Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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    Spring symposium series
explores drugs in society
By Maja Worn
fn -1 Or • If !,
l-or students dosirlng .1 gro.iii r undor
standing uf drugs 111 soi ii’ly and want
,1 ffw ijtiii k 1 ri'ilils (In- spring lorm < mi
foront o scrirs prosootod fiv if)'* Umvi fsi
ly Sulrslanoo Ahuso I’riivnntliin Program
111.iv provuio tho unsw ri
Tills torm's symposiums. w hii It will
Ink.' plm 1' .il tho Viillrv Kivor Inn. .in' li
lli'il Tnniting <1 Drugfroo Workplm o."
"Drugs and ilii' Trouhlod ("hild" iiini
"Drugs uni) Sports
Dr Kit hard Si liljaill. ifiri-i lor of llur
SiilisliitirAliiisr I’rrvi'ntlon Program,
s.iul tlii'fir is .1 n.ilion.il trrnrj toward 1 on
foront os in lughor rifui ullori "tx i ausn
■ Is 1 hi' ri’.il world tinning In llu siu
dirnls. insli'.id ol lh*' lliioriilii.il world
ll's going out mid finding Ihu roal world
Wir soil'd projdi' who uro working full
timer in I ho uro.1 tlioy'ro providing
"Woro mooting llu- m i ds of Ilm si 11
limits.” In- suiil ol ilif l onfori iii os, whii li
goniT.ilod .’.Mill irodils for sludonls Iasi
Although ihr symposiums gonorally
hogin on rhursd.iv s. the firs I of this
lorm'v 1 hr«'<• ovnis h. gins on .1 Wisim-s
I In- lost ol tho two 11 a v syinpusiums.
"(.mating .1 Drug frvo Workplai o. w ill
l.iko pl.11 o on April ." 1 .ind 24 A 1 otnmu
lilly iurum on tho topu: will ho limn " In
o |> m on April 1 o sptinson d by tin
(Irogon llusirioss I .mini d
I’rogr.im ( imrdin.iloi Miki M.m s.nd
llu imporl.inl purl id this purln ular 1 on
foroiu o will In tho roprosi'iil.iliuii Irnin
omployi rs .imund the stall'
"People who >iTi business m i.or • or
rn.itkei'uifp'iH'fvrmni’l-orientod. it «>■ ,; I
reully benefit them lo lx- there, not unit
for the inform.!!ion they'll gel hut for the
t ont it tx." she s.utf
Drug's .inti the Troubled ( hild the
nest tonferet. t offered. IS the third in .1
series of t onleren< es uddressing loduv x
Vo.ith M.n t ..ml it would f>e p.irlit til.irU
nerlnsi nt for people who do or .ire pi.in
ning to inter.it I w .th hildren
It w i II tie M.n H .uni n with.it ummu
nity forum on the topic on M.iy ' from 7
to d |l 111
I he third t mi!> rent < Drugs .inti
Sports, will int hide sin h pres, titers .is
the lie.it! pin sit i.m for tile intrrmition.il
Olympit leum und tundv Ol.iv.irn, tin
I'llt-i Olvmpit mednlixt in t yt ling who
w.ix tllstjunlified from her win when she
texted positive for drugs
Also spe.iking will tx- .1 p.inel of I 'r 11
versitv .itfileles, including tr.uk slur Art
Skipper ullti softh.lll pl.lV'T M.irnie Mi
(lull Kemuimng spnr.es for this confer
true lire limited It will lie M.n 1 *> und
ft., wiili.it itiniiiiumly forum from ’ to u
p m mi M.n t 1
()ne or two upper division t e dits on .1
puss no puss buxix ure uvuiluhle foi t it h
t onferent e There is u StOper t n-tfil
tdiurge und u tuke home ovum lot eat fi
t onferent e
Kegistrution is uvuilulilt through Dut k
( .ill until M.n Hi untf through the t on
tinuulion ( enter .diet M.n i.f I he xyrn
pnxiiims tun Ixi fount) under HDLV ill)
in tile st hetiule of ( l.isst s
I or more mformutiun on the confer
(Tin's, there will lie .1 lulile ill (lie l.MI
ttxf u \ . or ( tiflt.lt t M.n e ut t it. t to
GTF nominations due
Nomination* lor Graduate l ent Ic
ing Awards for Outstanding Teaching
are due In llic Graduate School, l^r>
Chapman Ha!!, m. later than 5 p m on
Nomination (orlns are avatiahie at
departmental offues the referent e
desk Inf the Knight and Sc lent< iibrar
ics and the (iraduate Si hoot
All (ells involved in classroom or
laboratory teat hing are eligible (or
nomination bv both students and lot -
These awards have been estahhsiieti
bv the University in cooperation with
the Mortar hoard organization in.or
der to recognize excellence in teat h
trig and at ademn guidatue TwoSMKi
awards will he presented at spring
t eminent ement
Youth campus visit set
Nearly r>00 Oregon tans are export
ed to partu ipate In tile sixth annual
Heat h lor Sut i ess v isitation day for
students of tailor ages It) to 1-t and
their parents on Saturday from a in
to -1 p m
The free program is designed to on
i enrage Native \merican. African
American, Chit and Latino and the
Asian Tai ilii Ament an students (rout
Oregon to consider higher education,
said Allison Davis White I ves, an a a
demit adviser in the University's ()l
flt.e of Multicultural Affairs
We are uri exclled about this
year’s visitation das she said We
think this is .i stepping stone lor chil
dren who might not other w ise explore
the opportunities ol i ollege
The visitation day will give the slu
denis .in opportunity to experience
college life on .1 college campus Thev
vs ill visit ,1 chemistrv class, on .ut stu
dio 1 dormitorv and eat lunch in the
dorm cafeteria
Workshops lor parents address top
ics such as health, employment op
portunities and update information on
edut alional trends
The event is sponsored by the ()l
fie e ■' Multu ulturai Affairs and the
Ollici d Admissions
Professor awarded fellowship
University Knglish I’rofessor Kohert
Grudin has Iteen awarded a I'tUL’ (lug
genheim Fellowship From among
t.lU.! applicants, M‘i artists, scholars
and sc ientists were chosen to receive
fellow ship a wards total 1 n g
S-1. ‘I2r>, ()()()
Guggenheim fellows are appointed
on the basis of unusually distin
guished achievement in the past and
exc eplion.il promise for future ui com
plishmenl The le vs fellows include
poets, novelists, playwrights and thea
ter artisis painters sculptors, photog
raphers, film and video makers, a < I10
reographer, physical and biological
scientists, soc ial sc ientists and sc hol
ars in the humanities
During its (Ut year history the John
Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foun
dation has granted more than Sl-IF
million in fellowships
Grudin was awarded .1 fellowship
lor his work on the nature of free
cAn micoats
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OSPIKI. - * - * *
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• For Men’s Basketball Program
• Both Male and Female positions open
• Positions open NOW!
contact: Pat Conrad Athletic Dept 346 4480
Evening Master's Degree
(family stiuiirs psychotherapy. profi*%sionaJ studies. biblical studies, brief
family therapy and systems appnvu h to anuwelin^, clinical experience)
U1L ROi LL\I)UUtliii7URUiY 111
(tr.lining of leaders tor effective evangelism aivi dynamic church
development. using the latest resources and proven methods)
• Both degree programs require one year ot course work and .>
thesis or a project
• Most classes are held Monday & Thursday evenings
• A limited number of graduate fellowships ($1200 each) is
awarded to qualified students
• NC'C is regionally accredited by Northwest Association of
Svhcxils and Colleges
• Application deadline June 1, 1W2
Direct application mquines to
l>r Kuth Harmetmk,
Director of Graduate Programs,
NGC S28 liasi Hth Ave
Eugene OK 474(11
or .all HI 1641 or 1 80CV88K 1M1
Since 1894