Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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    on IPMS
Editor's not** Pm ft In* of all th»' 1 *♦ rand idattrs running for post
lions on th»■ in< ulrntal f-Vr ( . unmiUrr wtil run through nrxt
Intorvimvs with ihr onr-yiMr (undtdatrs will run first
Jerod Hume
Jerod Hume i undulate [or .1
one year II ( sent, is ,1 sop ho
more majoring in business He
is also assistant treasurer in his
fraternilv and I mas 11 r
er financial adviser of tin* cable
a< c ess television show Our l or
sion of Hfill.
ODE: i )> i you favor across
Ihtvbourd cuts as a means of
seeping lees low and it so how
Hume .Yes. m tliat too many
groups defir it spend yv it limit
any kind of responsibility or fi
nan nil ai countability to any
one It cuts were to he made. I
would suggest approximately
JO percent lor those groups that
did not take 11 .ihiiitv with
their spend mg tast y ear
01)1 w V. t y .
that every group gets a fait
hearing and a lair budget'
Hume: (
It they jus! stio'.y up the com
in it tee takes 1 .11 o! whether
they get a lair hearing or not
As long as tic y get to tell their
side ..I tin stoi y . they shout i
get a la II hearing I hey should
show vv here they -.pend their
money and yvh.o gets their
ODE? Do ^on Indies i:i it's up
pfujifiiilr in hold i wrrent group
dio’i tors .it ( ounliihle for mis
management I", form or dirrt
II u m r V i• s. In-1 .1 ti s e tlo
whole group is responsible. tin
iitliniiiistr.it ion ot eat h group
should lm responsible lor their
llh.iin i.il standmg no mutter
u ll.it S happened II: the past
In art\ business, if the bust
hes-- |:h (I’ll' piist IlVUtle poor ll
mint i.i 1 i lion es tin- tjtisini'ss
mm is responsible tor those
! hey e.ili'l just s,i\ the past
pet-, it sereyie-l up i"! s lotgr!
1 h; . 1 i1 ; * N I e lit t e-.pt U Is i
hie for their deles ihtit they ill
t.ur in tin ;• .t-: and present arid
till ! should p.il those off be
h .it: they expert arts more site
()| )l Ut . : , l.ivor
ot cutting large budgets to com
pensate lot im reusing or mum
taming (tie budgets of smaller
I fume 't ’ -a a!
eat h group mdividuully 1 hose
e ps that n;i need a
fault' -i'll: 1 '.!iuli ill ! I! 1. i k ■ : fall'-!!
Nl'l VI'S
01)1 V\ h'\ ‘II 111 '<! Ut(t :.'
\ nif It>r vou'
I Inuif lift ■■ f I'm.nut mil to
turtluT m\ own pri'-unal ngt'it
titi 1 ni nut mil In Itrlp any mi
nm I I's 14rI ni [in nr iim s j li t 1:111
group I'm nut to siivi' ninn'"i
fur ttif l iumimIv I'm i hi I In
s.ivii muntn fur till stuili'iiU In
i usr I'm Mi ►. u| myim; m \
own miint’Y wastiii nil organ!
/nitons fHiit 1 havr nu th-ni'fit
1 get no benef'il Irom ,ri put
i i nt of tfn* groups that gel my
in,aii'v ami I in tint! ui ii, .mil 1
think, i lot nl uthiT jha11;n■ nu
Imi I'm mil tin'll- In prumnli- ';
mini ml responsibility ami ft
mini lal art ountubillty
// ////• WORLD IS 1RI I.) A (il.OBAI. IX'OXOM) HUS WHY
I a*arn from ()regon ’s leading mu In national corporation'* vv hat
opportunities exist in the international market place and vs hat
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litis is a unique opportunity to hear and ask questions ot some of
Oregon's leading multinational eorporations. This program will be
broadcast live through the Oregon EdNet System. Questions can
be taken by speakers from all EdNet sites
When: April 15,
4:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Where: Knight Library
Instructional Media Center
Studios A, B, & C
Sponsored by Oregon Economic Development Department and ( areei
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1225 Alder • 345-2434
“Former Congressman Jim
Weaver has written a lucid and
passionate book. Scientists
should hear what he has to
Joel Connelly-Seattle Post Intelligencer
The Genetic Origin Of Conservatives & Liberals
Bring this ad to U of 0 or Smith Family Bookstores
for a 20% savings. Exp 4-30-92.
I'ni\ crsit \ Theatre Product ions
1991-1992 Season
Second Season
Lau^hin^ W ild ami Titanic
i -vt-ninc d one .uts»h\ ('hmtophci hut.me
April 15,16,17,IS,23,24,25
MV \l I V I VI Hill \S< ,1 v I \ Si (III II MM'tH
I .imited Seats - ltu\ Now !!
I Hi- 1 n| ustii e I tiim* In I >l >1 I K11,
It s \n Story A I'll 1.11 It \n v\ \N
.IM . f I X' ! Kli X*. , t i ! ' ■, | K ■ | | .4 ( } *
May 20,21,22,23,28,24,30
I ri>K Prints
h* fin>. (h* 1-.1 xl»-r } «• r'>-• ?>
|une 4, 5 and b
8 p.m. ( urtuin* \ronj Ihr.itrr
Ki srrvatinils I Ml ') < |f>- 1 1 lM
Oh my word Helen! You play too'’ And here I
always Ihouqht you were |ust a songbird