Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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7M * IMh
£ I kt*<k mtii *f fumpmi ^
BEBIM RICE.._.5.50
TERI BEEF... ..3.50
1306 HIYARD* 345-9555
For Textbooks
Mon. • Sat.
Smith Family
768 E. 13th
1 Block From Campus
Barbara Rodgers
Kurlj.it.i Rodgers is .1 junior
majoring in six lolngv and mi
noting in women's studies She
is also 1 o-ditri lor lor Sufende
01)1.: Do you favor .11 loss
the board t uts as .1 means of
keeping fees loss '
Rodgers ! do not favor
across (tie hoard (ills I 'don’t
think that fees sh. jiiid he raised
hut I think 1! s important to
make sure that vs* still lane 111*
student groups there and Still
are able to a■< the :s.tudetlts
ODi; f joys ys 1... Id you ec s ar 1
that every group gets a lair
hear ing an.f a f a: r i judge! *
Rodgers ! .s. ..id make sun
dial | would vs 1 :k along with
lla Student groups As being
part of a student group tight
runs, it's te.illy .111)1011.1(1! tli.it
tin y understand the budget
probe ms and tii.it tin y under
stand the go,1 i■. of fit
and that's not to raise tin- fees
In the hearings that do come
up, I would n< rd to make sure
th.it I understand what the
group actually does I've i»rn
around the University .1 long
turn mi ! know .1 lot of the
I also know .1 lot about diudg
rung and that . on c an 1 .1 w hat
you Call (alt III certain plan s
an: kl. ■ w w !:.|! !,rrs! s to sia\
tin re
( )I)I I ). ■ v ! .ii fan irvr !: ■ ap
propnate to hold 1 urrent group
dim tors aicounlahte for nils
management f>\ former dim
Roil gels M . lot 1 I fi 1 iik w a
need to make sure that it
doesn't happen again If they
didn't even know the people
that were in there lx fore, then
that's ridii u'lous
its like .11 ross the board cuts
vein 1 lin t do lli.it, i mean, then
what would 1 be doing in the
!(( position if 1 said Let s just
c ul lins ,ii mss iti<- board It s
more work lh.m that It de
pends on i at It indiv iduai t use
You need to problem solve
i it h .individuiil < use that t times
up bill if last year YOU had a
pfi blein. you need to make
sure that you look bat k on that
so that it doesn't happen again
01)1. W i iiild \ on be . f. fav r
of I at'.ing large budgets to < one
peiisatc for iik.reusing or main
taming the budgets of. smaller
Rodgers: It's a lot more vsork
than lost making rules like 10
pert' til across the board or
just saving you tan (cut) a big
budget lor a small budget
01)1 Win should students
s ole (or you’
Rodger^. I think I would do a
really good job, and I think I
reallv understand the student
gr .ups and how important tiles
i Would i ike to set t lie uthlct ■
it (jrp.irlmenI < ui, and the
L.M: i mild use some restruc
The student groups .ire defi
riitelv lund-r.using, tint (tin'
athleln department) needs to
lurid raise (her a use I they have a
lol more resources (.roups like
Saferlde could riot survive
without the li t : allot atlons
Anne Wagoner
Am.* u i»: ; ■ •
stUilrM >
* ■ X J JI-I
fit’is that ihi u
provrmrni on tl
! IM .1! i f i W .1 It l \ l
U vt < ruingi*
om \u \
ihc* hoard < Ills
kr« li'i low
,11 (i »ss t hr h» m r d
should l1 * f *
i h.inf< • modi
hitMS hl l ,|11V
lhi* Im.ird » UU
to Ih»• programs
t \ of ()n gun
< > I ) 1 H « 1 \S VN
(hut *wr\ g;«>
do not favor
ills Hudg«t‘
\ ii u »• d .i n d
on .i hru Hrm
(m■ iir \ «* .»< ross
on delrirnrnta}
.it Ih*- Cim orsi
M)(d VOll rllMirc
it t j gr l \ .i l*i i r
,ir H): .in.! (.nr budge! '
\\ .Igdlll'I >*■ . 111 <■ I. '■ ii I e till!
'.nil gr .ijt gel*. ,i fair hearing
fn Hi HIV CIVMI jiers|iei live be
. him [ lei ; that 1 hav e the ahlli
! 1 |> , , k a! Ill ith ■.ides id tin
issues at hand
! ill n l favor am one organi
sation mi ire than unnthcr
I ll)l ' \ !•' • \ e
prupfiate So hold t uiren! group
direi tors aet ountahle for ini'
miniagi meen h\ lormer din e
Wagonei i.i ie !i,i. !ii I*' ai
c ountalnlitv from program to
pfi.e'aiu ififeelofi' sflluod keep
an ait urate rei ord of hois liiev
are spending the funds In
keeping trai k of where 1 lie
monei s going tin- future dirts
tors Mill have all idea of where
things .in in I'lr p.isl ami if it's
not dot then it tan t
in .iiiiirrsMui
I in I llial the way tin- li t
funds art disjMTM-ii. as far .is
thr turn iil vtar or tin* fat l that
tin’ i-arK dm i lor si ts tin' btid|4
et tor next Vf.ir. (i•>) not vrr\ cl
fi( 'ient br< .uisc the old (iirci tnr
is setting the budget lor uctivi
ties tb.it the (ri iv) programs lire
01)1.: Would vou be m favor
of cutting large budgets to < um
petrsate for increasing ui main
taming the budgets of smaller
Wagonei think its a i.ttii
ambiguous to s.i\ large budgets
bet a use there are a lot of
groups ith : .rg' budgets
! in in favor of requiring more
fisi al act ounlabiliu lor the
I .M ! 1 and the athlel u depart
men!, but I do not favor < tilting
A SI () ji rc igraitis
( till W hV - i. ..id -.Indents
vote tor vou7
Wagonei: I have tile best in
terest ol the students at heart I
teel that I t an gl lr e(|Ual eight
to hnth sides ol an Issue
EUGENE, OR 97403
34 3-7021
1 Iol\ 1 htursdav, April 1 S
7: 50pm: Mass (vv till tin- washing ot the lull followed In \ i;’il .K
the Altai of Re[H»e until mulmpht
l Jood ErisLav, April 1 7
12:00 tu'on: I htee hows devotion retlei ttons on the Lot '•even
words ot Jesus with music interludes
2 00pm Stations of the t 'ross statlinp at the t'» met t 'ha[xd and then
priveed to ! lendt teks Park (Brinp umbrellas and raincoats it it rains.)
50pm: 1 iturpy of the \\otd with reading of the Passion, Veneration
of the (. 'ross and 1 iolv Communion
HoK Saturdav, April IS
9:00am e >ttk e ot Reading and Morning Prayers.
Ulster \’ipl, Sunday, April 19
5:00am: Blessinp ot the New hue and Water, Baptism of the Meet
and Reception ot the Candidates, Mass
Easter Sunday, April 19
Masses at 9:00 N 1 1:00am N 7: '0pm.
1 he Newman Center Staff invites you to join us in Holy Week services,
/‘he Catholic Parish scrimp the l of O since 19/5
Spring Cleaning Sale!
\ntujm- haiul | un Indian ^{aNs tvads,
^ It- k t v in tap- japaiHM aiul
i .ui,.' aki.in U-.nl->. vmtap ( hrman
head and Atik an trade lx ad .
1091 Olive St. • 68 0590*
1 slice Pepperoni Pizza
4 pieces Crazy Bread
One 16 oz. Soft Drink
Good till 5.00 p.m. Expi/es 5/31/92
CAMPUS • 1930 Franklin • 687-2848