Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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Controversial plays open tonight
By Ming Rodrigues
f m<*’ i ! & - i'.b J\t>'
Somi'iimes sexually explicit,
often violent and shocking.
Christopher Durnng's plays are
not comforting Seemingly
obltvimis to. the new climate of
censorship. Durang attacks so
cial norms and beliefs with out
ting w it and humor
The University Theatre will
stage two Durang plays tonight
.it H p m that are guaranteed to
Hut his plays do more than
roil passions
Durang doesn't Just rub
your fat e into the horrors of life
and leave il at lfi.it, said Rob
ert Crbinati. a theater arts grad
uate student who’s diret ting Ti
limit, one of the Durang plays
opening tonight
His message runs deeper,
provoking us lo think about
win life (.iri he so ugly and
him we ran (iml a (letter ysay
or reason to live." lie said
t.raig Willis, director of tin*
other IJutang plus /.nug/iing
IV'/W, said tin' work is a wrap
on against rumpus puritans
who want to tensor anything
th.it ollrnds
■ In a grow mg l*(! on iron
merit where thr irnsorshtp
movement is mounting, we've
found m Uutang a i omn voir <■
expressing our prolrst against
such supprrssion of rights.
Willis said
Were able to prrsmt the
knowledge to our audience
that, while we re likely to of
lend ami provoke some of
them, there are others who'll he
i ajoleri into laughing and see
itlg beyond ys ii.it IS provoking
An absurdist farce iilunit is
an innocently obscene black
comedy alxiut .1 group of char
,triers st rambling to find some
meaning In the i bans of exis
tence while the ship they re
aboard is sinking fast Durang
ta< kies marriage parenting, and
heterosexuality with malevo
lent glee
lor brbinati. the tough part
was sinking .1 halam t- between
i liar.ii ters straight out of a Noel
Coward British comedy. with
the absurdist fat tor. and the se
rious message of the play
There was always the threat
ot pushing one aspect a little
too far and then completely
ruining the intention of the
play, said Urbinati
Though a little more sedate
by t ompnrison, l.nughinf; Wild
is nonetheless a comic ap
proach to tile politic s- of sexu
ality. Willis saitf
Essentially, it is a play
.1 (kin( the struggle of Individu
ills In mti in In in ihnir rationale
in .i society that's liighly irra
tional." ho said
Thn plot goes like this A
woman has tmuhlo communl
i .iling with .1 stranger she nmols
in tho lumi fish aislo of a super
market So sin- figures the hesl
wa\ lo get by him is to resort to
violent e Two monologues on
sue where Ixith the man and
woman tell their version of
what took plat e
Killer Durang's m id i ornnien
tars on soi lal issues I'he two
thrash out their views on every
thing from Dr Ruth Westheirn
er and Mother Teresa to Alto
holies Anonymous and reli
gious teat hings on sexualits
A graduate from the Vale
School of Drama. Du rang cur
Male lions routinely murder stepchild
cubs. Human stepparents commit
fatal child abuse 100 times more
than natural parents.*
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Laughing Wild
inntly works off-Drnadwuy and
is the author of several other
pl.t vs silt h as Sister Man Ign.i
tins !.\pl,iins It All for You.
which won an Ohio Award,
and A Hislor\ of the Amerit .in
f ilm, which was nominated for
a Tony Durang's Beyond liter
,i/>y was also adapted for a mo
tion picture
Vit.mii and Laughing Wild
open tonight in the Arena
1 heatre, 1 1 00 Old dampus
Lane Additional performances
are sill e d u I e d T liurs d a v
through Saturday. April lfi-ltt,
and Wednesday and Thursday,
April 22-LM All shows start at
H p m sharp
Tickets are available at the
I Diversity Theatre lmix titfit e in
the Robinson Theatre lobby
Admission is $.! lor students
and $-1 for the general public
Box office hours are 12 K) p in
to -1 pm Monday through Sat
unlay and f. 30 p m to tt 15
p m on performance nights
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