WEIGHT > MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP Art* you interested in: Illness' I tea isc ’ Nutrition? I at ’ I ndinj.’ the Yo Yo. s.yikiiomc ’ If yes, come join our workshop!!! Wednesdays April 15th, 22iui & 29th and May 6th Cafeteria, Student Health (’enter FREE Call 346-4456 to pre-register ,V;v «»■.«(/ h% tht tj/nryk I'Limmu I'ti^mmin i>u Uudtnt Hu..:h ( rnlo Winning isn’t all, say lawyers By R vers J.r rvs t> ;.twv«-fs iMigiigi-d U« . : .’’.HI- <• • vs . I kI• Ji• J with similar •mfssjRfs The jl'.lVViT of the ; 1111 M l.iry ttnisl fie j.so! ftir sol |;i: jif ■ I:i e over per sim.il |nt stig< Kiiicn Koseiilh.ii i prosecu ! i >r o! s k i n!i• .i ‘f i .id ' I Jam \\> 1/;:* t s.i.il 1 r iil.iv Ili.il law V ■ r s have .i rt ■ j > iiiMliilit V to It,. !i‘ \ !t;■ ;i 1 .iii.i i". term i.! i fftiiin i .isi s it ■ iJ<■ impor Kint to soi ie!y s wi'U-lx iiij; Von (inil ! .ire>;u.inliar>s of .i s', ■-trill lll.lt . ! doesn't ovist .invvs!11-r• iv.c it: !fir world Knseiilh.il s.iili f ill poorest tie rubers of tin I'urllimd mm mumly i f tin . '• ^ot .i i use. i.in In represented in .i court r im Klisl'lllh.ll s.llll 1 I,,:,; j S.III I• r list tv iii i mi ri);!ii l.ivs yi-r .m It to ri'/fit Lavcmo Norman. - H Rill Adams. Aaron Baker, Fran Milter, i... \ ■ Shannon Kay. Bnan Thompson. Allison Heber. Kevin Govro. BrodyKunz, • Scott Dunlap. Slu Thomas, i •> | We Need People of Vision W ho Want To Make A Positive Difference To Serve On Our Board. Ser\ me on the Hoard ol Directors of the l () Hookstorv is one ol the leu opportunitiesstudents base on campus to make a real diftcivnce 1 lie Hoard ot Directors cstablislics {X>ltc> tor the bookstore and plans loi the futuie c>l this non profit corporation. ,-\\:|iU|hly .2-Vw lyrm Position.*! • 2 Sophomore Student • I Teaching Faculty or Officer of Administration • I Graduate Student • I Classified Staff/ Management Service Personnel r acini v i Muaeni-ai-i.arge Nominations will Ih- taken at the Annual Meeting. Individuals may nominate themselves. lor more information, contact General Manager. Jim Williams in person or at 346-433 i. UO BOOKSTORE ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, April 14th at 3:30 in the Walnut Room, EMU (Across from lh< L'S Pust Office) aiong • > ■! • , 11\ .' • • bus • ' • ■ r, i f; voived in nilportunl sor nil jus ill ;it ■ i: i 1', ■ It < s! ! a vs s er s :;. A • tr ■ ' I i. to. of ifv* Mel/grf 1 .ise i loiU th" slilfl, K6senlhal fi i i al Hu Shi igh) :! bee M* ' t*1 /r!:■ I Mil sk tnheads had Sx-cn i inn u ii i! uf brutalis murdering .in Kthiopian m.m, . :. : ‘ I i K * ■ i ill* I llhiT SS .i v Although Met/gor had re cru ill d tin- s , iiilhx tor h is White Arvun Kesistani r hr avoided responsibility fur (hr murder bs < latnnng Ins r.it isi. viuleni liter,ilufe was prolet ted l>v tile hirst Amendment He said lie liev i r .!■ ' u : i A ordered tile kill inf.;, li*- unis named tin- skin le-.ids .iriii lu .k them under Ills wing Kosehth.il and another law yer. Morris pees eventually brought t iv>I suit against V (/;■* r on I ■ lei 11 i d the I .tliio pian s l.uiiilv This won S1J ri million lor tile delendant, vers lilt!i id whit h svas i ollet ted I he nation.illy publit i/ed i ase brought mans lessons to the torelront lor Kosenth.il The lirst was to keep It Mill j> slupid hr sail) ’Du-\ k:o w Vlrt/ger had- prinli'd r.11 |s| 15! iter .ii is Hi: the mien! id ► .nhi-.id it 1!inns Hew mild have tried to tiring 1\ 11 rights a< lion agains! ■! ' would in 1 reuse thi : ham es of losing And Rosenthal didn't want to Mel/.j • : k like a ini 1: i hex v tiled jinn a w rongflll di ath rivil suit, a suit that 1 iiaidi: I pul Mel/ger avvas iiut is as ahli; to ni 11 ffit* his voir e i)nniaj) 1 1 umnenh d on Dow ■ rs is Hardwn k. a Supreme tiourt 1 ase liiat eventually up lieid sodomy laws in the stale ol (.eorgia Although the r ase was lost. Dunlap encouraged the 1 rowd that .1 loss doesn't al ls a\ s mean the end rhi; lawyerly definition of winning or losing sometimes gets in our wa\ she said !hm lap ( homed Anita Hill is piool of that because she introduced tie- issue of sexual harassment into offices ar ross (he -country, despite the fact that (ll.irence ihomiis now Mis on (he So prerrte (Iourt The lectures were part of the "C elefirating Human Diversity and ' ' Cl I a i rn i n g the I’asl/t Ireat mg the I’resent' sym posiums i , i„ 50% off Our list price on ALL NEW GUIT ARS in stock! oflcr ^h>h! thru V'HW: Mttsii li's>on> ,n nil.ibU* in our storo music city I ! ':h f'rorl, U' l.'.IV l u • * I'n.r* rrfV • * * * • 1 ' , • i **’ * t (>|X'ti til Spin Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 You've heard the ominous facts, thought about it a long time, and i now you want to... STOP SMOKING! — Come join the American Cancer Society's I reshstart program to kick the smoking habit. — Freshstart provides participants with the essential information and strategies needed to direct their own efforts to quit smoking. — This is a 5-week Smoking Cessation Workshop held on each Wednesday. April 15th, 22nd, 29th, May 6th & 13th 4:00-5:30 p.m. Medical Library in the Student Health Center • s 10 refundable dejmsit if you attend all 5 sessions Sponsored by the l ifestyle Planning Program in the Student 1 lealth Center rreregister by Calling 346-4456