Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 14, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from Page 1
Carl Hosticka. University
professor and member of the
Oregon House, sulci students
must be today \ leaders when
d t limes to lav reform
"Our i urrent politic at lead
ership is paralyzed and un
able to deal with the issue of
Measure ,‘> and. its efforts on
our stx letv." be said "H.isi
rally, what we have is a
group of people who are do
ing quite well their taxes
are going down, they are
making money off this thing
and they don’t i are about the
rest of us."
We have a group of lead
ers who are afraid to stand up
to them and say you can’t do
this to our sot lety " this lit ku
said " You be y e to ha ve
things like higher education
and human servic es because
we are .ill in tills together
"Know that a vote is forth
coming.” said Cynthia Woo
ten, legislative candidate for
District -it "And every sin
gle person in every district is
going to lie saying they can’t
afford it, that they don’t
know why the money is net -
"It’s going to lie up to ev
ery one of us to tell them
yvhv, and to tell them now
Sam fierce, a student who
led a suioessful fight against
a S-ir>(! tuition raise at the
Si bool of An lutei lure and
Allied Arts last year, said the
time may lie coming when
Students w ill be forced to pay
100 percent toil ion
"What that means." Pierre
said, "is that a lot of people
here now will not lie able to
attend It means there will tie
a two-tiered so< iety, which
goes along with the concen
tration of wealth I tie people
who i an afford it. will get the
best service; tile people who
can’t afford it won’t get shit
We i anno! at ropt tins as
reality. Pierce said
AM () t niv ersitv Affairs.
Coordinator Ks an Dec kert
said the AA \ students unit
mg to stop a tuition tin reuse
is a good example ol how to
f *batO by
University senior David Peters signs a petition, while his son atop
his shoulders gets a wider view ot the rally.
(urn the upcoming struggle
w11h funding for higher niu
"Thu message is that we
don't have to lie defeatist.'"
Decker! said 'If we stand
united together we can have
our voices heard and we i an
make an impact
The voter registration drive
will continue throughout
spring term around < ampus
Several other Oregon colleges
iintl univ itmIH". hav >• held nr
will hold las reform rolln--.
this month, and are also par
Impaling in the voter regis
trillion drive
The effort culminates on
Mus 1, when a caravan will
take students from Oregon,
Oregon State Southern Ore
gon and Western Oregon to a
rally on the steps of the stale
i apital
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