Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 14, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Poor Don king and Holly
Ferguson So desperate lor
greek support that they have to
resort to promising to make up
their entire exetutlVe sialf of
greek students frill state the
AMO shoe hi he tor e\ erv
one "
Even more so, it is strange
considering Ferguson s long as
social i o n with tire Oregon
V’orr e. whit fr has often been
critical of the greek system If
you don't he'lieve me. diet k the
Mari h issue I question the tat
tics of King anti Ferguson
Jason Sprague
Sint e ! t ame U i the I im ersi
t'v. tilt' incidental i re t otntnit
tee has had meintre: •• from
OSIMKt.. Mil h.\ the lesbian
Claj anti Bisexual Alliance, the
greek system, and many other
orgam/.itions, hut never ah lyd
It's a disgrace that l.tis have
been so under represented on
the li t: Keenrring st and.ils
within the ASt () are i learly
the result of ignoring the obvi
ous advantages an Ft! would
provide Having .in Fti on tile
11(1 would help keep student
groups strong, work toward
lower fees, improve communi
cation Between the 1F( ami stu
dent groups, and provide a
voice ol reason for the commit
tee Kds .ire thoughtful, unbi
ased . honest, and ioncerned
aliout the welfare of students
Other candidates .ire in.ik.im;
i ague i ampuign promises th.it
llur'v II put the student" bai k
into student government or the
you bar k in the A SIR) II "s
time to put the Kd .bat k in high
er ed
Ed Carson
IFC candidate
(.re.it i .irtiKin \ oil r .in April
u l.mri i!.! As h.id new s; Iron
tlie rnedi.i about tin1 environ
merit .ind our health seems to
overwhelm us it is refreshing
to know th.it tlie rnedi.i is also:
show ihg how w • i .in s,: |y i■
these problem-.
Red III ed ; onsurii pt ion of
me.it is In i: ' iiiisiiis the only
solution or the Hindi solution
hut it. is .in .Ai .-;li-nt solution
A I ge t.) r i a f.-s , ■ . iis ., A ho i i1
he.1 ithier tintrv the r oinrtniri
Amerh.in who eats a meat ten
tom if d let. and i titling h.n k on:
meat h ..,.'d agr u n ilu re w ou ld
certainly help in saving Hra/rl's
r tin forests (cut down to make
room lor i .rule grazing), all the
world's topsoil, wilier, potrole
iiiii and other vital national re
John Robbins' hook /her /'or
a Vew Amrru.i contains mam
more reasons lor limiting meat
consumption, and is an excel
lent resource on why what pen
pie dor tide to eat should ile
pend on more than just their
taste buds
Justin Jacobson
Half the Germans polled after WWII said
Nazism was a good idea - 40% said it
was bad-the same ratio in the U.S. on
the My Lai massacre of Vietnamese
peasants by U.S. troops.*
Thesa topics dscussad in
The Genetic Origin Of Conservatives & Liberals
Bring this ad to U of 0 or Smith Family
Bookstores for a 20% savings. Exp 4-30-92.
• 'fuptof 3 Mawta an] t«».» tr< Amnocan WaUfy .iowrwart *<xJ **nwi f’ 44
* ?
I it T id Hst>
r. u,~ v
lAjlA St*v« f
Up until that moment, Raymond had been a rather shy
employee with a nervous twitch. Up until that moment.
And the competitive edge
you need in advertising sales
with the Oregon Daily Emerald.
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want right out of school.
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The Oregon Daily Emerald’s display advertising
department is now hiring for sales positions. All
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Closing date: April 27th at 5 p.m.
Oregon Daily