Oregon volleys down Pilots 5-4 By Doug Carter The Oregon men's tennis [earn revenged an earlier home loss to Portland by serving up .1 5--t victory over the Pilots on Tuesday m the Rose City The victorv builds some mo mentum for the Ducks, 10-11, .is they prepare to host Wash ington and Washington State for the I’ac.ilie-10 Conference Northern Division Men's Cham pionships. 1-ridav through Sun day -il the l 'mversitv 1 hurts N 11 k Smith a n d K y .1 n Marasigan sparked the Ducks' victory over Port In nd with i ome-from behind w ins in sin gles both Smith and Maresigun lost the opening set of their in.iti lies mils to rally and win the lust two sets .ill hs the s. ore of tv! Freshman Josh Tracer puked up another straight y! win at the No l> single's slut tor the IJu< ks i. l. t. I ts the two tea in s split the si s s i ngles mat( ties I'he overall Itiafi h was iie> i.j ed HI the doubles i in till C Ire -gun won two o! tire three matt lies, with the team of Lee kirner and ( diris t dadwell vvm ntng m the No 1 position, n 7, i. t. 7 and Kevin Settlemyre and I ed I hoten c'timing lip v a tor a mis' at Slo t li I, (> t Although a win gives the Du. ss something to build on. i oa. h Hu// S u inaner s sa v s they 'll need to he even I re! ter aga ' U ashing: i. Golfers take 6th at tourney Till? Oregon turn's golf tram finished in sixth plan- Wedhes da\ .it the Western In tori olle gialr golf tournament in Santa Cm/. Calif. Host tram San Jose State non the tournament with an Bf> 1 six shots ahead of second round leader I resno Slate (lo gon finished 18 shots behind the Spartans after tiring a final round 291 to finish at HH2 The Ducks were once again led bv junior Jeff Lyons, who shot ii t over-par 2 1U to finish in second place, one shot lie hind San l-'rani isco's Todd Fischer I- ischer, vs ho w as in third pluce after two rounds and one shot behind Lyons, fired a 1 under-par (>7 on the last day to win the tournament Doug i)u< bateau bred 11.i( k luil.uk '„'s 111 lip- I Ill-Ill tW O rounds in finish m 1'tth plat e. but llii1 rest of the ii-.un strug gi'-it Were not satishe I ,il <11S with this. DuChateau sale) This team should in' better U - sin nild In- i uni. ml mg lor some lug things Tie Dm k-- h.i ve on I v one more tournament loll heluro the |)Ostseasiin begins 111 May They w ill r ompete in tile 1 S Inter collegiate at Palo Alto ( alii . April 2 :i and Jf> I he Pacifir ! 0 Conference ( iiainptonships will tollow on May I t in Corvallis, and the Dill ks need to play w ell to quality lor tie \( \ \ regional r ha m p ion s h i ps later in t lie month it m'rr ^iuih; to (iimpi'lf \\:!h ! bn f Hish tos}, Wi' Ili’i'd to pick, up our (vtmr .mother 5 in 10 peri i‘nti" Summers s.mi W i s|j i n.gti m h i s won t he Northern Division l h.impum ship rvi’tv v i-.ir Mm c the i’.i 10 spill ihr < onterence m t•» *», The Origin wiutum will i on i lu.li' their simst ii lliis week, mid in Portland .ig.unsi Port land and Portland Stain Engine Service HHh) N Bertelsen KJ *S • I u^ene ()K 97402 One block north <>l VV 11th • Nolan liuJ I’Ij/j Specializing in German Autos for 34 Years • Mtucedns • BK1W • Volkswagen • x5=w=* 342-3952 '——^ Student and Faculty Discounts SPRING SPECIAL 2 months for $69°° 1475 Franklin 485-1624 “Best Location, Best Work our vrsA £ A MoitwCad y STOREWIDE SUPER SPRING SALE THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY APRIL 16-17-18 b/ackburn 1 pAA rtssoff ■S*°f ALL BICYCLES ON SALE $20 to $150 OFF 1991 and 1992 Models PEDAL POWER OQicwcles 877 E. 13th - 343-2488 next to U of O Bookstore