COMMUNITY DeFazio unveils new timber plan By Tim Ne« t merakt Assonal#! ei' * Hep I’eter Del-ii/.io L) Springfield uitnouiu ed Wednesday that in' is preparing legislation lo seek alternative forest management pr.nines and provide assistant e lo IiiiiImT workers and i oiiunu (lilies The proposal would i reale a s< lentific panel on lores! e< osyslems. which would In given three years lo recommend a long term forestry manage menl strategy [or federal forest lands in Western Oregon and Washington The hill would also use timber sale receipts to aid communities hurt hy logging reslrii lions ' This will revolutionl/e forest practues." lie l a/io said during .1 press 1 onferent e It will sus lain old growth timlwr and the spotted owl and will sustain the timber supply from puhln lands An interim system ol old growth reserves, bio logical management diversity an is and 1 ritual lie watershed management .s ,i Ilh thr nu ll *> ami womrn s Uiskclball trains will (ilav against Sat r * «i Urart \ women s Rolling Thumlrr ami men’s Orrgon Rrh.ihilitation (innlrr how Kith rs John Smith to or gani/rr of thr event, saiti thr gamrs are pattrrmd afh r a similar at li\ 1 t\ at thr 1 ffliViTMt \ of \l 1/.OIM Smith salt! tin gamrs are a rirmnnst ration < >1 aht I it \ I hc purpose is Id (<« tis un tin abilities of wlleell hflir us ers, ini reuse awureness about wheelchair sports .mil raise mom v to support the Umvcrst tv Disabled Students Asm* i.i lion and the OKI Sports Pro gram, lie said Last year. met l.fitKl people a I te tided t lo event, vs h h h raised vnuti for the l niversilv Serve es lor Students with 1)is .ill) titles Ihiik sophomore guard Or lumlo W dll.mis partii ipated in the es ent last \ i ,ir and will he one of the plus us in the ev ent tomorrow Williams said plus mg huskelball in a win elr hair gave him a different perspet live U ■ r«• 11 si1 ci In 'walking uround anil this gives us ,1 t hum e In appriM late what We have, he said I lit e\ ent is ill start with a match helm en the Hulling Thunder and the women's has kethal I team, followed h v a uuad rughi exhibition and door prizes Dili ks oil a Hull provides funds lor tlx ()H< sports pro gram and University Services to Students s\ith Disabilities whit h helps to inn I the sper lal needs of user ..'UO students With mobility, visual, hearing and learning disabilities who attend the 1 am ersit \ Petition urges higher tax on commercial lands By Gerrit Koeppmg Er'w.i.;) Beportiv Taxpayers on Wednesday witnessed a rally on lax fair ness a?- they w'alked into the Eugene main post office to mail tholr lax returns before the midnight deadline The afternoon rally was put on by Oregon !;uir Share, a group that is organizing a statewide initiative petition that would ask voters in No vember to limit the damage of Measure r> by shifting a heavier tax burden on rom men tal property owners David ftri« kett. president of Lane County l air Share, said !>() percent of tax relief under Measure fi goes to people who own income producing properties not homeowners After Measure r> lakes full effei t. t here will be over Soot) million in relief that goes to common ial property owners. I)ro< kett said Of that. Hro< kett said that $-lr>() million will go to out-of state i ommercia! property ow ners tinder the initiative peti tion which l air Share is supporting, property taxes would still be reduced but not .is severely1 as under Measure r> If the initiative passed, increased funds would bo r.list'd In higher tuxes on common ial proper ty. and at the same time the initiative would lessen the tax rate on residential prop erty that the owner lives on On a national level, the or gani/.ution opposes Bush's attempt tit cutting the t apdal gains t.ix helps the wealthy, Brackett said "We are opposed to I’resi dent Hush s attempt to give more tax breaks to the rich," he said "The bottom line is .liter 12 years ol the Kengan-Bush revolution, there is only one group of Americans paying more taxes than in and that is the middle-class, working family," Rep Peter Delazio, D-Springfield, said .it the rally Brocket! said it is hypo critu al of Hush to ask the middle (lass to shoulder more of a tax burden, while he i luims Texas residency as a wav to dodge state income tax Hush claims residency in an apartment in Texas, which has no state income tax. instead of claiming res idcnr v in his vacation home in Maine that has a state in come lax Over the last dec ade Hush has avoided pay mg S 105,000 in Maine taxes, Hnx kett said. EASTER SERVICES AT THE HULT CENTER Sunday, April 19, 1992 8:30 and 11:00 am Ninety Minute Services EASTER BUS SHUTTLE front the l Innvrsitu of ('frogon first Second Shuttle Stop Pick-up Return Pick-up Agate St. Crosswalk 7:55 10:15 10:20 Covered tennis courts? 57 in 22 IRth and University 8:00 10:25 Alpha Omega House 8:03 10 30 (1332 Kincaid) NCC Dorms 807 10:32 (12th and Kincaid) Return 12:45 All scats arc complimentary. Free parking in the Halt Center garages. For more in formation call 345-0341 Collegiate Christian Fellowship MUSIC The Choir, Orchestra, Soloists, Narrator and Children's Choir of First Baptist Church MESSAGE "A Heart Filled with Hope '' Pastor Kimball Hodge