PALMS Continued from Page 1 luglltnnitr 11 it id n ! rciilt/i' If vs i doing .1 lrit i. until ti<- luld > I I : II (if till ijlj lit' ' Will! ti.l ;! [I.lllll lift* ' ' 'lid W Inn tin- jicr ■ i. u .I-- stiii ihrill' ii by liic ,n i ur.M y id I r• ■ t* 11(n’ H\ k.'iivs tlitfi vs.i sun milling m il' io |mIiu ii'.niiiig thiin in tt'rprctinfi hands Today, in addition In toarh ing (lassos ai the .University. H wmm spnnds his Unto loam .: .% liv ponpli 1 ik<• hlmsolf i an ho (tmnmi. I-1 a .,]! his training in th«i art : .!■■ Hvn. m has lieon 1 il a mind or T Utttos h\ nthor roagu uns Ono limo ,i gr.idua'o station! • m.piololv -Uimpoil him with a il : ,'.i !i a k l.vontualU tho sin deni told the? professor that hi? had 1 i'(imod the stunt from a magazine artiolo hy .1 guv nainoil Kay Hyman Ho had chang'd j| enough so I didn't oven roi ogni/e my own trick.'" ho said An i nternationa 11 v - known speclallsl In the psychology of deception part of H vrnan s time is spent figuring out the truss nf fortune tollers from around the world ''. h I ;cr They’re Taking Appointments for Some Woman-to-Woman Talk. Meet l auric F tcici. physician's assistant, and Judic Hamilton, certified nurse midwife (CNM) Both know what's on a woman's mind, know her concerns, understand her fears They're easy to talk to. easy to be frank with As a physician's assistant, Laurie does routine gynecological exams and offers counseling m PMS. contraceptives, and sexually transmitted diseases She's especially good with teenagers needing their first exams As a certified nurse midwife. Judie offers an alternative approach to preparing for childbirth She consults with expectant parents from their very first office visit through the delivery, and afterwards Most importantly, like the doctors they work with, both Laurie and Judie are committed to giving women the information they need to make sound decisions about their health care Skilled doctors A caring environment And now. Laurie and Judie Good reasons for making your next appointment at the Clinic for Women 175 We« B Street Suite I Springfield. Oregon 97477 Oregon Medical Group 1200 Httyard Street Suite S-200 Eugene. Oregon 97401 Gink, for Women Richard Beytriam. M.D and David PowaM. M.D. 726-1010 Two summers ago, Hyman fit-vs to ICngland to help His credit tlir popular radio call-in psvt hn ( Dion Hvm.m said Dion would only talk ala ut different combine lions of the same It areas with his t alters I-or example. Dion would tell a (Tiller that she or someone close to her vs as lurrentlv con sidering a i nreer i hange or has ing money problems Often, he vs'as accurate he( ailse the late gories were general enough that they c mild apply lo anybody My man first became interest ed in deception ns n 7-year-old during the Depression, when his father bought him a (ess tricks from a magic store Throughout his high school years m I’serett, Mass , he was able to make enough money performing magic shows to help fund part of his college tu ition After a while he began in venting his own trii ks, writing them up and sending them to the magic inn's trade magazine /.rrikrrig Kings He featured on the magazine's cover in l')f> 1 and in 1 t*Bt. Since the early 1 '170s. Hy man Ini' been incorporating what he knows about mugn into some of the classes lie teaches t'ntil a few years ago. he taught "Pseudo Psychology's." a class dealing with the activities of fortune tellers and psvi hu s Now. he incorporates his psv < hit knowledge into his depart mentN I’hinking" course Hvman usually begins that course bv asking two volun teers if they can bend keys w ith their minds While the ( lass at tention is Tot used on them, he set retly bends a key bv using another key .is a lever When the volunteers sav they t an t do it. he gently strokes the bent key in front of the i lass, creating the illusion that he is bending it right then After the demonstration, he asks his students how they think he did it They reply w ith blank stares T ye gotten aw ay with It since 1 U71!he said Besides tricking slu-denls, Hyman plans to continue work ing on a hook he started some time ago tentatively titled Him .Smurf I'coplr ('.u IVro/ig .---'=71 Mou)* Rum Lai ri:\ The Polo Hiff Shirl Oversized ami comfortable with a relaxed fu r rafted from pure cotton that has been mellowed io achieve the natural softness oi well-worn clothing. This shirt reflects the ease styling that has become a Polo tradition