Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Track team to host Pepsi meet
By Jake Berg
The Oregon womentra. s
team has never lost.the 1’wpsi
Team Invitational. hilt tu,nli
Tom Hemonen s form i h.irt ol
Saturii.iv s sixth annual event
doesn't have the Due ks in t.i
Hemonen s.i\s Nebraska, the
1 on t mythical dual meet chain
pious, should have the edge
Saturduv at Havw.ard Field But
the lti-vear coach said lie s not
going to let. the Dm ks hest
competition prior to the Pact I
ti HI ('.onlerem e get awa\ un
"We re |iist going to go after
this one tooth and nail.
Hr*mourn said i h is is our
i h.ini ■ lor ,in ttrihralen ->r-V?
U is): 111 j;: , i, an ! Northern
Arizona will also hr on li.irui at
the Pepsi hu-et hut Heini inert
doesn't evpn ! is min h of a
! hailenge Itiim tin- two s: hoots
Oregon ri pin i i iv Huskies
'W AM hi tile Din ks' ilti.it"meet
*>{>■ -tier .in.I Hemonen s.n.l tli.it
Northern \ri/im.i would tie
smiling oil sutue of its tiest run
ners to .i separate event
The Corntiuskers. though
will lie mure than a t haiienge
Hi'inonen culled Nett isk-i in
"overwhelming team. ' senna;
to tin- Ducks in tli.it tti- Husk
its .ire solnt an neariv eve; \
'ThfV !Us1: i linn- .il yiTi4
ln_,i .>.! • % .-nls
V ' ■ i ■: m .1 ' .!■ !; t . i r \ ■1 j
Mt‘l Hi' mu's ll>i' nii i't i!. mm h
t111- s irni- '.i .in
. ' . NN ill ill' II! r\t|i'H!l |\
i oil! 111 •! 11 i n ill I ■ ' !'...; h.;' h
ti'ul',1'. I’l'ptll -. ini ! Illm
h.is .i i;i■ .il li'.iiu .i ■ ilvv inn
'I hi: I’t-jiM mi'.'! iitl.-rs !riii.ii
olht'i is tIn- in .in (hilt tl
I'N I Ills, .in' Vi 11 ft t i .'til I l > 11 s | >••’ i
tills uil! (ji’l ji.Mihs !11f lln'ir
Ic.im hu I Inf i"> .i m||li', <i 1111 r11‘
■mil ! irlh jili •• (iri' nvi!! i;> l
.i si i-. ni t in.•nr [i. i.n Is lh.m ,i
lirs! .in.I !.1st (il.it t iimHJn i
I iiin in .us i'N t'n!
Ducks face tough Nebraska team
By Dave Charbonneau
Fmerald Sports Hep.
Tin' Oregon men s Ir.n k (earn will begin a sea
son-long home stand on Saturday when the
Ducks host the Pepsi learn Invitational .it Has
ward I ield
The Ducks will he joined hv W ashington. Ne
braska and Northern Arizona at the meet \l
though Oregon could he considered the favorite
at the meet, coal h Hill Dellinger is not so sure
"| think Neluaska could he the l- mi to heat,
he said
The Ducks took last week oil .liter defeating
Washington ts\o weeks ago in tie ir adv si ormg
rni'.'t Unis f.ir this suason
"I i an -.it it as a Mussing. In* -..ml It gain
vs It. ■!. t .:.iv in.I Ronrnu Harris ... .1
Harris has run ;i tin* ini) muiui .lush Hu Jim
and the Kill this s. as.m bill vs ill or v run III Urn
-1(10 nil .Sa! III. lav l .lav vs 11! . 1 <: 11 j > > •: ill 111' 1111
and 100*liu It ! n a i -. I !. -, r,u us tor tin- I Kh k s
Duilingur said In* U'liuvus his luam is laluaitud
bill said it's slill uarly In lull pasl buss tal.-n!
Uu a bid tu.ll ; In -a I
U'u I! b.ivu a I .-tlui il.’a allur (bn- u - ’
At Shu irivilali rial, uauh luam is all- vsu.l Ivvn
t.umfiuliliirs in uai b uvi'iil I'hu fluid uv.ails bugin
at 11 III, icii !!:, 1 - s , -., - u! s n. - - a I .* ill
x (\»vi im v i u l?ki \ki i |:j
*** \W r«-» '. ■ > s *
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