of < its thry nrrcl to 1 m* taka n ri|Uitably not sprulii ally m mu* an a. hut thru an* an as that thi’V < an at |u ill V : Hi riisufi' that i v t-r \ group guts a fair lustring and .1 fair budget7 Bauman li's lieen hro tip Ilia! as (On- 1H : gi fs fins aril the end 'if Ih«* var ami jhey re Ill’ll r 1 f 1 >; I In* final ti n ti gel s !ia \ re i Ming more rmi tnort In ■ . Sirs' hits i* lrss t thins I ha! s ofi*. mu si y unfair III)! Is op pmpri.il. in fluid current group dtrec Uir .u < nuiilitf.il* fur mis managi-nit-nt bv former dtrvi llauntali \Y is f'.a! ■ dune IS dues Slul nit ti t a si- should 01)1 \\ I ym, la.ul (ill ling large budgets lo uoinpen sail- fur us teasing ur mamlain mg the r ..iig.• !s of sumllrt groups Bauman ■ ‘i; s,... :,,rg.* budgets is In fiuiigl*!*- all- gmtlg In Im l-Ul. ■, . : - iK - a lot from iff larger budgets and (Us! a him [rum die sin.tll er budge is 01)1 Why d sPadenls s i ite for you Hauman i has '-a : m >1 ex pi rit'iHe that 1 lutiiti ase So turri things an -ami Shat has- mas be gone wrung or just haven't t**en :,«. s* d .1 frt :.. tin- ■ ■ ghl angle Teresa Naillon N.i 11 Ion i .inti uiate for ,i ont" \ ear li ( mmI. it .1 fresh num majoring m psyi linings Si.i is i member ! V..( HA. tin I.atmn/f hii .mo student group, .uni ,i tutor for the High hi liis.i ! .;ms .i .fin s i ’r: gram (Mil Do \llli f.IVl't 1 toss the board cult as ,i mu.ms of ke. pi: g fi'i ■ !i u . .and if so fiiivs much7 \ .1 I I In II I let,:; 11 I V 111) l tion i - think lit nails I .nr la I .lute ,i loi of ihi- groups are go mg lo U- more iir.istn .ills i ut Hem others Ihi'v'n- going in tout to mil l .i certain .iimiunl, am! i■::s i- if gin ■- i)i \oml that, tin- other groups won’t ho cut of . •• thus \v. a.i'l he lilt (is. ( )I)I .*.' VS I.i S' . ' . tr tii.it evers group gets a lair hi-.ifing anil a fair budge! ' \ a i I Inn v I < > ' n W; llu-rf ! ..ii.-- !■- Hi great .detail and : ■ . !, I - i I a.: as we i an vs i'll Dili it mg ;ni lines to each urgam/atiim. ,e. vsell at cutting ( till . 1> V II til i ii-s I- it S up jiiiiji!i.iti- tc. hold current group d ms t rt .ii i .mutable for mis li . ::..'ill hv funner direi - \ailInn Me-ih' m budget -a : !«■ tin- i urn-nt di :. ■ • r t respimsifuilly, tint it it tie :r respunsibi i i! s to lit it 01)1 U.M.I.i s u he in fas. .r if i nttllig l.ilge hmigett til I lim pent.iti- fm i■. re.iting or mam I.,;: eg it.*- i idgets of tm.iHer gnealit-' Vnllim i la smallei groups are vers essential to tins cam j: !ur k>• j mg diversity here, and ! don't think thill they •4,. u!d idler With our KMl 'ii' wli'ili’ system is top-heavy ,irui it needs to lie re< onstrui t . ii A lot of oilier groups .ire sutler111f> bet .ilise thnt cannot he i lit 01)1 Win should students v ole ter you '' \aillon ! feel thill I am quali fied tm this position I feel re sponsible I've Imen interested m ltd throughout the year, at tending different budget hear ings. and I have an idea of what the\ do. 1 think I would lie a good representative of the stu dents I think that oftentimes, bo i ause of my interaction with Mi.tdiA. 1 get looked at with a label as lining a MbX'hA mem bur Hut my interest is for die students, and fin running for tills position as .i student Chris Wall ( ini'. Wall, i .utilulalc Im i oni- vi .ir 111 srai is .1 junior pri1 - tinsiriuss .nimimstrul ion major ()l)t I)o \i>u !.i% or .ii rus tin' board i uls .is a no ins of lutping fi'i-s loss Wall Hi.il would In' nioii' ii vi ri mt: nta I III.in ,i n v I h l n k riiuri' an- somr groups ih.il ni'i'it I In' mom s lilt's gi'l ami I 11s' 1 ihi'rt' arc somr groups lti.it mas In- svasling thrir monrs I ha I i an t h ' Irimiui'il up a till If ()l)l I!. > ss svo .:. i S' . i ■:. - ...ii' lll.il rsi-rs group gt'ls ,i I.nr Inuring ami a (air tiuilgrl ' \\ .ill 11: :\k ; ' > V\ i V ’ ■ > vns-.ii*’ fli.it is I*' hr sun* that t*v rryolir k MoVN s . 11 id VMIX r !l s important ft?r iwrry group to knu;\ vxhrn thro hearing is go mg !• < hr and what's going to hr rxpri ! •* t j of thrill. S Mr. '.S hi \\,< t gl vJlij.s all* t.imihar with ih.r pr<« rss and they vr i-ri-n through it. hut it’s tin rv.ir\ to remind thorn () 1) 1 > v . •: i ■., i ■ \ ( i; • . i j j propnati* to hied < urrent group dim tors a< i ountanir lor mis inaiuigrinrnt hy former dim Wall degree i mi' 1 'ft omi's .1 il t rector of .1 program without substantial prior involvement In many of these programs, there .ire only .1 tew people that .ire running -t April 20- 24th Limited to stock on hand k 13th & Kincaid • 346 4331 • M Sat Evening Master's Degree M NKKIV.I \M>! \M 11 1 ! HLRAfl < t.tiiul v • ! i.ii - (hi-f .iPV pr n.i! studies Mudn\ bru’f Mini;, thrf.ip .n.i- , step appr- *K h t> • n ‘UfVH-linjt v IlllK.ll experience) UltKUl LLAI’LKbilU'.ORUWlii »r.) • si, ' • \vi.TN i • rfft s '1 s and C v»! leges • \ t < NCC \ sTHWIsT HRM1AN COLLEGE them, so generally thorn's a nat oral progression to a iugiier |mi sition ami evervone needs to tie responsible for ilieir group DDK: Would you be in favor of c utliug large budgets to coin pensule for im reusing or main laming the budgets of smaller groups' Wall: No Most of the large budgets are lor programs that serve a lot of people, such as the hMU. Saferido and t hild t .ire liy lulling their budgets, you might jeopardize the pro grams (>1)K: Why should students \ ote lor you? Wall: I think by having no prior experience in any of the groups, 1 i an bring a fresher perspei tive than other people who are i ontinuully around it