SPORTS Grad student places 31 st at trials jBob Stoltz battles last weekend's humid conditions to become state's top finisher By Erick Studenicka t mvorsitv graduate student Hnl’ stnli/ u .is sin top finisher from tin' state ol (Xrrgon and till1 list overall ip. the I lull’d St.iti's CJlvntjsi N'titathiin Tr in is hold hist weekend til ( oill 111 bus, Ohio Stoll/ i ovi-n d th>■ 2ti 2-mile i nurse in 2 ZS Us ,i time that Stoll/ tell w ,is resper lable considering I In- hoi. humid conditions Steve S11ri■,i i• o! ( li.miber sbu rg i’.i , won the riicto in 2 12 -1.1 ' It w .is ro.illv w indy on till' course arid the lemperatures roar hod Ihi' mid 'Its. Stoll/ sale! (ining into tho r.n o. .1 I In night I t on Id run a 2 IS. hut thn Conditions wore too poor to run a Iasi rai < t ondilions wi r. u advorsi in Columbus that oulv ss ol the IDS starli rs won ahlo to corn Bob Stottz pletr thr r.u r l oriin r Oregon runriiT-. Mbrrt.j S.ila/.ir .md ki-n Sbirtin u • i. .mu ;v. lln un.iblr lo i omplrli 'hr i inirsr Despite running !nv fir■»t eif{h! !M11«.1! .1 10 prf mile p.ll >' still!/ irtUMil fimiM-il 111 00.1 h pi.II r !lv 111; r 1 H. ill-w rv r v. •■! 1/ ti.ui nunni up ti- list After uiiuul 1! miles. I be r.m !. 1 rrl.iv .mil si.irlrii p.r sine, people. Stull/ s Hi! I nrvrr frullv lilt 'ihr VVttll SI) I Irli Greider named coach of year in Pac-10 women’s tennis Oregon vs omen's tennis h Torn i.reuier has In-on rennet! the i’acifh ID t tinier erne Northern Division ot the Year i*reshman Kara Iroshida anil sophomores Sherry iairgneve anil Katie ('.Ivon were also named a i 1 con to rent e seiei tions (ireuier. who lias Oregon one s ictorv shv of the season s< hool ret ord with two matches still remaining, has guided Oregon Ur a 61-10 mark including a surprising Hi 11 record tins season He is also the winning est c oar hint begun history A former Dar k men s tennis MY!‘. 1 .reuier in Ids tile s( hool record for career victories with r,ti and is tteil lor the single sea MEN S t HAIRCUTS DUCK TAILS SALON 144 6164 • • M ■ • 1 TOP 5 AC API-MY AW'ARP W’lNNiiR! 95 J The KAVE Presents: Hie silence oi im Ms Thun. Fn. Mon* Tur, Wtil i & I ^ Sul: 000. S is, 7: W, ‘>:4S Sun: 2:00. 4 is. f>:V0 V VJ» S I • Vk*i«». }l ! « «***fc-*’«» •*<- **% J Ajtct *t»r K »U Ul .-W. I! £» IU k {• * a limited rr^»grnw*nc .»< tlw* McKenzie Theatre 630 Main St. ioMRion Spnn^vU 747^ V»9 M.-ii uwrk with 10 in mm v • .if V..shul.i |»!.i\oii Nu ' -.iiiih •. ,1 r,iS i! oubli’s h r i hr Dm ks. t iirnpi'mg .i 1 '"> ! I in.irk in sin gins .mil .i 1 ’ H rnt i ni in ilou bins I tiifgnni n, who jil.iys No .1 slogins .uni Nil I iln.iblns. is 1 * > 12 in sin gin' Mil Iwi \ i .! r murk .il (Irngun is ! .mil sbn is 1 r» H tills sn.ison ill iltiu bins (Uynn In,lib. ibn tn.nn with .i 20 0 iti.irk .it "si. i :■» iind has >1 ! '> 11 rni mi ,i! No 1 llm. bins Sbn Ini) thn tn.iin ill sm gins vi-iir itb .i 10 o in.irk Washington Nl.irv Kmlly V\ ,ls II,I mml ' . 1! h-rnln n • pl.IVnr ol tbn Vi'.ir (of till- sm uiui slr.ngb! sn.ison prrtt i 11 -mli'>I«• .ill I hr w.i\ SfolI! li'lt m> gnoil in fat t, im look itmr in ' high In* |rit nils .mil f.inuiv mi'inbuTs wfui*' running iin- fin,i! null* nf ihr < uursi’ \ in, ng I In* iiMitiTs (Irrrr is,is ilit!«- linn- for high In •• .is iht* top. thrin’ runner* fIrri•• h<■ m 11 lut i 11 ti m 11 i III > Hi I \ t I i M H li« I »U >• '► |\ I 1(1 I’ll » I l< \\ I l I l< I ,u.i \ I*.. ^ ,ii,ji „,.*j ii. I Mi < .l.i. J The *2.00 TEE SHIRT IS BACK Russell Athletic 100 cotton md 00 50 blends • Slightly IR and available on a ^^ limited basis m ten colors ror spring activities and sports We also have tank tops, long elnnuo t thifK ii fl (j sweats at great savings at Eugene Athletic RUSSELL. ATHLETIC uuamy ai a Fair Price Jf lcjuipnn*nl 1«k jlfd ■'jiu'tij. ATHLETIC II IV* wMhclat* your parking In Ka'i-mi nl V us -Ml SUr*^ ( rt*d«f ( 41 dK V < rpfril S.V - I hi if • * *<> • *M W. Brimdway, Eugene, OR • Ml *288 _____ Dimnliwn I ufcrnr ■■ 1225 Alder • 345-2434 S I'OR AtiK. across from the l of O NKW IM I S Personal or Commercial * * . A iiA . It's its \ v>ui ";ul\antage” to call: u>\ \n ru.i siok\<;i: ')U I ninklm His it 144 *00*> XT Natural hlcgancc l-xdilnu spring st> It * now arrlvlii# from s.m Francisco and the world beyond. >nl IIILYAKI* • y»» n«vi \ OPEN DAILY 10AM (>1»M SLINDANCE MERCANTILE WHITE SALE Tanning Packages • 5 tans for $15 • 10 tans for $25 • 15 tans tor $30 You Don't Need to Boa Mombor! Oregon West fitness 1473 Franklin Across I rom Campus HILLEL SEDER Sunday Night, April 19 at 6:00p.m. 1236 Kincaid St. (Behind UO Bookstore) We will provide Mat/.oh and Seder Plate Fixings All who attend are requested to bring their own le verages and a dish to share VVe suggest the following: If your last name begins with A through M. please bring fruit or a salad It your last name begins with N through Z. please bring a [xitato, rice, egg, dairy and/or veggie main dish Please note that in order to !*• Kosher for Passover, dishes may not contain leavening agents, wheat (except for mat/.oh meal), oats, barley, rye, sjielt, or noodles. I hank You! For more information call Hi 11**1, 343-8920