SPORTS Rugby team loses to the ‘best’ By Steve Mims Emaraid Contributor The Orison rugby team (.mu up empty .it the West (toast Championships in Los Angeles last weekend after having three all league players declared inel igible before the tournament Oregon's Steve Knaust. Ian Williams and Rich Miller were not allowed to play for the Ducks because their four years of eligibility ran out All three entered the University; before 1987 Oregon head coac h Bob Sin der said lie thought any under graduate- could play but was told o t hi-rw i s- bef ore t he Dm ks first-round match; The undermanned Dim ks had to play top-ranked ( a! domra : n 11 it- firs! round a nd were ed Hi ■! Origin s tr\. scored h\ Bob Piert e. turnrd out to lit' the only t r v scored ag.i i list (lie C.olden Bears in'the whole tour nev f uilifnmia w ent (m to win tin tournament by defeating Long Beat h State J ■' t, followed ti\ a •IH t victory over l al Poly in the fund Tile Bears rum go to tile college rugbs ( h.impion shijis in Aspen, (ado . next month "California is the best team in tin1 country.’ Snyder said "They were great It was like w all lung a olitiii The Bears have been the best team in college rugbv lor the last live years, and there is little question w In < aliform.i is able to ret ruit the top rugbv players in the nation bet ause of a SI million endowment given to the program Alter losing to ( allforma, the I)uc kwere ili'li1.lied by Si M .1 rs s j 1 -() m I hi' second round, followed In .1 IS los-> to San I fiego State Tin' Ducks vvurr slow to start for their early morning game against Sail Diego State Oregon fell behind-. 18 0 at halftime hut outscored the Spartan's. 1S •) in the second half to make the game 1 lose Dave Van Dike aild Di 1 k Dunn Isith scored tries lor the p! *Tj'l",i J ' ' i" 'i > I i' I 1 ? ! I" 1 un wncoais A LOM§ EYtMIHA WITH * f APRIL 22 HIITOH BALLROOM 411 ABES TIC'KKTN AVAIIAIII.K AT. KMU MAIN IMCMK. HAI.I , CD *01(1.1). HMO|<|> OAKDKN, MOlHK Of KMOMl)*. f'ACK INK Ml Hit* • I OM1NKM AI1 t*« AMi . TK'KKTM Ml HJMT TO MKMVIl'K { ex |)t-r ii'n<' i u|vn • i>.■( »! w ith I'thvr I'lli'rs * I x}’ir• 1 S' l' l ocated at 2bth & Willamette Alpine Import Service The Volvo Specialists 7,TaSe1 )- { ^CERTIFIED j l~$ vV ASl Certified Techs \V One day service (rr>0»! »*s*V I \Y One lull year guaranty (cxt al uror*) i\- UPS parts service to out of town VOl VO owners MONDAY-FRIDAV 7:30- 5:30 UJLU/ 726-1808 » c >» < Al’I’OIN 1 Ml N I 12th and MAIN in SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477 It can’t do laundry or find you a date, but it can help you find more time for both. The ness Apple M.i: intits! ( lass., II umiputei makes it easier loru>u temple . lasses at mines, proie is. and ten*. pap< anil still lim! time t> >r what makes . • lilene life n'tii hie It s a 11implete and a!It»t table M.t> a,: .si (lassu s\stem that s reads to help o... pet vein wm k finished last It's a snap it > set i; and use It lias a (Hmetlui ■>( dn mu n - \lkl llikvil ll»1 Miliv 1 til! In jiliiiin in in its built m i a|laNilirs tin M.r :'i! - ' ( issh II Ul. IK- ( .j,li|'p< ■! Wit! Ill hum >VU‘s 1 if RAM • i ; H' . i' i'll' run si-u applu atl< ms .11 mi' r u':• 1 vu nk a11h Liir't* amounts i >1 data It w>ii a!rvad\ m\n ,i Mai iiitusht Lisss , and want the speed ami flt \d nht\ »>! a Madniosh (.lussii II ask us alxmt an upgrade it 1 an In- aiMaiinl a, ■ ; ' a mules :H'(k esstu 'ahit h means \nu ran am even tin* most sophiMK aieti applications with ease \nd its internal -\pple Super! )me’ dak dri\e reads tn>m and writes to Macintosh and Ms I m )s u irnutted disks -allowing >'< >u !■ > exchange information easily with t t % almost am other kind ol computer t * » / * » .Ill' . it S .lilt litl.ii lit |i i j) UI nil iff !!!!!(■ ■ It! \ I "it SJ< li • I • HIM! If! ; ij!! 1!iU .1 Mat l!it< Ml < !,|ss;< II II' !. i!i! lU-sk s< Mraia n: '■ klas aiM sshir sou ft- hi. Ik- suit' !n ask 'js tor tk'liik m.ii". a (lit \; pa- ( • hi:;• itc: 1 \ It : i H' t!!! it' SSI . spo ! Introducing the Macintosh Classic II. Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • 346-4402 Monday-Friday, 9ain-5pm