IFC CANDIDATE PROFILES Russell Taylor Russell Taylor. <1 candidate for .1 one-year IK' seat, is a )w nior majoring in computer m i I’tirr biology and biochemistry Taylor is c urrently the Co-chair of the (larson l.arl Presidents Council, which allocates funds for the housing complex ()l)h Do sou las ilr .11 riis-, the-board cuts as a means ol keeping lees loss Taylor: I las or a Iree/e id budgets, ext ept in extreme cases, a major cut in KMl man agement. and a reduction in ticket subsidies for the athletic department But no across the hoard cuts because I don't think those are workable ODE: Hnsv svould veut ensure that users group gels a fair hearing and a fair budget7 Taylor: I'd try and meet with them before their budget hear mg on a personal level il there s no scheduled meeting and try to do rt'se.in h to got .in idi'.i of wfi.it funding thiw \r in th«• p ,i s t .1 nd how o (fo< ! i v r I v tIn-s m tioon using tfu'ir mini UV ()1)( Do \.hi ■ ■ ■ o \ o it s ip propn.ifo to hold i nr run'group din-1 tors hi i. uf itdf tor mis m.in.igl-tnujtl f-> forinor liirri tors' I ,n lor V' ■ ' iu'si- idt-.iilv tin- group si;.- . i dr w or king from all its nn-inhois not just this diri-i tors ’t on i .in f.nrlv woil .issunti th.it the group s kept thr smu' munihorshtp from yi'.ir to your ()l)f. Would you ho in l.t'yor of i utting lurgr Inidgots to r pm pi-ns.ito tor mi rousing or iii.nn Mining tho inidgots of sm.iilnr groups' Tayloi No ! don t think thill's i.put.ildo It should hi' hast'd oil tin- iiiorits of tfio group not how unit !i mniii’i thm rr gelling DIM W In ,; . iii .: ulci!’s voir t.if you ' Iavlor I li.nr ,i history nt working vrry hard on .invtlnng I work on I .mi willing In gain any rk|m*r lent r lh.it I in rii for thr|oh Jose Balderas lost' Balderas, t andidate for a one-vear 11*'(I seat, is a sopho more majoring in Spanish liter attire and architecture and is a member ol MlitihA, the Lull no/(lhicano student group C)L)K: Do yon favor across the-hoard tuts as .1 means ol keeping fees low' Haltleras: It van .ire talking almut a very tieep tut, 1 don’t favor that I know that I'm pav ing a lot of fees, hut I'ti prefer to have a group running than just to shut it oil I think groups without intinet can't run 01)1.: How won 111 Vial ensure that every group gels a fair hearing and a lair budget' Balderas: I would have to hs ten to what thev sav I would have to look into maintaining low tees but at the same lime keeping the groups running with the same potential they have been at ODli: Do Km brlirvr it's ip propriate to hold current group directors accountable fur mis management t)V lortner diroc tors’ Halderas No I think that d It's the same direr tor as till' l.ist year, then you have to hut each direi tor has their mvn wav ul running their group and some limes it might lie dilhcull lor them to deal with what has been done in the past 01)1 Would v u he in lusur ol i titling large budgets to coin pensale (or mi reusing or main taming the budgets ol smaller groups’ Balderas DehniteK d we're talking about lAtt manage muni and the athlctu depart nielli I think they deserve a i lit bet ause they ie making ■> lot ot money, and tics i an prohatilv siip|h*r I lh<‘ms‘?U (•'. 01)1 Wh\ ■.!; 1 .hi volt* Is if you ' Hu Id (‘l .is f , . !h. lost prion tv lor ihr upc. yiuir, il I'm rl»‘( trd to tlu would h<* studs Jits, then till? • drills it rnv Hliing • ii(’. .dir! .i low Mark Brinkmann Mark Brmkrnann is a junior mu ! or m g in } on r n a I i s m iui’ws rvliiiut.il) and 111>!iIit a I sv i • As AS l l) puhln a lions i nordinator. hr managoN thr > iiMM) i n'lblit budgrl ()l)i ; h \. lav' • .it russ ihr bo.ird i uts' ,in 4 muans ol kroping In ... vs Bimkmatm V i ' ! fa vor .iiiiisN thr board i (its as a 11i♦ •,im ol kuoping mt ulvniul. tors 1 ovs simply hot a u so that unfairly dumagrs programs It rrtlii'Vrs sor V l* >s vs fiu h stu il on t s nr rd a mi I think it would hav o a trrmrndous itti nail on sluiiont johs rsprt dally in tfio i M and it (hr athlotu iiopartmont ()l)t }{m\ would vou onsuro that rvory group grls a lair hrarmg anil a tail budgrtf hi mkmann \ lair firif mg iloponris on tho budgrt thrv lot mulutr 1 think It s going to go mi a i aso by < aso basis 1 think wo'ro going to tty to do a lot ot VNfi.it tho li t is try mg to Jo this v« ai By rlimm.it i n g . I u p i n a 11 o n ami making Mir* stu*i*■ nts ar- running on a Iran budgrt. thr ! I t vs i 11 giv * t fi o m o n o u gh m o nr y as to vs fur. thrv i an turn t ion ()1H ! I« i y * >u ? 11ov c it \ ap propnatr to hold i urrrnt group dim tors art ounlalilr lor mis managrmrnt f»v formrr dim tors' lirinkm.inn A’«■ to tf.«■ r\ ton! that d (hoy go into dolu it I think it's thcdr program's fault Musi t urrrnt piogiarn tlim tors vvoro mvolvod m tho program at tho linir vvlion thoy ran into dot it liny know tho program was going into dotn:i!. and of t o n t i m o s thoy * o u I *1 fi a v o hrlprd slop it Pius, that • just part of thr {»: .• • ■! k< ojni *g ovorytfling afmv .• iio.i i j Wfo-n Coofgo Bn-.!t it avos o!fu itfir guy all* r hill: i ‘Sling, ! * I ll.iv 1- ! ( i pi k Up W h* It- Bush jf|S .ill it fir louvrs r Ihf rt-1 I'ssloll, (Ill'll she 111’Vt guv is going to pit k it up 01)1 Would sou hr m favor ol i tilting I,irm• budgrls tu i uni pi’iis.iti’ fur mi rousing nr main taming tho Inulgrts ol sm.illrr groups' 111 III k III. I IIII Will, till’ I VS 11 i >: s • Inn 11; i ■ t s .iii- tin- I At I ami thr alhlotlt lii’ji-irtuii’iit lllill's iiliimst 'll pun rnt ul student ti.". I lli mk i -pi i i,i11s tin' I At I i null! takr sulllt' I Ills i 111' I S1! ■, inminiii.il 'pill r shimM I..- i li.i11’*1 *! ,*t mark' t I illlll' It . nisi m.ikmg thusi' hmlgrts iin nr i ffii mil mak mg tin' I'.M I p.1V li’t itsi'lf ()l)l VVliv .tnmlil ■■ tinii'111s i nti- fur vim? Hi mkmaiiu: I In In ', u pi-oplr slu mill v ntu It a ini' lim ausu I mu utn ul tin im- stuiii-nts sslin broke into stinli ul guviTiimi'nl as i Iota! out so!i-1 I intIT v in vs i <1 I u r ms position as ASl'O I'si'iutisi svithuut lias ins’, ins '■ spuriiTH i- it all I still sii• ms '.i’ll as all outslili'f m tin' st in lr n I gus rr nlin nt prin nss ami I think 1 i in iti-al sv itli all tun igi'ls lair Iv I am . mu rnirii is itil ki'i'piiig nn niiTilul t- Ion lull nut at llm lost ul studi'M programs 1 Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen ()H bu'RE1 Pc ....... . f, [ l&mWE!!Liv£ IN A fTW/VV''" VJ ft AW 1 Weasel’s World Kraig Norris