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OU>Sr~ IN TOUCH with the Office of Public Safety OPS Director hopes new security measures will make campus a safer place jI Vayton speaks on dorm lockups and student safety C arcy Drayton, .lira tur of the t Vtu e . >1 Pub __ Ik Safety, has held that (Kisttion t< >r little more than ,i year, and sees him* :! as i !.u tlitati si ut the ciiui at a itia! |>ri k ess I, si !»ii reason' I Vayton’s position is unlike that of a mmik ipality s i luef .>t j\>|ice: Students are a mure hotnopv nuns yroup than the (Xipula tiun i t a eits and jx-r*>nal viteiv vi it!: the OPS is nut the consideration it is within i [x»!k e department "V1 v life revolves around campus jsiluinp as a p-intes stun," iVayton said explain iiij: he had I veil a student in urnturm working un a college eampus "I hrme a student perspective to js die me I show the teasun we need |xi lice on iampus.” Draytiwi doesn't Ixdieve that the several cautionary thers concornine safety are lausinp sime students to lx unnecessarily tearful even paranoid alxxit campus c rtme as * ime students i laim ' Hie thers are nut a signal .tf mute v time, says l Vaytun " They indicate that the sii rec ttirs ,it huu'inp and safety and the dean , it sfudents are workin>; tupethet to send a i lent messape that the cam pus is nut a place' absent ut tlu' v » i.i! ills , • , ini •, »v iety lie says tliat these- three key ;xisitii ms have Ix en tilled vckInn a aKmt a yeat s time "Were tune here* and \curk me tin;ether to inform stu dents, start and faculty lit their it'ies in si-, untv • >n the campus I Vaytun admits that his philosophy rc-pardine law en forcemcnt differs from some students' The OPS director suggests that the decline in enrpll metit. rather than tear, has resulted in. there Iving fewer jxs'ple out on the campus at night. “To say that those tit ers c a use people not to go out at night is taking a nar row viewpoint,’ IVayton saai A sidebar tin the most recent flier sent to all dorm students reads "Walk with a friend Walking .done may lx' harardtius tii vour health. I it explained that tire crime rate tin the campus is indicative of the crime in the city that surt -unds it. Me also cautioned that violent crime statistics between different schools ate misleading 1 arg er schools don't necessarily have higher crime rates, just more crime because the stu dent jMj'ulaturns are larger 1 Vayton would like to have all resident halls locked J4 hixirs a das hollowing the in house rajv in Hamilton complex last year, residents now vote on the lockup [silkies of their individual dorms. "I think .’4 hour lockup is not only necessary, it's im|x*ra tive he slid and elaborated by explaining that resident halts are students’ homes and homes start at the front door 1 )rayton cites cases m which non resident students from off campus housing en tend dorms, ostensibly to use laundry facilities “I'd like tii think everyKxly has a golden heart and n. ikviy wvxild sum I, but I’ve Ixvn in this business too long.” Mans dorm residents have expressed feedings iKuit the inconvenience of living in a constantly I.eked dorm and having to constantly carry keys "Persona! safety comes at the price .>1 income nienc e, I Vast o answers. ‘I’dlike to think ev cry body Iuls a gold' en heart and no body would steal, but I've been in this business too long.' { 'arcy Drayton, i hrccu i (yes 1 v- 1 'rayton having resi dent hall dixits unlocked during till- d.iytimc is the same .is having them un asked ill ot the time "t'e cause we re creatures of hab it." he says. "It the.door is open during the day. then when students go out at night, they don't want to take their keys and they prop dixir opien w itli c an or Uu ties." He Ixdieves that only full time lockup will condition students to use keys According to an OPS memorandum dated April 7, crimes rep>rted v> tar this fis cal year are 447 theft; 4^ crtrmnal mis*, hiet. 44 hurglatv; 4 l hate i rime; 72 each fraternity crime and trespass, 10 sorority crime; and one rejx>rt each tor bomb threats, r.qx- and sex c rimes. S. M’S has five areas of re sponsibtlity: law enforce ment. safety, parking, keys and lex ks and environmental health the latter involving manifesting radioactive ma terials and ha:ardous wastes, monitoring air quality and ojxtatmg respirator and hearing protection programs. IVayton aspires to make OPS more responsive and helpful to the community it serves, but admits that tre cjuenth he exjxvis ux> much tixi fast Sue Bright PI**. '*'«!•••< ()/’>' Ihreitnr C jfi v IhjVtllll (hit) /» idfll nutted li< \pn-jJint; I in Hard* at \.ilets In the ij/n/uj*. With J-# hum Jorm L\ Aii/'s, I iii\ cr Mty /iiniiir Jell Me\er\ (abtive) mail tin' .1 /le v* \fn-jkcr illume in stalled Jt the ./iuu In l^ttn .h i t'ii. Good Guys Come* In Small Packages Protect Yourself. EXCLUSIVELY ADULT iii-4- A Main Sc. Springfield n(mo^ Mon Nu ojvn 2.4 hours Sunday loam midmcht f IN TOUCH STAFF Editor: Mike Freeman Contributors: Sue Bright, Ming Rodrigues, Sarah Pagliasotti Photographer: Sol Neelman, Michael Shindler Advertising Sales: Scott Dana, Leslie Fial, Jennifer Huckins, Tom Leech, Randon Riley, Sharon Vaz Production: Susan Head, Ingrid White £uiou ctt fHod&uzti&tt ft N \* ' MIDDLE EASTERN & MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE 19th A Agate 683-6661 SPRING 8PM MIDNIGHT SUN THUR 8P M -2A.M. FRI SA! SUMMER WE WILL RUN-HOURS TBA FALL.WINTER 6P M MIDNIGHT SUN THUR 6P M ■ 2A M FRI SAT IF YOU WANT TO BOOK A RIDE. OR If YOU WANT TO VOLUNTEER CALL 346-4239 OR COME INTO OUR OFFICE CENTER YOU CAN EARN ONE CREDIT FOR PER WEEK IN THE WOMEN'S TWO HOUR SHIFT SAFERIDE ITTS COM/NG// Watch for the Willamette Valley Folk Festival supplement Slop SEXISM! PREJUDICE BY ANY OTHER NAME TS A I*'ODR fiT TER WORD $f4*l Ol4 Sponsored bv the l BnefSitj of Ort^Ofi .ad the Associated Students of the I ti verity ifOrtvofl