Oregon Daily TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 Rally goers urge students to vote and be heard _iTax reform advocates say together, students can make a difference By Paul Morgan One message rang < i>-.ir from tht* .mi phfiers .1! .1 tux reform rally In the I.MI Courtyard Monday afternoon II v up to students to register and vote to help pro toot the state s universities from the sec ond wave ot Measure r. Speakers, including \M'() members, students, and Ideal politicians, echoed the messay.e at every opportunity, as they lamented Oregon s current tax structure and urged students to defend their rights to edur ation by voting. "There are a lot of things you i an do." Joy Marshall, of Oregon fair Share, told the c rowd And the first tiling is what you are doing today informing vour selves. registering to vote and getting at five " An estimated 150 people registered to vote at the ra.iy said Matt Cox. \SUO student affairs coordinator Marshall saici Measure r> has landed a huge vv mdl.dl tor business property, and aided that it is possible to some up with acceptable tux alternatives 'The lion's share of tax rebel did not go to home owners. Marshall said "Portland Oeneral electric got a Slid ,..; i ;on tax creak tills year alone. a.id they c losed the- Sc hool of Public Health cere at the l! of O Turn to RALLY, Page 5 University senior Corey Schlosser registers to vote lit Monday s rally, one ot an estimated 150 people who took advantage ot the registration tables OPS and Eugene police unite for campus safety j Cooperation between the depart ments helps contain security threats By Colleen Pohhg fc.mecatd Heportar Oils Scarborough s.n s hit h.is "dealt with every thing short of .1 murder" in his 1_' years . 11 the cam pus Offic e of Public Safety Scarborough rec alled the lime a l diversity em plover entered tile OPS office in Straub Hall six years ago and threatened some of its officers vv itfi fxidily harm Tins allegedly came in response to the employee s being fired after OPS offic ers told Ins supervisor they suspected fum of smoking marijuana in .1 University owned building "We did a background check later on him and it turns out that he had threatened a Springfield police offic er with a gun at one time," ScarUirough said Scarborough said he doesn't have a problem (..ill r Turn to OPS. Page 6 CRIME STATS July 1. 1991 ■ April 7. 1992 TOTAL OPS* EPO REPORTS Alcohol 8 0 8 Asauta 7 0 7 Bomb Threats 1 0 1 Anon 0 0 0 Rape 1 0 1 Sex Crime 1 0 1 Burglary 4 41 45 Criminal Miactwf SO 10 GO Found Property 116 0 116 Fraternity Crimes 3 19 22 Sorority Cnmes 5 5 10 Trespass 15 7 22 Theft 1 Isenous) 57 40 97 Then 2 100 15® 25G Theft 3 (mnor) 66 21 87 BikeTheft 117 15 132 •ttaifi OP* Mi to toort tro Map mm Mill MM Caacmc ojt jtm Pmmf Money pulls top billing at first ASUO debate j Student lees and tuition hikes concern students By Kirsten Lucas EfTWUM 1 RfcPuftef ASl'O Lxec utive < undidates squared off for .m emotionally i barged debate Monday night Indore ,i standing room only au dience in itni Carson Hall Cold Room Running mains Bobby Lit and Karmen Lori'. Don King and Holly Ferguson, and Cliris I’haris and Donald Morgan par ticlpated Presidential candi dali' Dan Pulju, who officialIly announced bis i andidac v Iasi week, did not attend Tin1 night’s lirs! major point of i onti’iition was dm value and dfsi rain I its ol ASl'O expert urn r Lit and I on- said Ifmir activities in student govern ment, including efforts aimed at improving i ampus safely and ur lung tuition me reuses. make thrill tlir i undulates tli.it is ill 11 i.t s i tlir tiiftrreiu l.rr vvllli lies llirrr years 111 experience ill student govern merit, is current I v tlir ASHI .it Ilnn.iti vi'