Learning to wheel fmai rdinator Ray Li fmd it how tough n in be t r .1 'I'j ■ ran '■ F ■ r : ” - A: ■ •. iV- • !• versify junior saKJ Automat 1 i to bother n but : r "-< ■ ■ ? S a £■’’ • ; I tnilnwmg ::u idents weft* repor ti I the (): fice < ! I’uhli. Safety iiiui I he lingerie polic e de partmen! \t in : ID t April I. • transients on Miin h II ot three cans worth It omits in re turn va:ui- .u . i mi mg to pollen r• |>■ ’ A U-year oi.i man who coil”, ts i . an ! i am '■ r a living satil hi was walk.: t.is bite tin- i as! wt allm. between Hilyan! an.I I’utterso: sir ts-: s a nil l-l!!: ami 1 r»th avenues when I wo Men apprnui lieii him. ai i ording to pea 1 u e As the two men approached the victim, he asked (an I help V i ai with something’ a: i oh! mg to poll! i ’1 he men both said, The tax man is he! e t.. col lm ! .1::d It 111k 1 • behind the man The victim sa to take In-, hot! He su, 1 tie W is eii iind felt thn >ng .imi ignore ! piK t then Stepp tie. (runt bin t possible for till! "i tie victim s.i leave ins cans The ttj yearad d at the empty butties in the carts b S' id lie thought til*' lie’ll Is ere going afraid tie was going to !>*’ assault aleie’d ill tried a. I lit in;.' w » ed in front of the vu tint and held lietwe, :, h;s legs in u. ;;.; .' . I to leave id he didn't want t ■ ret; away arid and ixitties. ataurding to police d suspect then said 'Don't go Tl” ' POLICE I’.cje 8 School UNIVERSITY OF OREGON of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave MUSIC FROM A WORLD IN TRANSITION Music and dance trom Eastern Europe and Centra! As 3 Tues , April 14 8 p m. $4 Genera! Admission $2 Students Seniors fj COMPOSER'S FORUM /r\ New worV.s by UO , composition students Sat.. April 18 8 p.m. FREE Admission For more information, call 346-3761 (Music School) $1.00 OFF ANY HAIRCUT Men and Women regularly $9 95 Senior Citizens regularly $7 95 Children regularly $7 50 uf r ' 79',' ■ j. 10% OFF RETAIL N€*US n PflULMITa-|ELL BIOLAGE |r...cT.osS \j$j00^ Coupon expires May 15. 1997 N i w.'>r m. . PERFECT LOOK FAMILY HAIRCARE WITHOUT APPOINTMENTS * ** • • • • . A, t v . . US.V:- •*.* • AW> VA> free; TOPPING. W11 ri LARGE CUP / YOGURT Our -.w,..,, «**!* • t r*ri ..firt* I \p»n •> -4 V I I If* TCBV /hi t nunlrif \ tk-'l K«yo//. ■ 1 ' I Vki'.t 1 I (U M.lrirlpLk r IJvSS It.mihn HK J.. ir.tiiLIm \ VilLud Jf WHITE SALE Tanning Packages •5 tans tor Sir' • 10 tans tor S25 • 15 tans tor Sat) You Don't Yood to Bo a MomLx'r! Oregon West FITNESS — 1475 Franklin Across I rum Campus ggsg*3®*9 Need A Poster .Modi■ .* I " h ■ i (