Thursday. April 16. 1992 Oregon Daily hmerald Special Supplement with the Office of Public Safety List of OPS services just might surprise you jOPS retrieves keys, jumpstart.s cars and offers more than just a safe campus ou're t»x> ill to make it to the health c en ter You need asMstatue 'i out parent' are on the other side of the crust and sour friend' are nowhere ni. sipht \X in ■ .io nm call? The Office of Public Safety Vis. the Ol'S ofrieers will ho mote than waiimp to escort you to the health tenter and kic k to sour dorm or apartment. In fact, OPS offers security e-sorts t> anywhere around campus, even a all sou need is smus'iie to walk sou to your vehu Pul as obvious as CM'S office!' ne not Mian, po pie realize just how much of a pul , set \.» e > ■;::. 11. * -. i non the OPS is, or how much convenient e an,! seen ntv it can otter students, faculty. o at and vis;;, as n tire l tiiversitv \losf ot their service's are ties i ' aes is phi me i all. Normally, the OPS monitors .md resjsmds n ap prosimately 200 c alls during a .’4 hi >ut pet i, si In fact, from Sp.m. >Yi m . the OPS is the I -inversus contact for students, faculty, staff and tots 1; operates 24 hours. friS days a sear, pi . information and assistance ot all tyjx-s m pern n u. ! over the phone to anyone who needs help Security escort is only one on the list of OP1' set vices OPS provides first aid and med« u traiisjx'tt t. juried individuals on campus. . uters classes and semi nars m crime prevention and wit ietense, an ! te sjs lids to servic e c alls It you suddenly pet the fee-imp sou re pomp no where, (i.e . you've loc ked sour keys ui your c at . a ■ no car is just plain dead) there's need to fear CM'S is here1 Yes, OPS retrieves the keys ot absent tint-..led iris >• U Wl .’.»»■ I ' ► . <. Jtm/r jfiN iHii1 ../ ( wm. i ' /’v .i-n\tinu A< v/< " ( n/verwry stthlenl luin^um. ■ te i. a ?:. . . ; s i ; : ■ ; NX 11 i i vilely !i I. ,im| us Mil ment eoleeiu, 11 *'f.)in;»tcs the night m\ tiritv of tin- loans wit] lien! patrols on i .imptas .uni generally (until emergent res, iu.-.inl- and iite or property events I , || instance, it you push ru r !!te - .re :: emergency call !s.\es around i .tnipus, yon .ire i.. immediately on .in alarm system ait.i in . .ttuer pati lust U) get to you m a minute ot less I li. sigh there in- as many ; ; as tint emerge! u. .es. I .re: .a: ’ Mam.i I a ! the • i> fst. : take any th it i>; i i.;i it !y it ei :: it;. iies tut h i >/’s' s \ iih it i 'IS a sfti es all etung it i h*' « iteii IS .I is e ate l 1|S ail as 'W'e Uiint to protect the campus c< immunity and keep [\u >ple safe m alluuys. ,\ lit* tV >U . I )|\S i VKtPtwm it H su ii .1 re il eitverpetli v In her IK> years mi tin- (oh, Hipelow lus iit-11r with i.ima involvim; eveivthitip (torn hutassmelU 11' i shoot out \X e like III ul|IM,lrl i Ultseh IS I | ml-Ik H'lVIil' ill p.mi.-at ii m.! Hipelow "\\ i want to proust the i iiupu-v 11immuruts and keep [ss >ple site in .ill ways w hethet they're in tin-it living |uarters ,it on t ampus Win- i uk i In- opres w !u > | m l u t He you t n ket s or are JUM init to prah you tot misdemeanors ” 'I'S ai-.' lias a It 1st and toutul department, they el:, i I, , i it key- ■ I-in hi nip's anil .n »ess k n ketl ateas lot pi ; , wlu ■ I, •: I love then key-, ptovi.le roa,I i mull tin: a .totmat ii m, v rime and paikmp inti itmation and pive map- and ditei tions to students and visitors als.1 distributes , rune prevention and [Vrsonal vilely liteiatme. iides in uilittu tun: tine tompanies, the \A.V disp.iti ' i -• titi and ambulaik e units when suv n y i: id ■ 'tiers I 1 ioui telett a! sere u e d irei t inp i ah'h ta il.e | i pel depai I11 sen I aid ipet k it - I etUli I I I .i d"s s . ! i ail elivili 1 i’.a i -at l.eal'l ■ Ii | ill tnelit dial deals with the in eupatu aiai health md -vite'y t stuiIi it! w- 11 ets X , .pelvis.-Is m vie .p,.; . nd i\ i w. tk eotiditi. -ns ait i env iti aittient and piov ide vuitsultal ion : ; : i ' ' * I i : , a ip, s.e. 1 K a , t , . ’ i tel \ . I! ti el V . i an tv i- mitei! ot assist.itu e tioin ( M’S it you're any vv heie w it hm the I niversit v vu it ill y ' adei■ i an hud l M’S 1. n ated at ill'll 1 it h, be tween Straub llall and Sheldon dorms, or tall Mt' 14-} 1 \ 1mf: Iy, v/iipt;es To share your ideas with a public safety representative, call (503) 346-2915. Office of Public Safety Get to now Us The University of Oregon's Office of Public Safety (OPS) provides more than parking enforcement services to the University community. In fact, the mission of the Office of Public Safety is to assist the University community in realizing the educational, research and public service opportunities at the University of Oregon by providing a safe, healthful and secure environment. In support of this purpose the Office of Public Safety provides timely and courteous services in the areas of personal safety, security, emergency response, information, instruction and training, prevention and investigation of crimes and violation of University rules, parking administration and enforcement, key lock and control, hazardous waste disposal, respirator distribution, radiation safety, health sanitation and occupational health. Additionally, the Office of Public Safety coordinates the University of Oregon's decentralized safety program including fire equipment programs and disaster planning, advises the administration on environmental issues and develops appropriate programs and procedures. To accomplish this mission OPS and its staff work together with faculty, staff and student leaders as well as other departments to respond to needs of the campus. Through its five divisions (Security and Law Enforcement. Safety, Environmental Health, Locks and Keys, and Parking) the staff works with rule making committees on campus to establish rules and guidelines that ensure tolerance and respect for diverse viewpoints and coexistence of competing or conflicting interest and behaviors. Both OPS and the University administration are here to serve you. We welcome your suggestions on how to make the University of Oregon a safer and more healthful community.