Devils, Wildcats pitch heartbreakers to Ducks By Jayson Jacoby i '»*»?.-i : fis H«>{- ;f?«v The Ori son softlmll team came i low to vv inning lliri’i' of four I’b< ifu HM nnferrnt <■ parous this weekend against the uatmnallv ranked Arizona m bools Very dose In the end, however. the Ducks In'! all four, me hiding three In one run I hr? most liilln ult Ids-- a t heartbreaker to se« orid ranked Arizona in the nr^htt ap of Sun day s doubleheader at I in son Oregon, now 15 2 1 overall and t ' in the I’ac 10. also dropped both games Nalurdav ev ening to No .’(I All/ona State, ear It In a single run Tilings startl'd poorly for the Dut ks in the hrsl game Suntlav against the AS iltii .it- as thes were shut out oil |llst live hits In ArI /on.i s .tic. l)ebh\ Dav Dav raised tj<• r o io \ !• till' Willi: .its is .!i I .!' iK 11 0 Hot ilii' Dm ks i ame I>.»< k strong in the sim urn) game, mill l.iiur.i Schmidt s first horiii' run of the season let! Oregon ! ad in the second game, trailing the Sun Devils 0 entering tie seventh inning i ll'- Dm ks refused to go away blit onidn'l ini ltd on Piper's KHI single .itui lost t \rizona State improved to .'l l" over all, t r> in liie I’ai 111 Oregon next fates top ranked and untie Seated t ( !, \ in a I ritiav afternoon double header a! Howe field 1'he lirst game gets under vs a\ .it 2 Hi Sort Hall •* - ~t> i tHtjfU* Apr 10 j4W4.i«n H®*i d h*'g r#j3p»f» 1 1/M2 Sigma Nad Ssg Ep 2 *•>»!«*» U'M.’ S. .>m J n^'wc Apr 11 Ottlla Uptiion tf SAP ls.-r(*u/Ml s.g Ep A ti Twm PHI fr-rfe:'All T h«\ • Chi d Umbdi ChS — UulmtUXU A TO Ie*m 2 t D*!u T«u I ><* 11 * (Ml/M 3 hi: ps: h : d 4 0/M2 Chi Pii d Young Cun* l-WM? Honilry 0 1 t PH! PS! ./KAPPA 2-2/C n*d !k>«ih d SAK/DC fa»feil/fowd A pr 12 Intnir Vjaruii 1 H«>U 1 MV Hai! l >u*hr»r« d Sig Ep H VO/M: !-;)»■ d Sigma Chi f Alpha (hi / P !*Dell */ d f h'w HaflYiaphrodtUM 2 r i ' » '.<«;■ K. IVII errors mum liiatrly In * I- ; ; • vs * iw ituurri. t ’mrrtmft if s t*u >1. > 4 *»• <■'•> i » 'I the error hs ! p mi > *; tin .las . -I till iltst in*t fti.Ml Hu < >D! vjmMt f* ItaMr f, f ». 41t)i*IJll greater ifi.ui tin aJlxHHit |va<\l for tmh 4«!vei1mng Ki • . « il; >* lim sr.i i- ■ i< .lit. * 'i; I s No . oh i< Inn.Is util N alter tf»i ii! «]' ttilm ( HtliU must t* .is .} ss iihui D 10s PERSONALS Congrats Marilyn . , '• > '‘O’ •:> O**'**' .•« • 1 OVf T f bckas Kafipy t) Day S*lh f iom I hm Hio s In IXxPey ' >{*)»» Work! KS.*' .« ;»■*! S' 'y .I'O \\ t*«" .*"»1 « FREE! TODAY ONLY1 If Y( « M 1 AS! NAM ■ ' AMIS WI1H ! 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