Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 14, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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    Ducks win Nike golf tournament
By Steve Mims
I •••»•'.i'! Cornet, .va
Two Oregon women's golf loams finished in
Ihn (up half uf tin' < fregon Stall* U mien's Nik*'
InviIiUmn.il ovor the vvisrkend in Corvallis, loti
by fivo individuals in lit*" lop 10
I'hf Dinks spin thoir nine-woman suuad
into two ti'iims for tin' tournament and both
m;prod tmprossivo finishes Senior Both
Mam /ak vs as the low indiviilual for the Din ks,
tying for sot ond plat e with an 11 over par 22 ~
for tbo three round event
The Dut ks first team won the event, pulling
away from Washington in the final round lor a
four stroke vii lory over the Huskies
Oregon was in third plate after shooting a
firsl round ill but tame hut k to post a 10,
followed bv a .''in in the Until round Washing
ton was tti'il with the Dinks alter tin si it inti
round hut touid not keep up the pate falling
In a it) I m the linai round
I he Dut ks got two fug lifts in the filial round
from : 1 igii horming .mu Kariy Milis. who
both shot .1 .' over pur 7-1 lo lead Orison to the
victory Ori'fjmi ' Iov\ round for (to- lourna
men! was Shiinnon Meier's 7 1 in the se. und
round Meier finished in fourth f>i-u «* fur tin
tournament. followed bv Hornung in fifth
(Ircgiin s Mir.ond tf.imfinished fourth .it ‘IfiH
mx shots .iht:.id of Oregon State freshman
Sh.innon Hare led the seiond mju.u) firing a
to lor the tournament tfi.it was good enough
for a sixth-place finish overall
dins tournament showed Oregon's depth as
the Ducks sec ond sipjnd defeated the best
teams pul out by four sc hools. ini lulling f’lit il
ic 10 ( onlerem ( rivals Oregon Slate and
Washington Stall Oregon s first team de
stroyed tin Heavers and Cougars, heating them
bv -to and n f strokes. res pert IV elv
The Oregon men s team began pi.iv in the
Western Interi ollrgiate at Santa Cru/.on Mon
dav with |dav < ontinning thnmgh \V« dnesday
d in Dm ks are led bv I he tournaments defend
mg i liatnpion Doug Du( bateau and Jeff Lyons,
a tw i tune winner this year
2 months for s69°°
Oregon West
—— fitness
1475 Franklin
Best Location. Best Workout'
Netters narrowly beat
WSU, lose to Huskies
By Doug Coder
iCortot i'
Unit did !hi‘ !h« Orison
mens .mti woman's tennis
teams knim that Ihrir separate
trips :o Washington ovrr the
uccunil would finish with
nearly idenlii a I results
The men s train traveled to
Seattle for dual man firs against
Washington and Washington
Slain at the Huskies Lloyd
Nordstrom Trnnis Center. and
lhi; women were in Pullman to
take on tin’ satin; two si hinds
Lai h Ore gon tram split the
srnrs as both narrowly firat
tin- ( i.agars (men r' 1. womrn
(, :i) and writ whitewashed by
tin- Huskies men ‘i (), womrn
The Dunk men. now 11-12 on
thi; srason. not only came up
rmpt\ on Ihr si orehoard in
mate firs, hut as a team they
couldn't win a sr! against a
Husky tram that was too grnrr
oils in handing out gonsr rggs a
vs rrk before Luster
Sophomore f.rr kirtirr. at
No 1 singles and freshman
Josh i’ragrr. at No 5 singles,
provided !l;r tatsl i omprtition
against ihr dominating Hus
k ir s. as thry rath won six
games licfori falling short in
their mall hrs
kumer lull to Washington s
(ihrt (Irilr. t hr Pari f ii 10 s
1001 Northern ILvision Player
uf the Year. ti-.: ti l In the
meantime Pragrr forced into
the aitioii finalise of various
i)ui k mitini- kept Ins mat! h
; lose heli.re being drleated fed,
i, :t
, a | • i D k'- :e d I'horetl
ihai i. a at Koh Atkin ii-yi in
(m'tliin w ho iu linartl\ play
singles didn't make the week
imi trip Couch Bu/./ Summers
said their absence was frit
The injuries were a lac tor
Summers said It s nice to
have a choice whether or not to
play some guy s
liven a couple of tin* Ducks
that made the Irek north were
fl a Hi p e re d b y m ore than
bruise.! feathers
International Student Association presents:
International Week Id1) 2
Monday, April 20 Asia Dav
y 30 -10 30 Experiences of a Malay Woman
1 1 cX3 -12 15 Aboriginals of Australia, Yesterday and
15 30 - 10 30 (. hina's Role in the Next Century
Iuesdav, April 21 Europe tSr Middle 1 ast Day
12 00 -13 00 Cultural Interaction in the Society of
Saudi Arabia
Id 00 - 17 30 New Order in Eastern Europe
18 00 - 10 00 Middle East and the US
Wcdnesdax April 22 Africa Dav
| highlights
1 i 00 - 12 00 Kenya, Politics and Culture
14 00 - 15 30 Place of the African Women from an
Insiders' view
15 30 - Id 00 African Dance Session (.Gumwood
I hursdas. April 2i Americas Day
high lights
II 00 - 12 00 Latin America, Fnvironmeni in the
300th year
16 }0 - 17 00 Music Mark Allan
20 00 - 2 1 00 Dance, “Bochim he Salsa Band
Friday, April 24 World Forum Day
14 00 -13 ex'1 "Interracial Families The Best of Both
Sunday, April 26
International Night
A spectacular cultural event!!1
Opens at 3 >0 EMU Diningroom with a multicultural
dinner followed by numerous presentations by several
Senior Clin*. ((Indwell con
Unties to plav with n torn .inter
tor ( ruciale ligament in his
right knee, and junior Kevin
Settlemvre has been bothered
in torn cartilage in his left
Its like one knee is 20 years
old and the other one is 50
years old." Summers said of
C.ladwell fell to his Washing
ton opponent 0-1 ; l>-1. and
Settlemvre took the day off to
Settlemvre Was pushed to the
limit on the previous day
against Washington State before
falling short in the third set,
1 n. ti-2. f»-4
In other action against Wash
ington State, Oregon's Kirner
! 7 • 5. {>••}), Nick Smith ct> 4, 4-(>,
ti-.t), Kvan Marasigan (7-5, 7-5)
and I’rager {t> 1 t>-2) were all
vit torious in singles
The Oregon men journey to
Portland tins afternoon, chal
lenging the Portland Pilots at
2 It)
Despite being shut out in
terms of matches won. the (Ire
gon women's team had a little
more sue c i s-, against the Hus
l our ol the five singles
matches went the distance,
with Oregon s Katie Glynn
coming the closest to victory
before tailing n- t in the third
set of her No •) matc h
s o p h o m ore Sherry
Fairgrir\e, playing No 2 sin
gles split the iirst 20 game's
w cth her Husky opj . cent, 0 1,
! h before dropping the final
set c, t
No i singles player isnssy
Barger's match was almost a
carlton copy of l airgrieve s as
Barger split the iirst two sets
7-5. 5-7, and then lost ti l in
tile third
Freshman Heather Updike
also forced a dec isive third set
in her No 5 singles match. !«•
lore1 coming up empty. ti t)
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