IN TOUCH with the Office of Public Safety They j Reporter discovers that there really is someone .behind “push to talk ” W should jy< m ik i if: You oh [serve ,i strange [vrson hanging around the I sslinger Itx kcr room, or vou witness ,i mum; 114; tn front of Oregon 11.ill, or when leaving I Vet ( unions, your slightly It * >[-> n« imm.tte i ,ik es .1 turn hlc dou n the I Ml steps, t 1 ytHi ve f.illen, ,itul ini s .ill t pet up' As res rntly ■*' • s' ye.its .igt>, you miglii h.ive Uvn up ihe pti is 1 tei k , having 1 u ' i|uk k u.o it . .ill ft i! help In I 'h Iiossever, uhii op 1 it ms t 11.11 igsd I tut s tin- \t .11 when tin t kin t t'! I'uhlk S.iiei \ in s|.ills,i ills' first emetps lts y It i ephones on s .uiipus you kiioyy, those Int It isim s 1 h.H say, "l\ >1 If I I'l S|| HI | I ON "01 I'l 11 IO I At h ] It. IS is tt -tit II I Hist,ills'll ns',11 tin -11. sseis m s .mipi' Itts kel room ■ you'll h.ise .1 s onveiusTii pl.t, e lo lump yt mu loss el I lu- U ses aren’t jh 1st ss I 1 >11 tys11 sids's , ! t >ts‘i*t»n I lull vi til.II .itlef Vi Hl've pis kid lip you I studs'llf It Kin t Ill's k . Still t ,111 1 .ill tits' piops t .milu>111 u s to fiiiti t mt how mix h you ows 111 parking 1 is kits I III loses ar s' thi'ls' Is I! j\o| Is' win need help ill v lists (s it jx >1 el U i.ll 1 1 is ts t Mils hit ev.imple. it shouLI 11 mi Ittii female students it' know I'W -* -• Si J t .ill jiiJ Response: I \ peri eneeJ Ol’S (Miner Oils Si jr /«,iri>i/f/i resfwnds tpinkls h< jll i jII />ii> eilii rpem ies. ti .ii there .tie I i i tnerpen* \ phones in tin three women's lnii.iT moms of Cirflinyti .mme i .ises. the Itpht u ill . 11 s. > jsunt imt the ex.let phone the e.tiler uses! Aces 'tiling to e >tik er iMis \ vx.irU m>uj;h. .1 !. scar veter .111 .it CM'S, .1 .itsp.lK.luT also answers tin . ill. Nixing. I his is I'uNu Safety lx \ s H) !\.IVl .in emergent s It (hi If is ,t Vi s ,ll K s[X)[\v Ik (hi- taller, the .!ispa*sJut will (luti ask fu! (he sailer's exact tnation ant) fur infer Illation itsuif the vallei' emergency ■\n V 1l*S . e: i t . . i' r\ e: .1 il: in .. ie tii in an enter gem 1 phone whether e: no! (Ik- v.tili'i rcNjx .fuis Vtxiiis i\) (he dispatcher Ss alls tough 1 xpiains that often this means an will go to tire box onh to Jiv over that the s all was made by a long sau e ske jok ester hut thes answer every call I s is. ii.i 11y Iveause the worst 1 use scenario is tltat the callet may leave passed out or is un der threat by an attacker and > .mm>t respond l nfortunately, Svurlxtroueh s."A laiyy (via enlace of the time" the vails are fakes, esjxa tally during day shifts N urix iti Hjefi and a col league, v nmmal Prevention Offset Robert t iuse. would ;;ke t, j\’[ the mess.tee vtut tl it ► e v ajis on the emer s;eiK v phones are not at all funnv "If sou punch (the call button) as a ('tactical joke." sues ( iuse. "Sv aware that sou may Iv cutting off smuvne '.veil a tea I cmergenc \ Phis is because vvith only i vituple of exceptions, all of the emergency (’hones are rix.ited thnmelt a single line into the C M’S iiffk e ( iuse and Sv utkirouph vie x. rilxd an incident in which an indiv ivii al who hud broken his leg called in and, while giving informal ion to the do patcher, started to Lise con * lousness, and then was cut ott by a second call that turned sHit to be a joke If vs hi need another reason not to tie up CM’S time with take calls, consider the fact that u i lit> si> is ,1 class CI mis demeanor, and could mean a $500 tine. A fake caller is also violating; Student Conduct (kxle 1, which can lead to a prohational tile with the I Van of Students. OI'S officers are extremely concerned about student site t\, explained Ciuse and Ixarough. and are more than happs to res|x>nd to a caller who feels he or she may he in danger in any uay "We would rather resjxind to a situation that doesn't re quire our assistance,' Scarbo rough points out. "thar. not re sjx >nd to one that dix-s." C iuse siss students should not hesitate to use an emer gency phone even it they are simply asked out ot their dorm. ,it they want an escort from one place to another Many noimal daytime situa turns Ixxome dangerous ones at night, and (iuse says that because ot that, the percent age ot callers in real need ot help rises sharply during "gra\ ey aid" shifts "We re not going to go ixit there and judge people for calling in a situation ixi the emergency phones. Kit it lin gers. >n puiu hed the button for a joke, and the situation is that the jx'tsm needs an atti tude adjustment, we’ll lx- glad to help them w ith that." Sara/) Pag/rasom And the competitive edge you need in advertising sales with the Oregon Daily Emerald. The Oregon Daily Emerald's display advertising department is now hiring for sales positions. All Interested students should pick up an application and job description in Room 300 EMU right away. Closing date April 27th at 5 pan Oregon Daily University Housing 1595 E. 15th Eugene, OR 97403 A public service announcement from UNIVERSITY HOUSING Concerning: CAMPUS SAFETY Our goal is to provide safe lodging and living facilities to all U of O students on campus. We are striving to maintain a safe, violence-free environment where students can live, learn and grow unimpeded by the threat of physical violence. We can all live together if we are aware and watch out for each other. If there are any ideas or suggestions how we can help make our campus safer, please contact us at campus housing: 346-4277.