r GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eug«n*, Oregon B7403 U of O GRADS GET SCflfl ADDITIONAL A 3 W BONUS ON A NEW CAR NOW AT SHEPPARO MOTORS Co '\X* 4l «OT » (tt A'/,r\ia'ii * Pfojjufn U Ai>C>f T >» )f4 ■tv**** refute* «r*1 %;>«* I4> f»riA/t vf>g pfogfarr * h) ?H* pubiir 'u rw>t* .* -,*»<■ 1 QfOup 1 v»V* **\ 4»a .»bw Uj (J*«du«trfTQ wfth 4 |*>O0 .fVinwv-.il cash bat* <***■*? \-- *\ m**o mro arvuMnri 0 «»*rr*»< n'vn Pto* tbo>M 6 nx» if? i «• a j*- i Mxtlffl i4«*«» w"n a . *4b»*jn « yiK»^|i .*• *» c* »>ltod » n mMlwt t* ;k« tK«k> yniQnkrr >V* tot fTi-.rtf tto t-jJ »u Dtot li iW; JiT' :VWf\ ( ) A 1 Eagle Summit 3-Dr. «t*uu Sate Price $8,499 „ Factory Robate 500 ^ Special Rebate 500 Coltege Grad Price *7,499 You don't hovo to pay mora, to gat mora at Sheppard IVKJTQRS LTD ?300 W 7lh. finjone-343 8811 THEY DON'T LISTEN... IF YOU DON'T SPEAK OUT I In < )n tn> n I t'cislalurc "ill i haiu;* mum tarn pus, muii tarn i opt inns, and < >n giill's lullin' it mui dim I. It'll tIn-111 lui" lu li\ Mtasiiri' 5 and san- antssdilr. alTurdahlt'. and i|iialit> lliuht i I duration. CAMPUS RALLY Monday, April 13 12 Noon, I'Ml Courtyard Tax Reform Teach-In 1-3 PM. IMl Ballroom Sjnrak t : v mi 1 a v K t f(.'r 111 Mir t rut»' r* H > « ( w t s | . V Hr, I ' • u: i 11:11 mn and I in ollim nt \\ here I *. V : • 1 V .m 1 \ .in Kt ^iNtratinn. \N hal < .in \ uu D* V1“-of I! s,v. ".S ' i H , I ' . \ K -.IS.' . ! , • = I «<: I ■: ■ Uo \ RALLY Cor: nued '"o^ Page * Malt Cox ASR) xluiicnl af fairs < oord matur is rnordina! ing the registration drive «it the UniversIH I hr best wav to hav* an rf fid ofi (Ihr legislature) is lo voir, ( ov said (People in ihr legislature t .sill tell vou lluit straight up You IS sit u> lh.it legislator s office in Salem and l fir V II s.j \ ! \ r , i str fjrtj In your argument and I under viand V'Mir prints and I support d; hut if no one m vnurrbnsht ui’iii , is voting then I can't, play frail \v itfi you '! I! r S( HI ASK) and SOI K< I- .hope to get enough student voters registered stair with Ifj a potent fun r in the sion the Legislature in V lurif nr A ugu $1 i hr nivrrsity suffered nui : .las! , • ■,ir in On- wakr <1 phase nui' u! Measure 5 in ,iii Thr College of Human Devel opment and I’cf fnnn.im f closed. graduate teacher eduta Imn programs were eliminated, there were 200 layoffs 1,500 fewer students and 22 programs lhal w - re i-11 hrr altered or closed I hr i niversitt Iiudgrl ( ) f n < r ii.is proposed ,i S 150 increase in lie non resident tuition sur i !i.i!|t tor loo.1 or The propos ai has to tje ratified In the Stair* Hoard of Higher I.duration l-ist \ear the state system ,il higher edurattori lost 1,1100 slo dents and OH degree programs sistarit with tin Oregon Si Lohln i\ e CLEANUP Continued from Page 1 sponsored by the National Student (Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness, is also held in more than 140 colleges and universities across the t ountrv I tie project at tin* l'ni ver sus raised more liian S<»00 I he lot al organl/.atUrns Haiiitat lor Humanity and Kamils- Shelter House will rei el vii 50 peri ent of the funds raised from the hunger i learnip projet t w iule the * idler SO pert ent will go to the itional Student (ann i-aign Against Hunger and Homt lessness to light hun ger and homelessness in the nation YOUTH Continued from Page 1 v\ ■ .rk i /.i!« i i program {>; u «*s ,i h«‘.»v\ I'lnphtiMs nil rao. mg • iv% 11r(■ i.* riiuc alrti voters ( r< i!5«v« t f «>'ii I. if !\ lo l.ilk a I« nil t’livironin* ? . - . • Wi . i. I !h«* oft on tons** (jflMlrs .if s t.iust Inchon Within th« group, hul lh«* roopofu ji.it, i,,) !. ,i!.j.ii'ii' (hi- jir. n-< In t ri'.Hi’s tint , ' ■,, ' ; \ u i ,'k i! ,11 is . -.\ ■ k : /• t hr r ' *•!t .mil -Jive together ' Ur; . said 11,• • |truer,im tends ■ i i a l erl.iin 1 ypi; i.i prison t.m,l Kiit vvli.i agrees to ip and go a lor summer is going iu ! ■ into gulling •m ,iv .iiut i.1mllonging themselves U i its s.iui \ V(: c ri'wnn mhers ,ir. p ud >1 > an hour, whid ■ n w leaders earn S‘,0 a d i, program is i .iiti utlv a< i opting upphi..iliu; ■ : a I hr l‘J‘12 summer sessions (Rtxuhirhj $1.50) W. v vtt*J Capri pus SUBSHOP 1225 folder 345-2434 N ■> \ .i ' 1- i\ t-t\ yt v* tlh .» v • !u*f (!i»« mints or « mjpOft* (W L »ufx*ti per £u*t«>mrf I ij'irt'Si <' 12 J MEN'S HAIRCUTS c V- * ■ M‘ ' * ■ V t » W Sr* * v • . M> ' -.r ; ■tfwgrw Cuts ONLY 10 DUCK TAILS SALON U* MMi • Hy I M I M«.«: ( TERIYAKI ALLEY CURRY DISHES_lg.3.50 sm.2.50 BEB1M RICE....5.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK.™.—3.50 YAKJSOBA NOODLES.......Ig.3.50 sm.2.50 TERI BEEF...™.„...3.50 ACROSS FROM DAIRY QUEEN 1306 H1YARD* 3*5-9555 CORRECTION A slurv , !hi April 10 Em cralJ iri(.orn(.ilv irlrrrt'ii to ,m un!liro|>oIugv 0 -i her us Kolirri ( h.iiifv .ind Ins i hiss ,is .inlhro |>i)lo>4\ 10,1 Kit hitrtl i I-ini■ \ Ir.i! Ill's .lllllmipologV loti Tin- Emmild regrets the er ror .mil any ((infusion it may have reused 0|m m 7 l>.tys • ||| 7#l«>| International Career Forum IF n IF W( MED IS TRULY A GLOBAL ECONOMY THEN WHY IS IT SC) IIARI) T() FIND AN INTERNATIONAL JOB.’ I.ilk 10 senior murn.iuon.il executives from these companies on what opportunities exist in the inurnaiional market plate and what skills companies are looking for: • ESCO • NIKE • TEKTRONIX • U.S. BANK April 15, 10Q2 4:00 p.m. - 545 p.m. Knijjhi Lihrar* Insiruc tional Media CCenter Studios A, B, and C \ la (. Oregon I JNi t System l Spmvirred r*\ ( Vfjjon l\,»umu ! )«**!