PUEffTOflMMBMMMHBWBWM Should U.SA Today have leaked to the public that former tennis player Arthur Ashe is HIV positive? "No I don't think ;>o It’s his busi ness whether he wants to tell people or not I think they re getting into territory they have r>o business getting into ’ -Rachel Muravuaz sophomore, history "No I don't I Not unless I he con snnted to ft I It's more a I pnvnte | matter that they sttoimln I reveal unless he consents to it * —Mika Thompson sophomore, history 'I think U SA Today is just so into finding out informa tion and it s interesting to see, but I would tie depressed if some one found ouf my secret life There should be boundaries ' -S*d*o Veno freshman, psychology/math 'No If he lk. they should respect fits right to privacy * -S l«rra Wilcte freshman, English ’No It's a personal choice It’s his life They shouldn't pet in votvea in n They shoutdn I have leaked rl unless they asked him lirst ’ —Jacl Hay* freshman, undeclared "No Thai was wrong Information like that is k>o per sonal It should tx.“ r.onlKlen ti.il Once he louiKi out he had the virus he didn't do any risky behaviors so I think they were wrong ’ -Cornelius Johnson junior, marketing OCA, moderates fight for state GOP control j Conservative group may form new party over ideological bat ties By Gerrit Koepp>ng * a•<»'.i 1 i^>|yy'l*' I in- (fregon ( itr/ens Allianre s\ mi Ill rather be ideologic a 11 \ corni I than hold offite, a I o< a I TV i immobtator said I hi (M A has l\ pH alls had little room (nr < ompromise in ili. if.idisiun.il Christian inorali ly platform, said Russell Sad lor Is s kind ul the flip sidi' of 1 hi1 polilh alls i orrect move rnenl. he said Th • i lashrs s\ ith shr (Iregon Krji n Id ii an Part y u hinli has lung In-Id i!s main purpose is to gel Kepilblllalls riel led . nut ell fort i ideological purity. said Whittndil. I he parts's ever utive direr tor The resu I t h a s her nine a struggle lur parts control be tween moderate Republicans and the u 11 r a conse rv a I i v e (M \ M the same time, other AI! l.ini ■' member s may break mipletels frum the Oregon K■■ pah!,. an parts and form "a • ,,wn minor polilii al parts Blit tin' (M A has ■! history of v ie!d ;ng to no one anil is not interested m taking prisoners in thi1 10u() gubernatorial r,a r IK \ nii'inBit Al Mobli'V ran against then slate Attorney (; e n era I Day e I r oh n rn aver largely hei arise I-rollnnvayer was pro i hoice As a result. Mohlev siphon' I oil enough r nnservative voters from the Republican Irohnmever to al Ims Demis rat Barbara Kolrerts to win the election. W h i t f re I ci s an! t he loss caused resentment among mod erate Republic ai'i-s yyho fell tile ()(. A had. betrayed the party Tin D( A on the other hand lei! the party had her ome to 1 iheiai to slomai h f or a few months the model,lies and the M1 laru e■ me miters seemed to he trying to heal the wounds. Sad ler said But it vs as all lor naught The. (>< A s anti homosexual rights initiative has caused a rift so severe that full-scale civil war has broken out in the party. Many (X.A members are now m the midst ol an aggressive campaign to take over the Ore gon Republican I’arly Irom ss ithm Turn to GOP Page 8 MONEY ( aMlinurd from W\ge 1 intwii!^' t .imp'is ■.•.(•'!\ ami mullh u i! ur.1';mu ■. rhm.ru Mutt flu!!, fluff Hu! ! ■ . -hhuahs 1 > i in t (mUHiilt'd students.'‘ la a •. 1.• f ! h> AM < ) . . a tool. i* t; 4 rhetoric I ’! I' a:; j V- VN h; . « ! : ! ! : ■ a. fr' p *• I V 1! i *:!•', C • ;:' ■' * ■ ► ' i > pf oVjih'd t:um it n in-! m I hi* poll hi a ; ( fa' • Ilf r \ i ’! i > ■ a >’ f i flu i u t * *» .;f i a i u J i a ' • •(!'!', . *:. : mil It M ulli.r ail Ml! iU‘!f a.! 0 students had mullet on its mind I he t aluli la.Vs 111-1 • i■ i .ilidieme j a lli.it pr; u.iai.lv dealt V\ i I h I! u n f i • n 1.11 f i • s \ S ! ( ) 11 m a i I - • • ; . 1 . . : \ ! i! a : t\! Vi s ! . > ! ■ V.- f. • Audience member • were par i u u far I v t uriaiis * ; : . a ‘ . ’ a ! .. I ! ■ ’ ' ! ' . K ianti I t h if vv « id ;: .»r .fait a ] I) } ■■ ; i I*!il (h i tease m si mlent h < • ah a h a fh.lt holh t ! 11 a ' Arr hi k»’| •- i ) | i j a !\( • Mia.; lilt! I t IVfU’alU . it ah J up i ;. . - • i i I !ions ii!hiiiI the hallo! measure saving lfi.it Ih«*\ an not )n la’.'ir »d .k mss tin Ixiard * uts. but mth !•? til*' r* ■ 11 i • ' i 11 f 1 >; I ■ tud< 111 stiprlids a fid the *' 11 MI i! . d V. ,i'.U hi : v|ir!ui IH^ K ; !i>: a • s ! 1 * ** • ! ufr «i^fn i c *: hr-;i;_j.!!!* sip s’ K'i •. :*;i i■. • r«’» i-n! and MirtrvsJul I r,;. s; r i > * j'iat • • fund raiMi .is .m • \ am pit* '' ! . S', iifi; ? >■ 1; a . h ■; ; h* . s i 1 \ ‘all,. hair. I'haf.s ! i i h d a mi '■ • f ajipi.iUM' Iri.iii thf audunim vsfu-n m * :n^h%:'d 'hut studihs. sma;id \ >- murt* hi l.rd ab ■ j! ■ hi i! . 11 nil) *•-!., Ir: ' ft as The nmnrv phi!'!' !!,s s 11 u i i ■!;' r vjnT i * IJ« <■ havi* a hit mum 111 h > ah; Hu- stain* nic budgt-1 «*mir h\ ha. : \h . . i Phans s.ilij A Hi' i ami id s< .I'iuii atrd lohbv mg stair h*g h ■ - ' : '• h tuition In »\* n rf, Phans ' ' v • stab ( apitol ids • had h.1 an idras a bon l obtaining tv ■ : '1 . . huiid a V%. i:. afi and thr " ‘ .Nit}; w.itnr ami fish, and rhafgr , j ‘ ' t ’ ! h ■ W . ' ,d s llfst u ! ;drr a ah-r iilii \ rl si!\ Of So V*«» * v ASUO executive candidates Bobby Lee (right) and Karmen Fore address a crowd of students in the Carson Hall Gold Room, while candidates Don King and Holly Ferguson, and Donald Morgan and Chris Phans listen This was the first debate among the candidates lor ASUO president and vice president t International Career Forum IF nil: WORLD IS LROLYA GLOBAL ECONOMY THLN Wl IY IS IT S() I fARJ) H) FIX I) AS IS'LLRSATK )XAL JOB? 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