Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Phasp One ol the $27 ■J million library expansion pro/ect is expected lo be completed under budget next
Continued from Page *
mui li (of t)i<* money in thr budget) .is <• xp«;c led
vvi re in gimd shap*
Then- .in two phases lo the S27 ! million ex
punsiiin pi,in : ho lirst will add 1 L! DUO square
feet of new coils'.:'.; lion to llit' i xistmg building s
2:i7,0()() square In ! The expansion is expoc tod to
be (tun | del rd bv Nov ember or Dec rmtier 1 it 1 'to 2
The se; nd phase which Will start alter the
(ornpleiion ot Hie new addition will renovate the
existing b Mail. Almost every port of the exist
ing facilitv will rei * ue some sort of renovation
Some plans 'or the restoration id the existing
building include 'in addition ol a new air bun
dling system, wdiii t vv aid maintain consistent
temperatures throughout the iibrarv. a new copy
servile room, the addition of carpeting to several
areas and the 1 • .itmg oI some -atv 11 e areas and
desks to make it easier to find muten.il
One ol the new additions ot 1’hase One is a
211.out) square to, ' room which Will house the
new Instrui t-,. M- i:a C,enter Distance Learn
ing ( lassroom I'h.s high lech interactive video
system, which the Oniversitv is one of the last
schools in the State to tap into, will allow a pro
fessor to lea* h 1 1 lass that 1 an he broadcast to
other schools .1! tfie state
Fills system wo! allow 1 uisses sal different
schools] to intei.u : willi each other." Bonnmle i
said The I'nivers.ly will he able lo deliver
1 ounces I,, ir 11 md area I for .-x ample) without
the p: oil--. .1 tr Having to drive ail the wav Up
Oil:, add.l ’ i * I, is* C) I: • hi idr a new
loading d il k on!i rein 1- room and a preserve!
lion and binding urea
When the project is completed, there will be
about l.tDU additional seats tor studying stu
dents, more than twice the current number
Large tint ! windows at one of the seating
areas will provide1 a perfect view of Spencer's
Although the plans may sound lavish,
llonamici said the finished product won't he any
thing like the state arc.hives building in Salem
It's not going to 1h- beautifully lavish," he said
"We're not not using real expensive materials,
we re using g ■ -d materials that are going to hold
up ”
Main sic louts who frequently study in the It
br.irv suv that {)i■ ■ muse level from thr . ,u:st;u.
lion in bothersome .n limes Ho'.m vci ni.>\t agree
it will l«- vs urlh i! in the end
Sometimes the noise is really distracting
said junior I),in Brown but nm i (he library is
mj-deled . lie lie s . 1 ' have lie : e : nu
Bon.mil! I said he h.is received only Dili: noise
complaint, and h* s.nd he thinks the m.i-tirilv b
sludenls .inii si.ill are being vers i oojier.itive
I he only m.ia.-r selh.uk Ui ll.e i onstrm lion •>,.
I.ir i .inn when the hi; l.t.-is .illeinj ’ ,; e ,i.|d 111.
rooftop c onstruc !ion above 11 . third lime When
they pulled up the xisltng root. lie . ole rele si. '
w.o : o roiu'h ,md hinted in .iv lie : irpniing
An e\! r.i s in I KM) h.u! to he ;. a ire,! n t this un
expected problem to s.md down tie- rough sl.ih
find apply rubberized cement filler allowing tie
ground to lie level
Though they hadn't counted on spending the
extra muiit'v, Bonumici said this mom s was part
of the contingency fund, which is the dust in
case" reserve tli.it most c on strut t ion plans has e
The addition is being constrm ted to meet tie
state required earthquake safety building lass
and ss ill also lx- flexible enough to alloys lor addi
tlomil future expansion
The librarians working on plans for the expan
ston are derailing boss some of the library Ini, *. ,
and materials are going to be transferred Tun tl,
existing facility to the new construction without
completely i onfusmg users of the library
I he current plan is to move materials during
Christmas break when there in fewet students
using the library
I he design of the addition Inis been a big lacti a
m the whole pro|eit. Bonumici said lli* I ibr.it s
sv.is originally built in lll in and is nu ogni/ed I* :
its beautiful design in the Natural Registry >*l His
torn al I'l.u es
\Ve wanti'd to maintain some unity between
the 19.17 building and the new addition.
Bon.mm i said "By using bru k and copper, wede
maintaining some of that
to complement the new expansion, l.mdscup
mg is also in the works The library gate area is
nearly complete and a fountain terrm e area has
yet to be constructed Lawns with seating will
surround tin* building
Funds for the project ini lude S1H million in
state funds and S’l i million in private funds
raised during the Campaign for (iregon
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