Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    University Theatre Productions
I 1991-1992 Season
/‘‘My loveliest
/ comedy! Enchanting ]
I and heartwarming,” J
V says William J
\ Shakespeare. Jg
by W illiam Shakespeare
May 8, 9, 14,15, 16, 22, 23
8:00 p.m. Curtain • Robinson Theatre
University of Oregon Theatre Box Office 346-4191
*Vl must see!!
“Wish l had written it. "
-Sir I rancLs Bacon
l**n*»»y Thoatr* pvoducfeana funded n part tarn fwirut citicM mm *nd tN» *C <* AS*JO ■**. * part»«% aoCMKjM U erf 0 rtudarf u fc* pneae
.. , i/ ft-..,me ,i p'
346 4381
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9 5 Mon-Fri
Weasel’s World
Kraig Norris
at «.'•
Cf.U P; v. \ I
w; '1 “f,',
kA* •*.:
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LA. KiN '"l 1
1 . ■ H Vi rt ‘
AT THi;. ATE *1 .
Oscar the Freshman
Neal Skorpen
Gordon Lakes has
great fishing, hiking
A s we ni‘ur the opening of
trout season, the thoughts
of tnuny outdoor enlhusi
lists turn to fisliiog morn spe
1:1 fit ally, to < amping trips to
fi.ii krountry lakes teeming with
The (.Ordon Lukes, a pair of
small pools surrounded hy
thit k old-growth Douglas fir
forest east of Sweet Home, are a
good destination the l.lkes
the lower lake lining slightly
larger than the upper at about
eight at res oiler year-round
cutthroat trout fishing and ex
i client camping site-, less than
a mile ft o III t h e II e-arilst
But as attractive as tli.il short
trip may Is-, for those just as in
teresled 111 hiking, the seVfll
rnlle tr.nl up Lulls (.reek offers
a lot more si eiiers A warning
Hi- prepared to gel your Icet wet
on this trip
To get to U)i' trumieau at
lulls ( n'ek, drive 1H miles cast
of Swi i'l Home on l High
wav JO i'lirn righ! at ,i sign tor
ttir Longbow Organizational
I ollow this road numlxM
jo iJ pist ptisi ,1 sign in.irking
ihc Inc mile point to Road tJT>,
whit ! t'eg11is at a sign pointing
to the i .union Lakes Trail Road
IJr> leads a short distance I" a
large p.liking area With till' trail
heading off to the right
The trail winds uphill for the
hrsi half-mile through a marsln
area, t russtng two small < reeks
rile trail enters all old
growth forest ior a short dis
tarn e he fort* entering a large
hurried -over ( lear ( lit
l lie trail ascends the slope in
thro long traverses w ith gentle
grades Just before re-entering
the forest and crossing u road at
I hr one milt- point, then- is .I
view east to Mount Jefferson
For the next two miles the
trail winds near the bubbling
creek on .1 mostly level grade
with .1 few uphill stretches I tie
trail crosses another road at
about the 1 Smile mark, before
rear fling a small metal trail sign
oil a tree direr tly on thr> creek's
shore two miles from the
Just before < timing to the first
trail junction, the tr.nl skirts a
small, marshy meadow on the
right side Turn right at the trail
junction at a sign reariing "(".or
don Lakes -1 1 miles
From the junction the trail is
a wide, sometimes almost road
like path almost entirely under
water Atxiut a half-mile from
the junction the trail reaches
Gordon Meadows, a series ol
sr enir grassy marshes
From the end til Gordon
Meadow s to the lakes the trail
I r > 11 o vs s a r i rc u i t o u s p a t h
through a r lassu old-growth
Douglas fir lores! carpeted with
There are two creeks to lord
on tins stretch, the most riifti
cull neing uic i russing oi I nroe
( recks west fork about .1 mile
past the meadows The easiest
wav is to jump the creek's two
narrow channels on the right
side of the trail at an opening to
a small grassy area, rather than
Irving to cross the t reek down
stream where it is mui h Wider
The trail crosses a narrow
ridge about .1 mile before the
lakes, before dropping down
rather steeply through an occa
sional slushy snowdrift to meet
the western shore of the lower
lake The best camping spots
are lit this point
The upper lake is just a hun
dred yards to the south and can
he reached by a trail that lol
lows the stream draining from
the u jiper lake to the low or
1,1 \, son /aco/n is .1 s/Hjrls re
porter for the Kmerald
Going - our
Experts Will Help
You Get There!
1917 Franklin
> 485-8226