Our Windows have opened a lot of doors. Microsolt's \ision is clcai and iodised, (hit opeiatun: svstems. I a n o u a o c s. and applied ions eivc new meanmp lo w hat personal computers can do. Makmp them more personal, more approaehable more indispensable lo do this we need not onl\ the skills ol peo pie w ho ean write and lest code. ha \ e a wide base ol application use and knowledge, but also the combined talents ol a bioad ranpe ol null \ id mils to keep out momentum pomp stronp. 'lour challenge is to use the latest m software development tools and mcthodologv to desipn and develop test eases loi our sottware prod nets. ( ontnbute to product desipn b\ rev lewmp speeilieations and defining problem areas. I roll bleshoot software Imps to lind laultv source code, recommend and implement chanpes. You will have the opportumtv to work on hardware that ranges from bShs to RISC based machines that arc connected to \l \IV \1S 1)( )S. and \ I tile servers. Work as a team member on protects such as operating s\stems, networks. compilers, personal and business applications soltwarc. graphical interlaces, handwriting technology. multimedia, and some things we can't even tell \ou about vet. It \ou arc pursuing a degree in Computer Science. 1 lectric.il I ngineering (with soft ware emphasis), oi Math, we'd like to talk with vou. \Ne will he conducting On-campus Interviews lor Co-op Software Design engi neers in lest Development on Tuesday. April 2X. ll>‘)2. Resumes are due at the Co-op Office b\ I ridav. \pril I"\1W2. See unit Co-op Ottiee for details. We are an equal opportunity employer and are working toward a more culturally diverse workplace. Microsoft