UCLA rains on Oregon, sweeps doubleheader By Jayson Jacoby £n «♦»,!'•;! Ri»; /!»»* rhi* weather .il Him.- Field Sunday whs sunny ami warm, but tin- UOi.A softball team de elded to rain on Oregon's Las !<>r parade nnV" ay Tin- top-ranked Bruins swept a doubhmoader from tin- Ducks in front of a crowd of 412 and improved their record to 40 1, 11 1 in the Pucific-10 (ionfer fin i- The pair of 41 defeats dropped Oregon's record to Hi-24, .1-0 ill the Pal 10 In the fust game, UOLA wash ed no time in taking advantage of every i hunt e it.was given Jennifer Brtindage walked to start tin- second inning, and Jo anne \l( Inn quii klv moved tier to sei ond with a sacrifice fill 1 lien Yvonne (iutn-rre/ rapped a sharp single up" the middle, and the Bruins were ahead 1 11 Oregon responded m its half of tie- second, however Laura Schmidt led off by drawing a vs.dk from I < LA pile leu I g-Di Weiman who < atne into the game with a ‘Ml record and .in unblemished n no l-.KA After rr.n ey Simmon-- filed out to center, Oregon sopho more second baseman Jennifer I’lper drove a pit! h to tile left field lent e for a double, moving s< hmidt lo third Piper's hit i atne after site foil led of! 10 pill lies, lilt lud mg SI'S ell 111 a row at one point Anna Poore followed Piper vs 11li a sin r ifit e fly to t enter. and Oregon had stored the lust earned run of tin- season off Weiman to forge a LI lie l ie Dm ks were threatening again in the bottom of tin- third when disaster ■-1r :i k Oregon second baseman Jennifer Piper attempts a double play in the fifth inning of a Saturday game against Portland State Oregon and Portland State split the doubleheader Oregon s iinii thi! I*iit 10 % top hittt r M.trnie Mil .ill. rnw hed mi u fielder s i hode Hut while sliding mifoIy min mi onil with ,1 stolen base she fr.ii lured the fourth ttu'l.ii .irp.i! of her left lllttld Mi ( .ill vs .is .ibli lu i ontinue running tin- buses but was re ptin i'll m the fourth inning bv I..nine I leisi b.iiii r Met ill w ill prob.it> 1V bit lor the rest of the se.ison but i.innot pl.iv di ffuse \\ i mi.in p11 kill up sev en ol her to strikeouts .luring the lust four innings .ind eiuied up sue rendering pist unr hit i’tper s double en route to her llMh w in ill lhi- season Oregon again played tin1 Bru ins lough in tin: second gaum, iinii with thi' rxt t'plion of one inning, the Ducks could have handed IOL.A its second loss uf the season In the third inning, the Dm ks committed their onh mental lapses of the game, consecutive errors that would prove to be the dlflerem e N u hole \ it tor la led off h\ reaching on shortstop Kim Manning's error and Kathy I s .i!!. 1. >xi ; ! . ! .► !tr I’iM-I.v Pyles' throwing error front third base l.isn lemnnde/ dime in lire game's ; iirst run with in KB! bunt single but (luiiuin g. t Brundage to pop tip lor the set ond out But then Alt bin deliven d the tug blow. i two run double to fight I enter to give i '(11.A .1 I t) lead (iutierre/ followed with a run-si oring single, and I h e Dm ks were do w n ■! - 0 against tine of the nation s best pile hers Oregon did get three singles in the sixth inning and Piper stored on a passed bail Hut the Din ks pis! couldn't generate enough offense against hern.in dtv who improved her re tort) to 1 B-O I. ’ overt nine the 1 -1 lie! H It Besides that one hat! inning 1 thought we played very w. li,' Oregon couch I .uni Brown said I hev are the No 1 team in tin i ountry The Dili ks started the week end by splitting a Saturday doublelieader against Portland State, tlie sixth ranked [Division II team in the ( ountry I be \ i kings got only three hits off Ka chelle Tavior ill the first game tint won 10 on the Oregon piti her s throwing error The Pucks rebounded for a •11 game lwo win highlighted by Manning s fifth home run . I the season Oregon returns to ac tion this afternoon at Howe field yy ith a non e onlert ni e doubleheader against Simon ! laser starting at 2 30 p m INJURIES Continued from Page 8 pendn Rv.in Mar.ivgun shooidi-r. Kevin Settlemvre knee. ,ind Rub Atkin, eye in friction Ted Thoren returned lor llie Ducks after nursing a sore bar k and promptly won three of his four singles matches Freshmen Darn I’artovi and Josh Pruger also provided a spark for the Ducks, winning two singles matches each and i ombinmg for a doubles vie lory The split concluded the Ducks season and evened their record at 11!-12 Things were much bright er for the Oregon women's team, as it s\s opt its dual match on Saturday against Portland (UO) and Portland State (0 0) in the Rose ( atv The two wins give the dub 18 on the season, the most ever by an Oregon i women s team, bettering the I 1088 mark of 17 t> Oregon i o a c h T o rn Creider said this year's shortened schedule (the N< A A trimmed the number of match day s from 80 to 2.')) and the fact that the L)ur ks played only three home matches makes the record all the more satisfying "I also think we showed we can yvm on the road as IS of our wins (.nine away from home If somebody had conn- to me at the Ixginning of the year and told me we would yvm this many, I vv 0u I d h .1 v e hee n h a r d pressed to find those 18 yvins. he said r B * A * R *• B" A * R ► A K INCSOLVER AUTHOR OF ANIMAL DREAMS & ANOTHER AMERICA ► I N A April 23rd • 4:30 Fir Room at the EMU Reknowned author Barbara Kingsotver will sign copies of her books V following a talk as part of the Ben Under Forum Her books. The Bean Trees, and Animal Dreams, which was dedicated to Ben Linder, and her most recent book of poetry in Spanish and English UNIVERSITY wnrren wim keoecca ouries. Another America, are available at tbe UO Bookstore Sponsored by EMU Cultural Forum. UO Bookstore v v in, rental Fee Committee. Oregon Humanities Center • rversity Project ASlCC ASUO \ A-.30P^ ’ ^daP***^***0 C .cN0