Continued ‘'Of' Page ’ It r.omi*' down to ab<- ;i a Sid term savings I;. s.c.j : h it difference isn't filing to tlenv ... . > 1 > the mversitv. ’ : .s hurt (students') education Students currently pay about S'.O.i per term in tni ;.ien.t.ii lees The reduction h.illut measures would require that students pav t > more than S‘12 7(1 a term, beginning in the plot u I -a ho \t o I'lie Incidental bee (lommHtee. a sttidnnbelet led body ,.ilio tales money to about BO student groups the ,0b ■ tit department .inti tile KMl' goes .through,' a hearing prl* ess each winter and spring when budgets lor t tie ft u low- hg at adorn it year an- dei i led Despite arum ii efforts by the li t t: .-. wer lee- mandated ■ o try increases for professional staff members aiid u. t iru reusing tosts make that .i nearly impossible task Although tile tuiv vs .itiIii not mu essanly In made across'. On board if the ret I U1 l It)0 measure passes, students at the press Ci I tiler ellt e spoke about ho vs a 10 peri en ’ i! would alb. ! their gro; i ps ASTO President [enniter Hills t -tie tie n yes king's ell rts a: misdiret ted and tlve to. s should :• ' la\ ■ t.-um ' t- i e ment rev enue king did n 1 at attend the pre-s nlereiiie tint ,t U tine-..lav s ASIJP d«;hate he saiiti he wanted some of the cut athletic department fiudget The department now receives st o'il.aod bam tile ..! ( I h money is designated for; subsidized sl.-dont tit k.-ts > . events king salt! sutisidv to tedm ci and s' ; vy! want to attend could pay about S.’ a -seal After the press (tinferetu e. Sat:.! v AV.i lion . . lor (it athletics said a substunH.) tut ,n .' 1.. 1 -a ! ■ jeopardize student sealing enti-f. Iv Wo ha i > percent (;ul situ e then, --he saui n it ..vs • - ! I .iv en : 1.ana-si-tj:-iv < at ion of the st ...ha ; 1 -. a! ■- ill:. -> - at vs . : ■ 1 . s- :, .u.s . . : . : U 1 n’t gel 1 nd n Mac 1' • • ' same She said tile cut would also atlecl non revenue sports. vsim ii in . Iuties everything e\t ept lootbuli and men's tia ► ■ '1 -.' 1 l.isa Ui w rent e. i ted i ret tor of die it I,it k Student I :o. m s; -. •. ; the need for etiinu and minority gi ips not on-'. - . ■ "' tern lor students ol color but to piov ide • dm atn n on rat ml ■ u tor -l 11 students. 1‘nst ilia Warren. ASl'() v k e pi. ...leut ami 1 liner i! ( m I- a sani that as a student parent, she is only due to attend c In-. . he i ause Ii es are useil to prov ide child t are subsidy To alt.n k our fees is part I the solution is balking up tie vs rung tree. sh. s.ud ET ALS Hi'*** K . .*i< Mwl* ill •* Ain- Mmliiil * li.-jtlh lii.uMni *• i \ljih.* I jiiiUU iu-itj J‘iii Mv» '*m<*.j t ht 1 % 11 j m itv Jin) I ■» i-i'-'i ' J.imhI J 1 hIj* S. 1* .. r h*i.'i \ • < > 1 S* University Theatre Productions 1991-1992 Season Mtk. kMy loveliest comedy! Enchanting and heartwarming," says William Shakespeare. ^sT6ucJikecIt by William Shakespeare May 8,9,14,15, 16, 22, 23 8:00 p.m. Curtain • Robinson Theatre University of Oregon Theatre Box Office 346-4101 "A must see!!” -Moliere “Wish / hud written it. " -Sir Francis Huron UniyfUty Th—lr> product «jn* funded >n port from afum u« *nd tfi* ifC erf ASUO P**ti*i*y rf t4jd*<1 t» «rf ;*■ «* “Former Congressman Jim Weaver has written a lucid and passionate book. Scientists should hear what he has to Say. Joel Comull\ -Seattle Pest Intelligencer TWO KINDS BY JIM WEAVER The Genetic Origin Of Conservatives & Liberals Bring this ad to U of 0 or Smith Family Bookstores for a 20°o savings Exp 4-30-9? Wherever You’re Going - our Experts Wile Help You Gee There! L ASIAN 19 I ~ I ranklin 485-8226 THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON For crying out loud' Look at this place' Well this is one little Satanic ritual that's coming to an end'