Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 14, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Abortion doctor’s office burned
ASHLAND (AP) Kvlditncu
indir nil's that someone broke a
window nnd splashed gasoline
on llii’ floor to start a weekend
firn that ^ultod the office of a
doctor who performs uliortions.
.1 fire official said Monday
Investigators hope to have
confirmation of their theory
within a week from the Oregon
State Poll! e i rime lat), said Don
Paul, assistant i hief of the Ash
land l ire Department
The fire swept through the
office of gyner ologlst Dr Wil
1.1 rd I, Brown and < a used
smoke damage to the rest of the
offices m the four suite medical
building early Saturday
The dor tor s nffire has been
the frequent target of anti abor
lion protests, fml there has bisn
no violem e, Paul said
The fire r aused $100,000 to
damage to thi! building and
5125,000 in damage to the con
tents. Paul said
"They'll he out of business
fur awhile,' he said Their
equipment was ail pretty ysell
damaged too
It appears that yvhoever start
ed the fire didn't go inside to
pour the gasoline on Ifie floor
Foul said
Investigators sent pier es of
the floor to tile i rime lab to f>e
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Continued Irom Page 7
through <mr alley pit king up
(ans .uni Imttles 1‘he victim
told the men hr* had a wife
and child to support with the
income from the bottles and
The i<> year old suspect
then stepped put of his wav
and removed three bottles
from the vlcltin s hike, at
tordtng to polite rhe-victim
then pushed his hike to the
street and tailed Ki’l) Both
the tli year-old suspet t and a
12-year-old suspect were ar
• All unknown suspet 1 or vis
(nils stoli* <i ill bv-1fl-lnch
white bulletin board from out
side I fl e A S l ( ) S 1 11 d e I) 1
Health Insurance office April
l according to poiue reports
Someone removed the bulle
11n board Outside ol 1.M 1
Room IbA and threw the
(lusters and pamphlets on it
all over the hallvvay
• I’olu e arrested a .! 1 year-old
man for possession of marl
(liana and a 2 1 year-old worn
.m for having an open con
lainm of alcohol in ..public on
April i. according to polio*
A polite officer was dis
patched lo the 700 blot k of
hast Kith Avenue because of a
loud party, according to po
lice reports The officer saw
the man bolding up and look
mg at a plastic bag. anti saw
tile woman standing next lo
him holding a white plastic
tup Both were on the sitie
walk on the south suit* of the
As iht* officer walked up to
the man he dropped the plus
tit hag on the ground, accord
ing to police The offit er re
covered the hag and found it
contained marijuana
Continued from Page 4
The final straw was un annual meeting called
the Dorchester Conference, which I S Sen Boh
I’m kvvuod started in 1*M>H as .1 wav for Republi
cans to discuss Issues in a relaxed non official
The ( K A initiative was w idol v i rit it i/.ed at this
year s i onferem e, and when a vote was called,
the purtu if Mints vote against it. 21) i It)
1 he flavor of the Dorchester Conference was
very strongly pushing homosexual rights." said
Si oil Lively . ( H A st.de commune atlons dime tor
Lively said the lion hosier Conference proved
to the ( X A that moderate Kepuhllr arcs could no!
he trusted to ki>ep the party true to its conserve
live mission
"The Republican party is the whole of conser
vatism. hut the liberals have taken it over and
changed it. Lively said
COP state Chairman Craig Berkrnan is one of
the men the OCA blames lor allowing this
change, and Berkrnan was one of those responsi
hie lor orchestrating what happened at the Dor
( hosier ( onfereni e. Lively said
The word is that Berkinun ts committed to
i hanging the party toward gay rights and abortion
rights said (X \ Chairman Lon Mahon
lor that reason, the (X1A is running its own
supporters lor prec met committee positions in
the upi tuning May I'ieleition Lively said
We are battling lor the heart and soul of the
parly he said
I he ( X A w ill be able to eler t the state 1 hair
man and determine the state party platform if it
w 1 ns enough pre< mi ls Whitfield said
Whitfield said a lot of prec me t 1 ommittee seats
are usually left empty and a 1 one entrateef effort
1 oil id seize the [Jar! V
The (X A has made 1! no secret that Berkrnan
vy. .. I he ousled -is 1 hatmian 11 It !akes ( olltrol of
the party
Mahon said lie , hare es are po tty good that the
(X A will hold a majority ol seats after the May
10 elec lion
Wi re going to take It bar k
Lively said
Dul the j>.irt\ is not without it's defenders |i:iin
lull', .1 rrlirt'ii businesswoman. is loud in}; the ef
fori in' l.iino County to slop the (K! A takeover
li-i! Lewis, who is working with Tate, said the
OCA has 26H supporters running for precinct
committee seats, while tfie moderates have a little
more than 100
To defeat the (X.A advantage, Tate arid Lewis
are planning on writing letters to registered Re
publicans identifying which precinct candidates
are (X;A-affiliated
The letters may suggest some write-in candi
dates if there is no moderate running against an
(X A member in a ( ertain precinct. Lew is said
If we can get enough people to understand
is fin ii candidates are moderates and which are
conservative, then we will win,'' Tate said
Hut some (X A memiiers alreadv have plans to
break from the p.irl i
It IS evident that a third political party is going
to he formed," Mobley said "livery time we work
within the party it seems more interested in bat
tling conservatives in their own party than Demo
crats, "
(XiA members have reserved a building at the
st.ite fairgrounds in Salem on June LI, and a deci
sion will he made at that time whether to break
with the party, Mobley said
The key fai tor In forming a new party will tie
whether tile (>OH lias made an effort to adopt .1
more conservative platform, ho said
"We may fie beyond healing the wounds,"
Mobley said "We’ve tried for four years to deal
with tile moderate republicans, but all they've
done is bash 1 onscrvatlvcs
Mobley said if the (X does form a third party,
he may run for I’ac kwood's Senate seat
A few powerful republicans, such .is TV even
gelisl Hat Robertson and l S Sen Drrin Hair Ii of
t'tafi have asked both sides to settle their differ
I'lii es without splitting the party
Sadler said I'ai kwnod is com erned that Mobley
will divide republican voters if he runs and will
allow a Demi* rat to win the Senate seat
'Tiie people that are wall lung .ill this and lii k
mg their chops are the Demoi rats, Sadler said
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