EDITORIAL Oregon giving A-10s a post-Cold War shot Putting the so-called "peace dividend" into prat lice lues taken <1 c relative but strange turn in Oregon A pair of surplus Air Force A It) jets — originally designed for destroying tanks and other armored vehi lies is being transferred to the I S Forest Service, which will use them to fight forest fires. Fighting a fores! fire is. in some wavs, similar to flying over a battlefield The* pilots of retardant-dump mg planes flv through vicious updrafts, turbulence, smoke and. when thov’rn done drop theirordnance on the target in this case a fire AppurentU someone decided tin ungainly A 10 would be a good candidate for the ;ob It can ftv as siov\l\ as 'Ml miles per hour or as fas! as ri(K) If nothing rise, six* (Mam* uni !»' able tii respond to any hot spot% ij u It;k I \ I hr plane is lillUMi.il ls maneuverable, which the l ures! .Service believes would' make it an ideal vs amor in ! tie la’!.! ajjatnst fores! tires P , ,i’so dura ble American pilots iu the Persian (lull vsir were t oe.st.mtU .iiovs ic.p oft the battle ifaiiiiii'.e their A tils It is a shame, however, that no one could have applied the A-10's maneuverability and durability to peaceful uses in the first place. ( oulu siist.iln and st11! II v Putting out sonic tires and e a mo:-amenta yy.iste 1 tie A to project yy iii at least otter hope tlr.it some of the technology w II make the yvorid a lietter place to live in. It is a shame, hmvever. that no one could have uj) plied the A Ill's maneuverability and durability to peaceful uses in the first place For decades, the gov eminent has been obsessed ysith finding better swiys to kill, eating up a ipi.trier of the federal budget in the jiroi ess Obviously, some of the Reagan era toys battle ships, nut dear yveapons and cruise missiles are good for nothing but death, and a II t bomber yyouhi make a I rummy jetliner It's anybody's guess y\ here we'd be as a nation it yvo had put our resourr es and technology to more i onstrurtive use years ago Emerald PO KDlH EUOlHl OMtGON *>401 t '■«» ’I'm * i • .»• v*' . s'- ‘.'•4*1 i|.i > KV- »' i, h ' t -go <> \ l *> »«■' . ■«> nr. »Wi,-► »f4* ■ • » ,y '*1 ,41 > M " »»-• I '*» * t • .» u \ »t *. a m* • of ’*•« V - .p »'•*) f 1 ••*» | -"*»'.»»! . . > n , ',•«»■*» !'*» ,f* tt* *> ».«» •• ‘ ’ . i: •• t* I d«oi m Cht*i . wtUi M*n«gmg t Jrtof ( dllt'fMll l d»toi Griphtci I diiof t rrt«M*inm»nl f ditor .1" (>«/'»•»•* J*»" Pa\ .»> I anor t ditortal l dtiof Sport* ( drtor In Touch t drtof M VH>r< Aooocut# f cJrtor* SUkJ#o< Cov*«nm«nt Actufti** [\t » » T*»t;>« Community t S«»M H*gh«r t duc«t»n Adminuli»lton ■. .*••*< i m> «> f •*lur*» l . iM ♦k,.» R#port«r • T.v^^v !! »'«r> I* > (>.«>«! ' •rt*> • .fctiD&y ,•*' K -r. *» .«• V>a • uu '*'■■' -J Copy I Alon P * I . «. ►.»#>' t jm s f »«: '< »„♦* *’-i Uvwsh • • « *a W ’ ^v ► » y Photogr •*»*>•»» «- i M • n» ”«’*» Advertising J»*.i (- *J*#> ( .» ,i ; « » »v i mw1 ■ » «* »• •»' M * Hr ‘ t k • • . tMk ♦ Cl1».; ■ ■ M u> » ‘ *« ■*» f V’> «< .no 'W - » T ot> S' ,i Cla»>rf*d ^ * • ;** A .» •* ■ ** Pioduction , •* .Mi •> ■ • ’ A • . . . **..» W . M a M*n*g»r *> f *A Adv*rti»iivj i) tmclot t- . - + *' ov.'n Offc* Ub SSI 1 146 iM2 Aijv*'' Acf**rt *; „• 146 371? .144. 4 14 3 Ai < Pi^ CAN CXMEP . w. S€..‘\T'T^ C N*> .i ' - % rj . . I*KTkACTite FOR "~t SOS" OF ASSiSTAtee PROGRAMS '/XCSEPS RXC STAMPS DISTRIBUTION OF SjRPS. COKKt^TE: SERVICE AGLNC IS AND a*m COSTS. YXR TCTAw COMES TC TUKEt. CENTS...HAVE A MICE DAY. MAN IT 3 TTUS*. Kt-EPIMo S vS~ BUREAUCRACY. LETTERS Transplant In fesporise In L.irl (.uMH'Ii s i i'i if s .i t'. m! ,i(iur 1 ii in iOP I April ft) (,e! ,t uteris 1 i ' ll \vi t.bk Jennifer Collison Geology Jennifer Howe Music No joke . .Ii. ►. • . .\ ' W hilt m.i it \mi .iS11 . J r.iinrnv Bate V s .11! is ! ' ■ 1| lb! I'.fn ■ I It! ! ’ April »> edition hi ibi l ini nii.l In the s.ini. breath thul tin* y.ix t (iniittuIt11y Ji iUM'i the movie industry ol i.ishtip sle re utypes. tin fj.iv i umimirntv demands it. i» shoxx n in i l.iv«•r.itili* stereo type As .i 111 mni.ixe 1 end eiiltfit u! llie I'llmnhikrrs' i.ltih mu^.i /me, 1 aim .lll.lstieif by tile bate ifirei ted .it people of m\ profes SloU A.ie |)ui kst.ider. l.ilt. \ i direl tor. IS .|l|i ill’ll When \ i iii sen e lip stelv , tx pes \ in; e\ ( luile tile puss dillitles It s ,i i eiied stir! ol thought control (Jtiier iji.iil. s in i)e. s- hide! V li.; ■ W e ! i: ad i\ ■: l. r. expose tile ipnnr.ime .mil fill ism of the g.ix i mnmunitx Its h. e no-, r X . is m i'mu e ill litfes .Hid \fe.nis/rts‘(* !..r example 111 II: 11 tile expel !,i ! ions e! I heir !. In.m.ikfrv .is d. tilt1 hntiuisex .i.i Is Hi />.s 11 //! stun ' II rx .in.i Slh'lu e o/ /..imfis M xs ii! to him.:.', to tile movies hilld tile movie industry) to idi.m^e these roles ins .luse ol iie'teroplliiiil.i It tile j".i\ i - mnnitiilx dnesr; : hie tux portr.iy.il ol liomosexuais m m\ si re. tipliix An .in V;/i/.;s Irmn Unlit mi x. k 11-1xs vx h.it they i .in do1 l itis is n.. i.ik. Bryan Westby Student Friends 1 w ,1 nI to t.) 1 k about in \ trn-nii'- il Oregon H.ill Ihrv .in1 good 1 rirni)s w ho i urn ulxiut me and only want to help miv eueh m Ihrir own special way Sometime-. ! want to go o\ rr tilin' ami mat their (at os in, but I remember they only w • ' ' :m' ki.'ui to tin' no 1 fan hn\ e a groat day ' ! make mistakes too! ;11hl last term 1 rode nn bicvi In on the •• elms a > !il 111Mf it II \ ( ic N.i/.i was ihcic iii remind me that s!ii-. is ini! mimethmg .1 In-!jiiui viisin^ m.m would do ! in re >’ the uni', one w ho tor ^e!s though! Oregon Hail ha got i already paid m\ monev i hen they forgot three more times Oops1 I h e i r a / \ .pee K. : s’ Vs .is el '. ■; m\ tie nds so often i hate them if.'-. V\ • i’ . 11 ! \ i MM* flit- . I S w » : ‘ Ufr, hunt h id neat goats* Cory Larvik Student People, too I ;t,>1 re,id Neal Skorpeti ' (•' , .it tlir I rrshm.m in the \pri! u inu-niLI In l! Skorpen pokes lun • ’ three imirr or loss won kn >vs n utdivs.l mils t>1 liir t .mi in:.mU vs Ini ate hardly tils gutsed s .is u i .; .1 . .in -ivorage col logo student .ill ol whom ho reiers !n as si revslsbls Tho college studont repro sonis mi one in particular and is therefore h.trmloss, bul tho other depictions clearly repre son! spot du potipio rummuniy sis’ii in ar i arnpus and are tar less innocuous These portray als are insulting, insensitive and most usable Docs Skorpen have no supervising editor, or Is tills person equally lllsensi live' I be three null-student people Skorpon displays ire lust that people, with toolings and a right to dignity believe it or not His disrespectful ( ait: Himsh vs ding does little tin! perpetuate stereotypes o! psychological disturbance and homelessness Skorpon tins is not funny This coinit is sad. !or it demon shales hovv dangerous someone vs ith a pencil and a medium I ail he, ev on d he th.:: ss tie Is a riot Michael Bryant Graduate student Psychology Think first The < iirmnt pi-tilion that pro noses ,1 to portent redm lion in student iii-, is not onlv tint ep os c. i Hit i! pit ssi d w till I d ill' t'V trcmels hiirmiul to programs svii i. I: make Oils iiii iTsr .i!:.i pm-.it tivi- learning institution l ’niVrlssSs st udelil go e. ps mi: tribtiti- to tin1 livelihood ot iHith the Dtmerstty .inti tin - i ornmu ntts Sul h proposed i uis wiiuii! be highly detrimental to both it i*1 si1 groups it tins ballot itn .istio passe-, tin i on •! j.ii i. i s tor s,i!, :\ unit equds programs would !»■ si' vi’Ti' I-of example, a HI percent out !11 .i group sat h .is Saleride would nu'.in titi• v t tiuld not run as mm !i or us ifllti ii'tith. as tin s might ni'i'd to (hirrentlv S.ili ;.•!'• turns ass us .m .ivi-tage o( to women each night i bis niiintx r wuuid im rease drimni! .. a its ;! lunds were ill! Is jeop .i.ol l/lllg iMil.ii : s sale's really vs urth it' I'urlhermom, a 10 pari ent i ut to groups would allet t stu .ti nt stipi'nds that are alreads ■ -xtremelv minimal II tints am red m ril even mom, loss -m i .mil- students would have Inn i11■ 11 ai ; ass to student ii'adi'r slop positions Should sin h po sitions mils tin iivatliiblo to th.isr si idi fits who ian alford them' I’li'.iM' ask yoursi'lt tbi’sr questions before you sign alls petition Student groups am foundrd bv students, for stu dents Don't tic fooled by dc cptivc inliirmation I'hml, Im !, ire si Hi sign it w ill alfci t us all Kedey McCroery Saleride CORRECTION Kim Si hlilller's commen larv in ihf April Hi lunrrulil should have read. While the (K A is using the slogan that g.i), and lesbian i lli/ens should not he entitled to 'special rights, the gist of the initiative would he to re quire the state to adopt a right-wing. Christian funda mentalist view in all levels ul government toward gavs and lesbians 1'he I'mrr.tUi regrets this error