IFC CANDIDATE PROFILES on cc\\*ipms Editors note Profiles of u!l the in iiirtditfiites running for pew l lions on tin' Incidfnt.il Fee Committee will run through next Tuesday Interviews w nii the one ye.ir i ,indid.ites « ill run first William Gaskill Willinin Caski II. candidate for n omwi’iit 11-<' seat. is ,i so nior politic al m donee major Hr has held offu rs oil thr Hr,in Complex (iormitorv board and is cufrrntlv a sec retary lor thr hoard ODK: l)o you favor no ross the-board tuts as a means ol keeping fees low and if so, how illUc hf Caskill: I don't lavor a; toss the-hoard (tits because that doesn't distinguish between programs that are essential or very important and those that are marginally important I he lirvr that where we should look, first of all, would he sti pends and the student govern merit, as well as the KMIJ and the athletic department, any thing that we could get out ol there ()I)K: How would you ensure that every group gets a lair hearing and a lair budget' (iaskill: Heading through the (ASIJO) Constitution, the IIC by Nov 1 is supposed to put out their guideline's alxiul the fees that will go through the coming year I would like that November statement to lx- the functional equivalent of the budget resolution in the IJ S Congress, where they say 'this is the' money we think we will have and based on past per centages. this is what will be available.' Also, It seems to me that the hearings on the major items and organizations comes at the AUTO ACCIDENTS Know Youj Kt^ht* FREE Trie phone Advkc $ Do I rv*ww « u»#’ S mutfi money « * worm’ $ *mo «■ pay m» rvmMM ttfc’ $ «fl p*y n* fc»t ««9N' $ iVI m, raur«u r»t»* 90 up' $ # tr»fw ft no nunm' $ SnovJd 1 ta* K> trw atfuiEftf’ $ «« long wft « tafca toy • »m (10M 10 1«»H» TOP 5 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! 95.) The KAVE Presents: the silence ol he lairds from trie terrifying r es* seiier Thun, Fn, Murv Tur, Wod: 7& 9: l S Sat: 1:00, S:IS. 7:W. lMS Sun: 2:00. 4 IS, 6: *0 %’ 'lO km Aaiufc* SI Vim ' t *»irriU ,•<>* Srn«»» * ). mJ AJ»«r* «M* •*-! Kmi» l* A l njr*) Si 00 k !.« 1 limited ri^Tmrnt ut fhe Mcitenzfc Theatre 630 Main Sc. 747-HM9 iTH J a nil 1 know th.ii happens vsith e\erV jeglslaitvc body. but ! think we should start those ii litth' e.irher And we should listen to everybody 01)1. 1 I Yet! he; ;eve It 's ,\J: propnate to hold current groiip dtrei tors actountiihle lor this management by tonne! dim tors' ( disk ill ' • set e th.it there would have to he some sort ot i iiilse.juervi e to the Ofgiini/.i lion I don't lieliuve m holding the t urrenl people direi tly re sponsible Hut 1 vs on Id think somethin); on the nature of per Imps ,i probationary period ot .i ye.ir lor ihe organization. where they re w.itcherl ,i little more c losely, would take i .ire ot that 01)1 Would you he in tuvor ot r uttmg large budgets to com pensate for increasing or main tabling llie budgets of smaller groups7 (biskill: As I said, in what I hope would happen in Novem ber. we would take an opporlu nity to say this the amount ol money we have,' and based on tin- [last, a certain percentage would go to each group Then in the hearing process, go through the fine tuning and d you come up with savings in one area. 1 would have no prob IriD with tlif smaller groups getting u Itttli' extra Hut I wouldn't be in l.oor ol it gener .1! fee increase t)I)l Why should students Vi 'tu for vmi' (.asklll At least lor the years I ve been .it the University, the student government has pretty much spoken with one voiie. for the left of the spec trum I believe that to have an at count able and responsible govern merit, there needs to tie both of the ideologic ill sides i m from the right of the spe< trum and I believe I i nuld bring that viewpoint to the govern men! I believe the 11 1 and the AtslJO should operate like a < lie.: ks end (silent es system ¥ ¥ ¥ Mifinnf oi oiuqi IlfHINATKOMAL STUDCHT AUOCWUOH L/ INTE&NATIONAl FESTIVAL 1002 lodooc^i«o flight April I Otb Am Picitic D<| April ?Oth tuf opt Middle E«st D«« April ?I it Afnci Dm Ami ??od AsrnciiDii April ?3rd WoiId (oiub Dii April 7ilb loteiBitioopl flipbt April ?6tb Ticktn lot IiIiihIiomI KipAi imUlli it IiU Am Disk si IS* ellict ISnti 700 SaUI I«i blsiPitiM Msn 315 *3!/ 'll oil. Recycle This paper i BOOK NOW!!! Arc you traveling this summer? If you don’t make your reservation today you may not get a seat!! 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