SPORTS Women down Cougars, Gophers By Jake Berg Err**aid Sports f d>!or For Oregon wnmim's track roach Tom Heinonen, Saturday's meet at Hayward field carnt' down to the final event But not really Hemonen. who had been too busy during the week to bother with making a form ( hart for tin' three-wav meet with Washington State and Minnesota figured that it all t ame down to the -iX-lOO-meter relay the final event for his team to beat the Cougars Saturday After looking at the si urebnard declaring his team's 7-1-02 win over Washington State. Hemonen smiled. I thought yye had to win the relay, but we didn't.’' be said "It looked pretty grim there for a while " It certainly -did i’en events into the meet the Duiks trailed -1-i i-t. and the Cougars were making a surprising hid for an upset win Divided into three separate dual meet scores. Oregon heat Washington State the Dinks topped the Oophers no to, and tin Cougars Minnesota 'Hi ,01 Washington State perhaps made the most ground in the 1,500. where the Dui ks were . on riling on points from Nicole Woodward In sload a limit ol llu kept the senior from the ra. e and the Cougars' Jennifer Carpenter, vs ho wasn't expected to enter the 1.500. got impor iitni serorui-plai r points for her team Oregon Ux>k its biggest step but k into the chase, though, hv shutting out tlic Cougars in the i.(H)i) l.tif v Nusrnlii run .1 provisional Nt'AA qiialifving time of 0 ,;n ir. for first pi,u (*, .1 ml Washington Statu landed ,1 hig goose egg iri tin' event. with tts only compel! tor finishing eighth That v\,is it given,' Heinomn s.orf We got that handily Vittorios mayhe vveren I >0 given us mm h as earned 1 amt; in the sptmis, vs h, : die Dm ks dominated Camara (ones, running in her i -tot) suit r tlit■ M.AA ( hariipi.'tisfiips (i n- 1 1 - first plat e in ,01 N< \.\ pros is r>4 1<> Ittuvhf would ! ave ' ■ tor thi- vvfl .'conditions that prt-vui .! s. 1 .;, 1 ri's!ii:i.ii i I,.!10 :i1 \\ I s lot) anti 200 In im(>r. sov, turn s LaKuma that w .0 1 fug ■ ; s, Hfiiionfit said Woods )om 1 till • : • • 1 v. run also won., th1, fX loo iurtt r i\ he the Dm ks in to 1 7 Olher krtv wins for th Ihn k-. one .111 tin javelin. where him Hvui! .m i k , ■ ■ ■ ■ • K took first and set nod k ••• n W : ■■ prising win 01 tin too hurdles Aim < J.■. ■ i 1 and idis.i UlJegg s ! sweep in t' h ,;t jim ; and lulic IJi'i k s fit .' p! . - in tin ! put Brooks’ surprise picks search for big offense By Dave Chartjonneau * rrw ,ik1 Sp«ir!s 'HtJ'-virM Oregon football i iu< h Km h Brooks wants hts oftense to find »l sel f. ami (hall desire translated into a l. wMjrjinv N til S.ihirti.iv s s. runm age I fir fust mi r pi • >n as the in mThim of f rrsh-r?. »n l.» i Ih.i; V K k v VV h j !’ h : \ \i■ • first - : ;: ig * >! N : e.. i 5' *■ ■■ «»pl i I W full it . er ! *r 1 )ohov .m V s «> r «■ anil until S t .) n IIuriver! 1; the two regulars ill (hr po ulinn \,%sl SlMMIIi s: • ■ ' ■ ■ ' i r! Ik*;:-.: V )V- : ! MlUtV () Ned at :V:h ■ * • tl ‘ ! ih■;.*.!nutng of spring prat In r O \t i i was Ins! • >n tin depth . hart a! the p»nut ion V. usgravr completed five ul , ; • m • It >r H \ artls hul unatde In guide the offense n.!. > w n O'Neil turn ; i tu lit si four passes and in 1 i t> of M fur 111 yards an \ .itds it;. . . . d o 1 ,1 !•■: !, - 1 . I ■ i. m m.ulf .i -■ tii who will lii- sl.irlmj: .11 tin- positions I OUH- Kill Tin- depth i hitrt id most dills, Hi11.-,k■ I I is iiuld to |.. In lurtlici .ihtt id III ' ■ ! . , ■ I 1 ! : . I : k I vS oil Id IMS \ '-.It r .;,%v,%v.viv.*.,.v.v.v.v.v.v.%v.v.v A ( ilVIIMNhl l$KK\kl VM • • Wtrkla v* * * “ / v/»t'vvu ^ Castries OMU I ITI S 11 EXCELSIOR CAFE I Ml» / 4 » r si th .it 8pm EMI' Ballroom Fuji tit M l Ml iir»k. Mvuitnf* S7. l I ,'M( > \ -IS() SPRING SPECIAL 3 months for s69°° r——— 11 1 1 i Oregon West -fitness 1475 Franklin 085-1624 "Best Location, Best workout' MostorCcrt