EDITORIAL Helmsley won’t ever forget April 15 again On a day when millions of Americans were rush ing to the post office to send in their 1040 forms, Leona Helmsley wished she could. And had. The former hotel queen, diva of Manhattan, arrived Wednesday at the minimum-security Federal Medical Center in (.cxington. Ky. Helmsley. who once intoned in her hotel advertisements. "I won't be treated like an other room number." is now known as No. 1511A 054 It was hysterically ironic the 71-year-old Helmsley was ordered to start her four-year sentence on April 15. Apparently somebody in the Department of Justice has a sense of humor. Very few people enter the clink with as much fan fare and pomposity as did Helmsley. She took the com pany's Hoeing 727 to Kentucky and a limo to l-esing ton Her husband, in tribute, shut off the decorative; lights on the Helmsley managed liinpire State Building. Helmsley could theoretically be out on parole in 1(> months, hut thr saga of thi: woman who once said only little people pay tax i’s is over. Nearly three years ago, Helmsloy was « onvit tod of avoiding tax payments of more than Si 7 million. Her Ht year-old husband was also indicted, but was found to be incompetent to stand trial. Beside her prison senleni e. I lelmsley also paid out more than SH million in fines and rest! tution. Heimsiey, who once intoned in her hotel advertisements, ui won't be treated like another room number,” Is now known as No. 15113-054. She is but one* of many ( elcbrities to get nailed on tax evasion federal tigents. unable to pin any other substantive i rime on him. pinned the "unpaid taxes" label on gangster Al Capone, who once listed his voca turn as "second hand furniture salesman baseball's all-time leader in hits. Pete Rose, also did time for skip ping out on ties income tux So did country western singer Willie Nelson (no j.iil sentence, the IK.S just took everything he ow nod). A unique and heady list, to be sure Those who skimp on their taxes sometimes get fa vorable sympathy from the public After all. who among us likes to pay the IRS' The answer is nobody Hut Helmsley never got that sympathy Her abrasive personality, not to mention her "little people" com ment. endeared her to no one t.'iao, Leona LKTTKKS POLICY Letters to the editor must tie limited to no more than .'St) words, legible, signed and the identifii ation of the writer must Ik- verified when the letter is submitted 1 he 1 mrr.ild reserves the rigfit to edit any letter tor length or style Oregon l huh PO BOX 3iM. CUOCNC. ORIGOW 97403 !*•« > "ugof' (M y I ■ *. i)1 ‘Ut » K4 I a.. tt '■*» v f -x» ytwv .i x1 T uvl.iy .i O Tr ■ -J.r, 11..• •>g ” u :•'.** i .'{>.♦ r i f g Co It*.. 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Production M*r\*g«r M •» DitpJay Advertising Clinked Adv#ni*mfl Hot* 146 371? 346 4143 C-OSM pO'fooNtfeD7 L£T Mt Wf?tTE You fc CH££K MOW MUCH 7 Cm\, r COMMENTARY Real issues trivialized by media By Ron Gum jg Predictably. another com plex issue is rodur eil to the st m |i lest black and white spis trum In (lay s angry with movie portrayals" [(HH. April nl. / mera/.f reporter l am mv Haley should he i ommend i'd lor trying to edut ate the University campus about the portrayal of gays, lesbians and bisexuals in Hollywood films Vet, he i n g o n e of t h e soundbites ill! lulled 111 her article. I feel reduced to a ster eotvpe an 'angry voir e while mv conversation with Hates was more complex and ini tint lusive This hhu k and white roduc lion is emphasized by the lirsl letter in response to this artu le by Jirveii Weslby . n April 1.1 Besides tielng angry . I am now 'huleiful I 1: ,| ,! j 1M ip| me that I want to devote my profcs slonal life to) and have been ev pi isoid i for my Ignorani e and rai ism l ord knows what all parlies involved will be labeled by the end of tills discourse, including U . stbv and I i ouldiTt blame must students tor turning a blind eve and a deal ear to the relevant issues when the dls course is rodili ed to two sides name i ailing across a fence I'm nut surr wh.it needs to hu addressed most m ii 1,000 word response 1,. Tin' journal isiu reduction td voices to the sunn- soundbites' .>) Tin; real homojihuhl.i in Hollvwuod. .1! tested to by tin- 1.11 t 11 idt .1 re i imt bn.ird, Hollywood Sup ports was formed by msidt-rs to fight homophobia m the Mol ly wood mdustrv ' t) A bal .1111 i'd discussion of positive and negative gay. lesbian and hise\uaI portravals in l S films' I) The different, com plex real lions to such films as Silfiii e 0/ thr L.imbs and Risn Instan t in the gay. lesbian and bisexual community ' r>i A sin cere discussion on how gay. lesbian and bisexual issues connect to other subordinate groups sut h as women and people til color ' t>) The fai t that this paragraph doesn't fit the simplified, stereotyped length of a newspaper article', and so forth lilies* we liegm to learn, un derstand and accept the pres ently uiisolvable, complex real ■ Lord knows what all parties involved will be labeled by the end of this discourse... lions to homophobia arid other moral" issues, and the "nor malness" of different e, I per sonallv fe.ir tilt? unleashed Irate, repression and violeni e within our communities \\hut 1 tried. apparently un sUt i essfu 1 iv . to explain to itatev ts that after the (X A makes (dtv lesbians arid bisexuals (iisappear, the next step is to insure that women are re feminized and men are re maxi ultni/.ed and the palriar that, black, and white power strm lures ot (.tender and sexual 11 x are reestablished in my dissertation, the topu is not solely the historical homophobia within the l S him industry but the unreulis in. u onngraphit images of masculinity and femininity that homophobia has helped to i re ate and entrem h I am no doubt ignorant at times, hut I am i outinualIv learning the ms essily of openly discussing and displaying my ignorant e to eliminate it ( Mien, when I speak, it Is from a self reflexive search for meaning in a complex world Ysith complex inputs that need to he heard, such as now Instead of assert ing an opinionated answer and position for everything. I wish more of us talked from a posi tion of ignorant e in an expand ing seart h for truth and under standing Ignorum e ( tin he fruKlr.itmg and embarrassing, but bolter those reactions than the verUil violent e and superiority of name culling and surt asm Kor the record, let me state that Sih'nn' of iht' Liimbs was an intense, complex Him expe rience for me I did feel that the serial killer was tagged with an easily identifiable stereotyped guvness and the violence upon women fry this character was disturbing Yet. for me, Jodie I osier's character and perfor mance revealed astonishing depth and strength in terms of female representation in a Hol lywood film As far as llusit: Instinct, I be lieved the film was somewhat misjudged by Queer Nation and other protesters The film steals from Vertigo and asserts a more misogynist statue than solely an anti-lesbian, anti-bisexual bias and should be criticized from that standpoint, interest ingly, the only time 1 empa thized w ith any of the i burnt ters was the lesbian, Koxy I have not seen I’rinci• at Titles or Tried l ',men Tomatoes because I cannot afford to go to every film that passes through the community and therefore, I do not feel ijualified to com merit on those films The truth of the mutter, I evaluated the above films in a similar manner to Botev 1 also praised the positive portrayals of gavs and lesbians In the films Tans is Homing, \fy Own Trivate Idaho and The Virgin Mai hme However, it should be noted that these films were not distributed as w idely in the t inted States as llusit Instinct or Silence ol the Tamils The point of rehashing this territory is to emphasize that all voices can't and shouldn't be reduced to a pro or a con Yes, I'd like to see more mainstream positive portrayals ol gays, les Ilians and bisexuals, but I also would ini lude groups subor dinated because of gender, class and race Surely, it noth ing else, college teaches us about the diversity of voiles trying to lie heard, recognized and legitimized I know I'm na ive. but I still don't see why all voiles cannot be leistered and heard Thu other import,mt point here is to note the irony that an artii hr on stereotyping reduced five voices to the same "angry” gay, lesbian and bisexual ster eotvpe, followed by the first angry” letter by Westby that reduces Dot kslader, Wolf and myself to hating, ignorant, rac - ist homophiles The letters that take Westby to task will reduce him to a foaming, mad dog homophobe Meanwhile, the two reports i received last week about two AIDS related deaths and the reasons for these deaths are trivialized and forgotten That's what I'm angry about Hoc Dregg is graduate student in the University's telecom munication and film depart ment