UNIVERSITY ASUO candidates debate beliefs By Mandy Baucum Errtya ! Rf'l' During Wednesdav night s debate between the ASUO s pr i's i (1 e n t i bv promoting 11sc oI responsibility in the ASt () .mil putting an end to deficit spend ing bv student groups •Seenndlv, tbe\ wanted students to be more .in formed about AM () government ac tivities and suggested a weekly c olumn in the f inal |y. King said lie w aid like to put the dead ha; s in Dead Week, suggesting there b< no se bool for students on the j bursdu\ and I rni.iv heture Dead Week Lee. fore said thev wanted teremphasize bind ing lot education bv lobbying on tin- ledeiui level Another prior 11V ol till Lee f c •: e i ahip.ugn was dec reasing incidental tees bv prioritizing budget spending We need to prioriti/e what vvr cut an! vs i i .' we support." Lee said Some definite between the lw > campaigns were evident in grerk issues and lit strui tun1 and c ontrol Lee Pore believe that Measure 5 is affec ting greek enrollment. whereas Kind Ferguson believe that greek enrollment is doc I minx bin ause of liir ASl () s Inc k of support for (lie greek system On the issue of if t’ structure, king Ferguson believe II I position holders ,ire forgetting their ( unipuign promises ,md .ire fulfilling their own personal agendas king Ferguson say the ha I in! measure lliev initiated to cut tees h\ 10 per lent will a I low students more control in the budgeting prix ess Fore said they feel past administration inaking i urrent budgets and defn it spending are the two mam problems in the lit strut lure Alio ( ating miiiin twice. once' for", general program needs and Issue lor Spe( iai events would give the II ( a belter i h iik e to 'examine what binding is he mg used for and eliminate the mass budget mg being used noss On the Issue o! sulejj king la rgiison .aid tiles W anted tii.'mi'jderte ri! a plan that would i eiiiialr/. the Ini utioh ol night classes ill an that to ills i ourage inght efunes on i atnpus las Is re a. :. ,i that salety w as slip U ml and want to prop : ruin . onstr.. !;■;’) tliat would ills. • ur a’” . t mi** and also eiliii ate students, espe I ; • i f i % lols.sgl.V a'tl.d :i alistef stilde! 1 ! oil IlillV llllY ( all pfotlit t tiiell,seises Both putt lev supported the id. a ol computer)/ mg (he budget spending rei ords The computers a II • . • , I letter recorils of past pro gram spending and therefore prevent deficit spending in the future How are we going to land things i.k. nipa ters and reconstruction in the dorms ' one slu dent asked Money is already being set isid. tor th. se plans. Lire said TRIP Continued from Page 1 livestoc k "This is no I civil disobedi unci'.' said Paine k Ring, the or gani/.iT ol the iri|> ' I his is their hind King and other Western Sho shone supporters point to Aril ole ti ol the I S Constitution, which st,ites that all treaties made hv the United States IX’ come the supreme law of the land King said some of the sin dents will go to the IJnnn Ranch, while others will pro test at the test site Some will part it ipate at both locations, which are approximately .100 miles apart A handful cd par tu ipants left Kugene Wednes iiuv. the rest will leave today and Friday "We don't see a difference between what s happening at the Dann Ranch and what's happening at the test site. King said Andrea Abrell, a sophomore in biology, is one ol the stu dents who will he going to the test site 'We re trying to make people aware of flow pointless nut lear testing is." Abrell said Abrell said she ts also con cerned about what is happen tug to the Western Shoshone "The Hl.M is there, right rims, trying to take away their life," ‘One professor told me to get my priorities straight. I think it is a priority to go with my beliefs I aura Anrner, /reshmjn protester sill* S.llt! The stUllen Is linn 111 Nevada hnvi- nn qualms .ihoul missing classes while they re ({unc 111 general, they said their profits sors have hern supportive However, there have horn a few exi options ()nr professor toll! me to pet mv priorities straight fresh man Laura Ainnier said "All my other prolessofs were reallv liter 1 think it is a priority to go with mv beliefs Another conipiit ation tor trip organizers was the mysterious cam filiation of state van reser vations. which forced them to drive to Nevada m rental i ais and private vehlt les Some students will receive credit through the so< iolngy de purtment for the week-long Nr vada trip Those who partita pate for credit will lie required to keep .i journal, among other projects, King said VAN Continued from Page 1 iir test site Aside from thul triigu in indent, llirnio said tin* slate Inis It,id ,i history of slidr vr hide use by student drivers thut lias not lieen positive I'ol 11 ica 11 y . we would hope thul there were s.iler sort of trips niiide in state ve hides," he s.nd ftimie s.ud proposed ()re gon Administrative Kules that would reipore iin floor long training session for po tential stale vehicle drivers and approved alternate driv ers on trips longer than ~(M> miles are steps in the right direr lion ” goes an awful long way toward making us feel better and making the legis lature feel better." he said King said S(.D members are upset they were cut out of the decision pror ess In fact, it appears they weren't evi l! informed when they should have hr ‘ell. he said Itirnie said the dot ision was marie one-and a half weeks ago, and the local mo tor pool director said the hwu employee who made the reservations for SCI) was informed on April 7 King found out on April 10. and only because he < ailed PARK Continued trom Page 1 the research park al a tho Kivurfront Research Park Commission mooting Hod berg said l)S Hunk executives evaluated the concept, players and financial package of the research park and believed all three elements added up to a good investment "it's important that we do invest in the commu nity and that we do so in a responsible way." Hedberg said "Wo believe both elements .ire present "We're pleased to be involved m such an im portant economic development project in Lu gene.” he said "We appreciate the opportunity to reinvest in our city and in our state in this way We slopped up when others tillin'!, and we re proud of thul Last week, the Riverfront Research Park Coni mission awarded Lee Construe lion Co of hugene tire hid to construct tile projet t's first building Lee Construction Co will begin t onstriu lion of tin* three story, fit).()()() stpi,ire foot building m miti May hugene Mayor Jeff Miller commended I S Bunk for it's support of the rest-art h park "Your commitment to tins community is pro found. Miller said "Not only are you into hank mg. tint you're into supporting your community You're a model for finant nil institutions Yd u no willing to take a risk S!55!*J*»S5I" fcto™» ^stores for a 20% °°na!T/r"y ■IT-"--- 9S- E«P4-30-92. get EXPE RLD E And the competitive edge you need in advertising sales with the Oregon Daily Emerald. Lei's I id c il Some!lines a collide degi ee with a good Cd’A is ikiI always enough to land Hit* )ol) you want i ighl out of scluxil. I o(lav s employe! s ai c looking loi applicants not only with job experience but the tune management skills il lakes to hold down a responsible sales position and a lull load ol t lasses I he Oregon Dally laneiaid's display advertising department is now hiring loi sales positions All Interested students should pit k up an application and Job description in Hoorn UK) KMIJ light away. Closing date April 27th at f> pan Oregon Daily THE FAR SIDE By GARY t ARSON 1 _Z_—-J In the rodent family, the beaver is king of the busy signal