GAYS Continued from Page 1 Sometimes tiif rni’diu ignore gay events, (ind bold said Thv Nt'xislcr-Cunrd's sports section didn't write anv stories about tti*- ( (dimes, a national sporting event for gay people "You're in good company, such as the Oregon Special Olvmpii s." he said. "Sometimes these stories have to work, their wav up the ladder from a feature story, Iiecauso it s different and interest irtg, to a legitimate, regular story I think it's a sports story, just as the Special Olympics is a sports storv and not a story aland a bunch ol handicapped kids with special rules." he said Deadlines t an force reporters to use sourc es from the gav community who aren't as articulate in expressing their views, said M.i t i \1 talk show host Alan Sipotin You're working under deadline pressure Siporin said You call vour first sourie on the list and il they're not there you lall the second source Sometimes there's an •• You get an articulate person on one side and someone who was three or four on the list on the other Siporin said lie can tell when lie has equally represented two sides ol an issues 1 remember when 1 got (alls from Ixath sides (ritir i/ing me. St|x>nn said '! thought This is great I pissed oil h lifi Sides Belter than getting a compliment from one side whs !icing i ritici/ed by iioth sides Siporin s.ini newspapers and other media are still an "old hms club" Class and lesbians arc represented less than women and people til ( olor "If someone is .1 woman, it's visible that per haps they have spe< lal interests." he said ' I'hey give women some leeway They tun sav. Sally may want to cover feminist issues I’he same lor Aim in \mem ans But it's different for gays and lesbian's- vs ho may not be out ol the closet and may not to say Hey, we need to (over it more lournalism Professor Kandy Beam said the me ilia rarely ait as a iliagu bullet that changes pcoply; s opinions iilxiut issues fie am said the media don't maliciously ignore gay evcuts sui h is a rec en! gay rights man bin Washington. U (' I urge yin. not to look, a! II as a personal bias by tie message maker he said I'herc are pet son a! i onstruints thill allect it Thai doesn't make tin- outcome better. hut it haste'I licen my experi ent e that people sav We re not I overing it be < atise yy e don't like gay s NATURE Continued from Page 1 parks." Wugnor referred lo the city and county upkeep of the park, m which they would unknowingly mow ureas that contained many species of wild flowers "What really brought this on was getting people to leave the area alone and not bring in the big mowers," he said. HI lie Dumdi, chairwoman of the Lane County Commis sion. officiated at the ceremo ny and called the nature sanctuary an oasis in the cen ter of the park ALLERGIES Continued from Page 1 coast where there are strong winds,'' Harliert s.iid The Student Hr.ilth Center Inis .1 sin.ill immunotherapy, or allergy Iri'iitmi'ot, area where allergy shots arc administered for S i each About 1 SO students currently take advantage of this semt e Students interested in switching their shots Iroiti their doctor to I he health < enter should have their vai l ine and allergy schedule sent to the health center The reason the health center needs a patient's vaccine is lie cause tile health ( enter only ad ministers the shots, vac i ines .ire not made up there Sindrntswho think thrv mav t>r miffrring In»m aiirrgirs and ha v »* nr vr r hrr n Irstrd brh»r« i in srr onr of lh«- iwi) allrrgists at t Is«• lira It h i I'liti’r II thr a Hrr gist thinks it s him rssar\ a skin trst w ill lx‘ givrn to ilrtrnnim* what thr patirnt is allrrgu: to 1 In skin trst osts so.:, and a Ik m t nO diftrrrnt potrnhal al Irrgn suhstam rs art* trstrd on thr skill Thrrr arr othrr routrs i stu drnt tall lakr ll allrrgirs arr thr prohirm \!lrrg\ shots, mr.iit .1 turns or prrvrntivr mrasurrs arr .ill povsibl 1 itirs Smiir prrvrntivr mrasurrs tof .111r rg v su firrr r s me I ud« staving indoors on hraviU pol Irnatrd daw having air rondi honing mstrad ot oprn win (lows and ( loaning housr to rlimmatr dust MEN'S 346 6166 • By 1 MU H** Conlo# ■: ( Ovum vim Bkkaki \m £ Wcri-.Ltyt 7 V 11 • i t.spressu i( Pastries EXCELSIOR CAFE 754 t I MK / black »etl of f itmpus (Regularly $1.5U) w>y Campus SUBSHOP 1225 ?>lder 345-2434 N'tn v.iIk! v>n delivery i* with any k*h«*r diw ountt of .< mpons t hu* coupon ppf ruaiomer \ »pir«*% 6/12/92 i FREE! 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