Oregon Daily THURSDAY, APRIL 16,1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 135 Lookin’ for the right angle • ' r , ‘ « Tun: Bonio/' Greg Wilson Mi he Heather. Jon-- Home C\t ; H, w ord and Bret: W-.xhiyord play t.mo cyoy Wednesday s sunshine Bank to fund research park jThe University, the city of Eugene and a private developer now have the money to begin construction of the Riverfront Research Park next month Hy Tammy Haley iH»e '!.« I'mvtTMly I"11•i,!t■ 111 Styles Hr,uni .mil he's plr.isrd ,1-. jiuiu h" wilt) I 1 S II.ink's .mnuuni rinunt Wrdnrsd.is in fin.im •• iliu lost hullding in ihr Kisrrfronl Krseiirt h I’,irk This is ,i hisltim in i usion. Hr.mil s.utl. "mil onl\ Ini ,iusi so in,ins people worked on lilts props I. Inil ,ilsu In, al government i\ is working svilli sl.ilo govern nuMil. .mil tin' I ini i rsils vv,is working svilli tin- unn mtinils Tills is Ihr vs,is .ill sot lurs svnrk together to got props Is like tills going I hr Kivrrlronl Krsr.iri h I1.irk will housr rrsisiri h firms .mil sumr I mxrrsils programs. int lulling ihr Ad S ,1111 IS I Si It’ll! r ,11 III In hill I logs Ills! 11 till' Till' t i 11 i V»• r sits, ihr i Us of liugriir. .trill lnsiiltilion.il Development Assn 1,ill s .1 private developer, ,irr joinlls developing ihr rrsisin h p.irk I S Il.ink u ill pros Hlr approximately S I 7 million in i cinslrin Hon lin.inr mg .inii $1 I million in prrm.inrnl Imam mg. s.iiil loris lledherg. vit r prrsiilrnl and in,in iigrr ol l i S Bmik s Ivugene dislrii I I'hi s I '-million lo.m svdl pay lor Ihr hullding ion strut lion and Ihr VI l million lo.m svill p.is lor rx proses .1111-r Ihr i oust rui I ion ol the lirsl hullding is ( nmplrtrd in .ihoul II) months Mrditrrg .mnoiini rd I S II.ink s lui.ini oil support of I urn to PARK Paipi H Students for disarmament take their campaign to Nevada j Members of ASUO-funded group leaving on a week long trip to protest nuclear testing and sup port American Indian landrights By Kirsten Lucas Emaiakj Hop*ytor iifteen University students an; on their wav to Nevada this week to show support lor American Indian landrights and to protest mu iear testing on land tii.it is dawned by both tile Western Sho shone Nation and tile federal government Members of the Student Campaign lor Disarma ment say they hope to become more enlightened through their activism, which will lead them hundreds of miles from their < lassrooms and in volve them in a historical land dispute that spans de< ades In i'lSl tile federal government established the Nevada lest Site on a piece of land tile Western Shoshone have been living and herding their i at tie on for years Since then, nuclear radiation lias reportedly caused tile Shoshone to suffer an in crease in birth defects mental retardation and cancer In addition to tile Shoshone s fight against nu clear testing, they also fare a lialtl*- to keep their native land In 1 Hi. I lh>- l S government signed (In- Trr.in of KuU \ a I l«rv .1 treaty ol " j i • -.n e .mil friend ship Vs 11h !In W > s|i'fn Shoshone tet ngrii/ing tin- nation's title to its ancestral land The Diinn hand fan extended l.imilv) -if tr.idt tmn.l V\ t1 st ef I; Shosholu who live oil the hint reiving on raising Iivestut k hunting and garden tng la 1‘|7| the Bureau ol Land Management charged tiie D.ma sisters w ith trespassing lor grazing their i attic and horses on land i homed by the federal government Situ e then, the Dunn s battle with tin Ill.M and ihe I S government lias been to the Supreme Court and three times to the CS Court ol Ap peals The- Supreme Court ruled against the trtlie tie (anvil its memtiers tiave supposedly been paid lor ttie land I t., t'tilled States interior secretary, who serves as spokesman lor Ihe Western Slue shone act epted S.'s mi I i ion and deposited it into a I.' S Treasury Department trust lund However ttie Western Shoshone have refused to at t ept the set retarv as a guardian and haven't ret eived any ol the monev The Dunns and their supporters are t unlimited to nonviolent resistance against am attempts to drive them Irom their land and t enlist ale their um !a TRIP P.rp- I State van reservations for protesters canceled 13y Carrie Dennett t'riiiK.i i! A.s. ii ,il«» Fdtlot Whi n trip organizer I’ul rii k King railed the Kugene motor pool office I-'riduy to i onfirm the Si udenl ('.mi puign for Disarmament s viin reservations, hr was in for u surprise the vans hud lioen rani elud t Inbeknownsl lo King or S('.L), t niverstty Vior I’rosi dont Dun Williums und high or-ups in tho state's Depurt mrnt of General Servh.es hud derided not to allow uso ol tho vuns tor tho Nevada trip I'his was .is mui h a poll In al pidgmrnt as it was a ludgmont hasrd on the rulrs of regulation. s.ini ( amnrnn ttirnie. state motor pool ad ministrator (.eneral Servo es operates till* state motor pool as one of Its several ciulli's Birnie said Ueneral Sir vims has some (list rollon ovnr who uses the motor pool vans, courtosy of Ore Ko ii K i! v i st: (1 Statutes 2 l( i lit). 1 H I I It) a n d 2)1 I l-IU The tfei ision was influ eni.rd In "outrage" from stall1 legislators over student Use of slati' vans, a feeling that grew last April when University student Susan Winn was killed on route to a protest of a Nevada nut.le Turn to VAN Parjo 3 IFC CANDIDATES Nine profiles of the 19 total candidates for the four open IFC positions are included in today's Emerald. See IFC PROFILES. Page* &-9 ROLLIN’, ROLLIN’, ROLLIN' The Oregon men's and women's basket ball teams will face off against two local wheelchair hoops squads tonight in the Ducks on a Roll contest See WHEELCHAIR, Page 12 TIMBER! I Rep Peter DeFazio 4 unveiled a new forest | management plan I Wednesday a See DcFAZlO, Page 12