Oregon Daily MONDAY, APRIL 13,1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 132 Students (from loll) Sean Russel, John Hiebl and Pal McCreory tidy up the lawn in front ol a l ugene homeless shelter Saturday as part of OSPIPG $ annual Hunger Cloanup Project raises $600 to fight hunger j Students roll up their sleeves and go to work for the eighth annual Hunger Cleanup By $00 May Wong Abiiiit ! SO t’lmersity ,m tie program vs Iih Is in v id veil .1 uvo-l..ui! i uinruunitv ( ;■ (» win ii ihr stuiitmt vuluntii'is diviiii-d into groups .mil w m !.. 15 work sites u llicu omimi: • \ clnantip work The s' uli'iils ;;oi sponsors to ilimatc moony in r\ i for th- work Ki'|ir« si iil.ihvi's (mm thf l-minH H ini si* Sholtur. 1!. ilnt.it lor Hu •:i.i i:.11 .Hill (J' l'IKt . spok>' In . unli-rrs about tin1 problems ol himgt'f iirwi liiiuiitltssni'ss in 1,'u gnne .ini! in th* i utiritrv Lvirvilay 00,001) people tin from t'jiusiss ol hunger ; >i .\ 1!; *: i m >! I hr i hi uur !rss t.imiilrs. sauj thrsr t hiidri'n untjrf^ci ir.iiitii.ilK rxpt'f u’ih cs wiiit h i t iii id hu rl mm j * * l v m thr In * tun I !; ■ huti^r: . w hic h is T,m 1 CLEANUP P i j. 4 Students join forces to push for tax reform j Today's rally to address upcoming second phase ot Measure 5 By Paul Morq,m f . 1 l\'w trt'nitV* . Ill* Sliidrnl C i.mlilmn lor Hi^hrr L.due atlon and I hr AS l JO may no I hr trv 114; lo make* tax re; I nr m a iimn- r\ i Huh; isMir, hut lli.it i apply U i!; i: I. a W . . k she W• > 11f«■ paring her ung < rew tor v%«if k Ha I’rospft t Kanpur Distru t [ was terrified Walls said . had never dmcii a van or hat k.ed up a tradrr or siartrd a i .imp stove That's vvliffi sin? look, a youth turps motto to heart ; didn I know lh.it 1 could do it sin* said But th** youth corps philosophy is. ; ust ti v it, and that s w hat I did It's thr same lesson hundreds of \ >ang piHiple learn every summer through tin \Y< program . lie> a:, to the organ i/at inn . * ir iItiTi; itiVi--, to lr.niilmn.il summer jobs 111<■ sens. ! at t ninpltshmeni they gel tr :i; ’fie pi , •.;< .illy demandmg work ■ . mI:;. vs ith ! hi1 trrr i'i v You [jut ihi'in in linii envimnrnnnt and I hallenge them In work iwrii. and ama/mg things happen said NY( Hi r*‘< tor Aitiiur f’ope Tin vontiis join for five or ms week m -.sains to work a v ani ty of outdoor jobs in m.ii.i- ol t!u Northwest's most rugged country I: fa; a si ion. a votilii i orps ( revs in.iv |.i i ii! to i niimlx f of locutions tor (nils ii as imildiiig and malnl.linillg ii sing trails, eleaning i reeks, developing i a f r: |. f i d s and restoring wildlife h.itu!.il 1 f.- ii'- mi pi//a parlors .uid there s no filasa 1'iipe said ■( gives them a rt• .j 1 pers|n i 11vi' im their iitiility I" 'Id things they ir never (ittile helme The I S Forest Servile iiml sever,il lure'.! produt Is r utnputiies r onltii I NYt lur (lie prujei Is Mi e! ' > f ill'1 111M111 r 1 >• 1< i r lire progr.ilii is gem-ruled by those pm Wi spend ,i Ini id time selling the ( urn epl. 1‘npe s.nd We trv In find groups ill.it .ire pro youth .Hid wind to give youths this edu< .ihornil opportuni tV " However the (ontllllling ( (UitroversV over hnrvesting old growth limber Inis rcdured job opportunities from forest produi Is i onip.itiies If they're not working, we're not 1 furn to YOUTH f’.ige 4 SURPRISES Oregon football coach Rich Brooks made some surprising roster changes Saturday See BROOKS. Page 5 VISIBILITY Organizers of Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Pride Week say they will try to put a "hu man face" on Eugene's lesbian and gay population See PRIDE WEEK. Page 3 TRACK WIN The Duck women's track team defeated Washington State and . Minnesota Saturday Sex? WOMTN, Page 5